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Aesthetics Unit Outline Lesson #1 Introduction to Aesthetics A// What is Art?

t? Bag of goodies things most consider art, most dont consider art and controversial pieces. Overhead split in two - Art / Not Art Pull each item out of the bag and ask the class if it is Art. Why? Why not? Write reasons onto chart (overhead off) Challenge students in their opinions and have students articulate the reason for their choice and defend it. Go over Art/ Not Art overhead they have created and discuss whether they agree with what we have said is Art and is not Art. Who gets to decide what Art is? Does everyone get to decide for themselves or Do we have to agree on a universal definition? Is Art Subjective or Objective? 20 35 minutes depending on energy level of class B// Overhead Aesthetics Copy Discuss/ Explain 15- 25 minutes C// Handout The Philosophers Approach to Aesthetics Read as a class and expand on each point. 10 15 minutes D// Homework Assignment What is Beauty? Put Assignment sheet on Overhead to copy. Students must bring in something they think is beautiful and explain to the class why they think it is beautiful. They will have 2 minutes each. At the end of the presentations students will do a page write up on what they think beauty is. (formulate and defend position) Expectations met in this lesson: Demonstrate understanding of main questions ie) What is Art?, What makes something a work of Art? What is Beauty?, Is art objective or subjective? Understand key concepts ie) aesthetics, aestheticians Formulate and defend responses to main questions of Aesthetics is) What is Beauty, What is art?

Aesthetics Assignment What is Beauty? 1. Find something that you think is beautiful. Think! Dont be boring. 2. Think about why you think it is beautiful. Search your inner self. 3. Bring the beautiful thing to school tomorrow. (if you cant transport it take a picture) 4. Present your beautiful thing to the class and explain why you think it is beautiful. (you have two minutes) (10 marks How much thought went into your choice, How clearly did you present your reasoning) 5. Once everyone has presented their beautiful thing you will be required to write a page explaining what you think beauty is. You will need to clearly express your definition and defend it using examples and clear logic. (5 marks How clearly, convincingly and logically have you expressed yourself)

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