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Listening level 2.2

Teacher: Quiet, class! Who remembers what we said yesterday about why people
have migrated? Umm… OK…Ron.
Ron: Well, a long time ago people were hunters. They migrated to
follow the animals. Then they learnt to domesticate some of the animals.
But they had a problem. They needed to feed the animals. So they
moved to find food for the animals. Finally the people began to grow
their own food, so they didn’t need to move so much.
Teacher: Good, Ron. In recent years people have migrated for different reasons.
Lazar, your family immigrated to England. Do you know why?
Lazar: Well, there was a war in Kosovo. My father decided that it wasn’t safe
there so we came here to be safe.
Teacher: That’s very interesting, Lazar. Thank you. Can anyone else tell me why
people move from place to place?
Alex: My grandfather came here from Russia. He said that he came
because he wanted religious freedom.
Mary: My mother came from Africa. She was very poor and there wasn’t
much food. She wanted a better life.
Teacher: Thank you. Those are all very interesting reasons. Now open your books
and let’s read about a family that left Mexico after an earthquake
destroyed their home.

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