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San Marin High School School Mrs.Denise Smith Teacher

World Literature Course OR Contact Information

Personal Note / Welcome Welcome to sophomore year. It is my job to prepare you for the transition from high school to college. I have been teaching sophomore English for 10 years. I taught remedial, college prep and Honors World Literature. Teaching is my second career and I feel blessed to be doing what I have always wanted to do. I majored in English Literature at Mills College with a concentration in Afro-Carribean Literature and received my teaching credential and Master's degree from Dominican University. My thesis was on tenth graders! Course Goals (from course outline) Students will develop skills in reading, thinking, writing, listening, and speaking through in depth study of world literature in a variety of genres and through researching materials. The curriculum is based on the California State Standards for 10th grade. For access to the full text of the standards, go to Course Objectives (from course outline) Students will read and respond to historically or cultually significant works of world literature, analyzing in depth the structural features of various genres. Readings will enhance students study of world history. Students will write coherent and focused essays that convey a well-defined perspective and tightly reasoned argument, using clear precise language. Essays will include a narrative, response to literature, exposition, persuasive, and technical documentation. Students will write a research paper using Modern Language Association (MLA) format. Students will write and speak with a command of standard American English conventions. Students will deliver formal and extemporaneous presentations of narration, exposition, persuasion, and description. In addition to assigned reading in literature and research, students will read independently in a wide variety of genres and media. Texts (from course outline) All Quiet on the Western Front, Things Fall Apart, Macbeth, Antigone, Oedipus, The Appointment in Sammarra, The Odyssey and/ or The Samurai's Garden.

Progress Reporting (from Board Policy) Grades shall be reported at the end of each progress reporting period for all students. Progress reports will be mailed home and/or accessible to parents online approximately every five/six weeks. Whenever a student falls below a C- after the second Progress Report for either semester, the teacher shall arrange a conference with the students parent/guardian and/or send a written report. (Board Policy 5121) Classroom Policies (Required) Grading Essays are worth 100 points Research papers (one each semester) are worth 200 points Classwork/homework ranges from 5-75 points Quizzes are worth 30-75 Speeches are worth 50-100 points Behavior Respect yourself, your classmates and all school property. This includes, but is not limited to, opinions and ideas that may differ from yours. Negativity will not be tolerated. Above all, I expect you to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Homework Reading will be required every night! The only way to get better at anything is practice, practice, practice! Writing of responses, study guides, rough drafts, final essays and projects Classroom Tardies Being tardy is rude and disruptive to the class as a whole and will not be tolerated. You will incur the loss of daily participation points and/or incur other consequences such as a ten minute detention or a letter of apology. Supplemental Materials / Media (See Board Policy 6161.11) We will be viewing some or all of the following movies: All Quiet on the Western Front, The Odyssey, Terminator Three: Rise of the Machines, Macbeth, Koko, and Bowling for Columbine. Please see the attached permission slip. Class Information (Optional) Keys to Success Come to class prepared. Bring your books, pencils, pens, and binder paper. Come prepared to learn and share your opinions, ideas, thoughts, and ruminations. Be in your seat prepared when the bell rings, Participate in class discussions. Always contribute whether you think you are right or wrong, or whether others might not agree with you.

Notebooks / Binders / Journals A three ring binder should be set aside for English only as a way to stay organized with assignments, schedules and handouts. You are required to have an independent reading book as well. Assignment Format All papers must be 12 font, Times Roman, regular margins, double-spaced, and turned in with rough drafts. A rough draft is never a second copy of your paper! The rough draft should be stapled or clipped to the back of your essay. Please see "Requirements for writing papers" on my website. Projects / Special Assignments World War I project to coincide with the reading of All Quiet on the Western Front; Career Search Project to coincide with college preperation and class sign ups in February: rewrite of a scence from Macbeth; and a Research paper to culminate with the Sophomore Speech. Curriculum Map / Class Calendar California High School Exit Exam February 2014. STAR testing May 2014. Other Content of Teachers Choosing Please check in with my website as directed.

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