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Inspire Create Learn

Ms. Gallays

St. Anne School

September 2013

I believe that children have a natural curiosity for learning. I attempt to tap into that natural curiosity through cross curricular teaching strategies, including inquiry. Of course, meeting the expectations of the curriculum is vital, but I believe the children will learn classroom rights. more if they can These rights will view content as guide our behaviour important to them. and actions. They In my classroom, will serve as our I try to foster a classroom rules. climate of respect, inclusion, and Tell me and I forget. tolerance. We are Teach me and I currently in the process of learning remember. Involve about human rights me and I learn. and will eventually make our own - Benjamin Franklin

Homework will be minimal. I allow class time to work on all assignments, and aim to give enough time to finish an assignment in class. If your child misses a school day, they will be expected to catch up on missed assignments at home. When students do have homework, it should not take more than an hour to complete. If assignments are outstanding, parents will be contacted by email, phone, or homework slip.

Day Planner
Most days, students will be given time to enter homework and important items into their day planners. I will use the classroom blog to post homework and upcoming events as often as possible. All students were given a calendar book and created a homework duo tang. Our goal will be to use both daily or as needed.

Evaluation will vary for each inquiry unit. Rubrics will be used often, and feedback for students and parents will be prompt. Rubrics will usually be provided to students before an assignment has begun. Exams and quizzes will be given when appropriate. Students will be given at least one week notice for tests.

Class Blog

For more information on curriculum outcomes, class schedule, and monthly themes, please visit our class blog and sign up for email notifications:

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