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Valentina Moreno Professor Vana English 144a September 11, 2013 Though most people can spot a huge

difference between college and high school, I can only say that in my experience was different. Because I was prepared for college at my high school moving to a college level study isnt strange at all. But what I can add is that through means of schedule and responsibly both subjects differ greatly. There is always a difference in environment but the move from high school to college depends on how well you have challenged and prepared yourself for the next level. Through my experiences I can explain the similarities of both subjects by the results if you have applied yourself effectively in your high school career. Applying yourself to school was never that difficult as most of my peers would complain, in fact passing a regular class was easier than it was difficult. I entered AP classes because regular classes were doing a disservice for my academic experience. I notably noticed the difficulty and challenging atmosphere of a college level class. Notably this experience allowed me to improve as a student and become prepared for any possible challenge in the future. As I entered college it wasnt to my surprise that the challenge and workload of my classes would be challenging and somewhat difficult. I did not make it this far because of my school, like Mike Rose, I had many Jack MacFarlands who were able to get me into the place I am today. As in Roses experience like every high school, my school didnt encourage or informed any students of the possibility of college. Most of the people who did care were only the teachers; they went out of their ways to open up possibilities for most students. As it states in Roses writing, I developed further into a mediocre student and a somnambulant problem solver in average this is what most schools want of student, they only follow the instructions of what the Board of Educations have commanded them, but there isnt an ounce of academic integrity or ambition for their students.

Though academically both my college and high school might not differ entirely, culturally they are definitively different. Because a high school schedule is very solid and consistent it has produced a bad habit for me to become more flexible. In college, my schedules of classes are very few and have a huge gap of free time in between that I am not used to. Because of that, getting comfortable in college has not been entirely easy, but through the weeks I am slowly adapting to this change. Another aspect of having a different life in college is the workload and responsibilities that are given to you. Like most teachers in high school, it wasnt unusual for them to remind the class of assignments constantly. In college it all depends on your professor, and they dont have to remind their students because its as a young adult its their responsibility. The second thing that I mentioned was the workload, in my honest opinion; I believe that college gives less work than high school did for me. This might be because of the many subjects I had to take a day; rather in college you take fewer classes than you did in high school. In a steady pace, I am truly getting adjusted and comfortable with the change of environment. It all depends on the experience of the student to see the similarities and differences of a high school and college student. Through my own eyes the transition from high school to college wasnt any different in academics. But through time management and home assignments, it greatly had different atmosphere. In most cases a huge transition like this might be frightening, but if you carefully think and prepare beforehand it wont be.

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