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Goal Statement:

The Center of Teaching and Learning needs to increase awareness if all

faculty members of the Seven Essential Capacities of the General Education

curriculum adopted by San Diego State University in 2008. They are to

increase awareness and motivate faculty and staff to implement the Seven

Essential Capacities into their coursework.


Deans and Department Chairs: This campaign aims to reach the Deans and

Department Chairs of the separate colleges within the University. This was

decided based on the focus group findings on how professors receive

information and decide its importance.

• To increase awareness by X%
o Targeting the deans / department chairs to change knowledge
• To encourage the Deans and Department Chairs in providing a positive
influence towards the professors on how they feel about the Seven
Essential Capacities
• To implement and oversee that the Seven Essential Capacities are
being incorporated into the course by checking a hardcopies of syllabi.
• To accomplish all three outcomes by the end of May 2010 awareness,
attitudes and implementation of the 7 essential capacities of general
education will increase by X% among SDSU faculty
• X% will be determined by the client Strategy to get to objectives
Action Strategies:

Strategy 1: (increasing awareness strategy?)


Communication Strategies:
Message Content

Strategy 1: Visual Identity

Tactic: Slogan for the campaign.

Keeping San Diego State’s motto:

“Minds that Move the World.”

Communication Strategies:
Message Delivery

Strategy 2: Visual Identity

** FYI, side notes not included in the project. The budget goes into
Implementation with the Amount of $ that we are given, which is a BIG FAT
ZERO. -- We will be using SDSU's "unlimited resources" as Dr. Brock Allan
CTL luncheon/ informative orientation
Trying to use*placemat idea again*
Press release by president Weber to gain attention of deans and department

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