The Human Learning - Mario

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The human learning

When we want to talk about the human learning, we find some interesting theories which help us to understand how the humans learn what make them learn? How they learn? Learn they unconsciously or trough a model? The environment is a fundamental at the time to learn a second language, but for learn a second language the people must have a previously knowledge of your mother tongue. For Ivan Pavlov the most important is the behaviorism theory for him the important is the outwards expressions, it mean what the human produce, but for Pavlov to can have a response the humans need an stimulated which motivated them to learn or to do an action, for example we the students, we effort us to learn English en our stimulated are the good grades that we have at the end of each period, at the same time we students have to take the challenge to at the end of the career our stimulated will be our title and be professionals, even in some case more in children is something like a reward and punishment, I think punishment are not necessary for create a learning in a child. Too, we have cognitive learning which is represented by a meaningful learning (David Ausubel 1918-2008), in the cognitive knowledge we already knowledge we already have a previous knowledge about the things that we going to learn, in this way the old knowledge is joined to the new knowledge making it more significative. New material is presented in a systematic way, and is connected to existing cognitive structures in a meaningful way as I before was mentioned that the previous knowledge are fundamental in this theory, for example when we star to study English at university, we already have a knowledge of English.

Knowledge and meaning from an interaction between experiences and ideas (Vygotsky)

For Vygotsky the knowledge is create trough the experiences that person live daily, but in the case of the learning of a second language is a little hard to have this theory as one of the best, because in our country all the people speak Spanish nobody speak English, and it is a disadvantage, because we are not really living experiences as to acquire a second language in a good way, I mean the environment do not help them, we as students only have an advantage that we can create our own environment for the learning of a second language, for Vygotsky the learner have to be the unique individual and the teacher only have to be a facilitator, even nowadays both are learners teachers and students, they have the facility of dialogue and make clear yours point of view, and it is a good way to learn and teach in a dynamic way, the students investigate about what the teacher told them, and he only make clear the things or something that students misunderstood. Humanistic theory of learning (Carl Rogers) In this theory we have four important points: Development of an individuals self-concepts and his personal sense of reality. Facilitation of change and learning. Teachers must be genuine discarding the mask of superiority. The teacher needs to communicate openly and empathically with the students and vice versa. One of the best way to create this kind of learning is make groups of meeting which will let students talk about yours problems and try to find solutions for its but always based in the reality in which are living each one of them, other way is make an open classroom which let everybody participate and can convey yours ideas with yours classmates and so they will learn in a cooperative way. And so we can find many more theories of the human learners which help teacher and future teachers to understand the behavior of students, and how we can teach in right way.

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