Violent Volcanoes!: The Trafalgar School at Downton Year 9 - Geography Key Homework

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The Trafalgar School at

Year 9 – Geography Key Homework

Violent Volcanoes!

Your task is to make a model of a volcano

It must be big enough to show all the details required, but small enough that you can carry it to
and from school!

(If your crater is hollow at the top with a solid bottom, we will be able to use it in a real eruption simulation!)

1) Your volcano model must show the following details. You need to look them up and label
them clearly – for example you could stick labels at each of the correct places on your model,
or add them to a labelled drawing/diagram of your model.
• Sloping sides (what type of volano is it?)
• Crater and Vent
• Ash, lava and boulders from a previous eruption
You may also wish to add other details, e.g. subsidiary (secondary) cone, bulge from gas
build up inside, lahars, pyroclastic flows.

2) Surprisingly, in many places around the world, there are houses, roads and even cities built
on the sides of or near volcanoes. Add at least three human features onto your model and
label them.

3) In the event of an eruption think which things on or around your volcano would be affected
first? What would some of the effects be, based on your own model and what is there?
Write a prediction of which features are most and least in danger and give reasons.

How your work will be assessed

Level 3 • I can make a model volcano showing some features.

• I can predict at least two effects or hazards in the event of an eruption.
Level 4 • I can correctly label at least four features of the volcano and surrounding area on my
• I can predict a variety of effects of an eruption using geographical vocabulary accurately.
• I can correctly label all listed features and others that I have added to my model.
Level 5 • I can add human features on or around the volcano.
• I can predict the likely effects of an eruption of my volcano and what level of risk there is
to each feature.
• I can show and label a variety of human features.
Level 6 • I can predict what will happen to the features on my model in an eruption referring to
specific characteristics of my model.
• I can predict both primary and secondary effects.
Level 7 • I can write a detailed prediction of both primary and secondary effects, including social,
environmental and economic impacts.

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