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AFTRS : Sound









Top Tips: Sound

'If you want to communicate you have to listen.' 1. As an exercise spend some time listening to the sounds around you. 2. Check voice levels before shooting. If you are setting sound recording levels manually remember that digital sound on a MiniDV camera should not peak at 0dB on the VU meter. It should be between 12 and 0 dB. 3. Assess the locations where you will be filming. Are there disturbances like radio, powerful wind or clocks in the place you are shooting? How can you do reconnaissance? If doing inspection before the shoot try to do it at the same time of day that you will be filming to get an accurate idea of the sorts of environmental noises you may encounter. 4. No matter what sound you are recording the single most important thing to do is to get the microphone as close as possible to the sound source. Buy an additional microphone and cord to use on a boom pole or to be positioned closer.

5. If you need good quality sound, and the only microphone available is the camera mic, position the camera close to your subject (within a metre). 6. Make sure you have sufficient wind protection on the microphone.

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AFTRS : Sound

7. Wear headphones to hear what the microphone is hearing.

8. Make sure the person is speaking clearly, not mumbling. 9. Record the atmosphere (or 'buzz' track) of the location for use in sound editing as this will help to smooth out any differences in background sound. 10. If applicable record some location musical performances in stereo and of content that you can the legally use. 11. Where music is also playing in the background during shooting make sure it is non-descript so that editing is not sonically jarring or the sound can't be used because of clearance issues.

Resources/Facilities Studying Documentary Short Courses Headlands Sound Top Tips: Storytelling Storyboard Story Perspective Preparation Interviewing Lighting 3 Point Lighting Cinematography

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AFTRS : Sound

Composition Shot Size Framing Editing Sport

Australian Film Television and Radio School 2008 | T 1300 131 461


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