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The Holocaust Timeline!

By: Alex Howard Kalise Love DAsia Hunter

Feburary 27,1941: Amsterdam, In relationship to an innocient incident , Germans arrest 425Jewish men , beat them and deported 389 of them to Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Two months later they transferred 364 of them to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp. 10 of them commited suicide. By Auttum none of them were alive. April 21,1941: a mentally ill woman was forced by the sentries to dance by the barbed fence entrance to Lodz Ghetto .When she was done the shot her!

Continued. (1941)
June 22:Nazis invade Russian (Jewish pop. 3 million). June 25/26: 3,800 Jews killed during a program by Lithuanias in Kovno. Oct.2 : Beginning of the German Army drive on Moscow.

Oct. 14:Mass killing of Jews from Mizouz Ghetto in the Urkrane. June 1: Jews in France, Holland, Belgium, Crotia, Slavokia, Romania, ordered to wear gold stars. Sept.9:Opened pit burning of bodies begin at Ashuwitz in place of burial.there were 107,000 corpeses. Nov.1 : the mass killing of 177,000 jews in the area of Bialystok. Dec.28:sterilization experiments on women at Birekenau begin.

Feb 5: For 14 hours the Jews stood In place, in the snow, during a roll call. They each are beaten, chased ,and pushed into the gas chamber. Feb 1: 123Children under the age of 12 are deported without their parents from parents to the chambers of Birkenau. Feburary 13: 12 young Jewswho had escaped from Bialystock Ghetto Deportion attack a German police unit in Libpowy Most.

Countinued.. (1943)
Feb 4 : Germany kills 4 of the remaining of the 12 members of the Jewish council there.(6 others were sent to the gas chamber.) Feb (*no date): 15 trains of deportes reach Birkenau from Holland,Drncy (Paris) and from Berlin. 5,000 were gassed!

Jan. 25: Diary entry by Hans Frank , Gautletire of Polond, concerning the fate of 2.5 million Jews originally under his juris diction. at the present time we still have in the General Government perhaps 100,000 Jews. Mar.19: Nazis occupy Hungary (Jeweish pop 725,000) Eichman arrives with Gestapo special section commandos. Apr.6: Nazis raid a French home for Jewish children

Oct.30: Last of gas chambers at Aushuwitz . Nov.25 : Himmler orders destruction of cremetories at Acshwitz.

The End of the Holocaust

The holocaust lasted until 1940-1944.

. It was a nightmare that keeps on living through certain individuals lives forever

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