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Program Design Considerations Choice and Order of Exercises Total Body include all major muscle groups (1 -2 exercises

each major muscle) Both single joint (dumbbell biceps curl/leg extension) & multijoint (bench press/leg press) Multijoint exercises maximizes gains & closely mimic daily activities Perform multijoint early in workout muscles fresh & minimal fatigue Weight machines stabilize body & limit movement around specific joints Free weight exercises require more balance and coordination Exercise Intensity 60-70% of IRM 4 weeks 8 12 reps Exercise Sets multisets not necessary during first few weeks- progress to 2-3sets in 2nd & 3rd month, 1 -2 min rest Exercise Frequency 2 to 3 alternating days/wk maintain 2-3 dpw progress 2nd & 3rd mos Program Progression systematic increase reps @ current weight, add more sets, increase weight, alternate resting periods between sets One set of 8-12 different exercises Intermediate after 3 mos Split routine groups Chest, shoulders, triceps OR Legs, back, biceps

Push vs Pull related to opposing muscle groups lower extremities not push& pull classification Push load starts close moves away Dominated by chest, shoulders & posterior arms (triceps) i.e. Bench Press Pull load starts farther away Dominated by back & anterior arms biceps i.e. lat pull down & rowing Primary Mover triceps assistant bench press and shoulder press exercises If performed consecutive days triceps not receiving rest leading to fatigue and poor performance Advanced - Add additional exercise over and above core exercises different plans and angles Bench press (core) -> inclined bench add complimentary ORDER - Order large muscle groups before smaller ones legs, back, biceps legs largest 1st, back, then biceps Legs recruit greatest muscle mass squat exercise before smaller muscle mass i.e. seated leg curl, standing calf raise Exercise Intensity (beginners 60-70% IRM) Maximize Strength use higher intensity greater than >70% 1RM Hypertrophy lower intensity moderate load larger training volume (sets) p 135

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