CBS 218 LAPS Sequence of Steps

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Andhra Bank (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Dept.

of Information Technology, D Block, III Floor, "Cyber Gateway", Hitec City, Madhapur, HYDERABAD - 500 081 ___________________________________________________________________ CBS Doc. No. 218 Dated: 08.12.2010 LAPS S T E P S A C T I V I T Y / W O R K / P U S E Q U E N C E O F S T E P S / A C T I V I T I E S I N L A P S M O D U L E


Creation of Customer Profile (Customer ID)

1. Demographics 2. Communication details 3. Employment Particulars (not required in case of unemployed / student / housewife) 4. Income & Expenditure (not required in case of unemployed / student / housewife) 5. After filling up all the fields by visiting the above four tabs, go to Demographics and observe the completed status in the status field and note down the applicant ID 6. Like this create a customer ID for Coobligant/guarantor/co-applicant etc. Click Application in the Home page and search the required Customer ID , select new application tab, select the Loan Product and fill up the fields like Amount requested, project cost and some other required fields .System will pickup some of the fields automatically like Interest rate, Max repayment period Margin etc as per the product selected. Select the tab 'Proposed Asset 'to enter the details of the asset to be created / purchased. In case of education loan select tab 'education Loans' to enter the details of proposed course This tab which is available in Loan product tab can be viewed for Verification of primary eligibility of the applicant. Note that it is not the final assessment of the proposal. Select the Cust. ID already created for coapplicant / co-obligant / guarantor and link the relative Cust. ID by selecting the tab coapplicant / co-obligant / guarantor Enter the details as per the property statement and other securities offered by applicant / co-applicant / co-obligant / guarantor. Visit Tab ' Appraisal ' and enter the details in the screen By visiting this Risk Analysis Score Sheet will be displayed with marks so obtained for that borrower.


Linking of customer ID to the Loan product


Giving the particulars of Proposed Asset


Check Limit


Linking of Coobligant/guarantor/coapplicant Assets & Liabilities (For entering Primary & Collateral Securities or arriving Networth) Appraisal Risk Analysis







Appraisal Terms and conditions


Appraisal Borrower Terms and conditions


Appraisal Recommendations


Work Flow Action proposal


Sending the application to next higher authority / user / Sanctioning authority

Here system automatically assess the loan eligibility of the borrower as per the income particulars given, On the basis of the project cost after deducting margin and other Max & Min cap limit of that product. This tab should be visited to capture the relative terms and conditions of that particular product in the proposal / sanction letter. User can add a new condition, can delete or modify any existing condition. This tab should be visited to capture the relative terms and conditions of that particular product in the communication of sanction to borrower. User can add a new condition, can delete or modify any existing condition. For noting the recommendations and entering the recommended amount. These recommendations will be captured in the proposal / appraisal note. Managers comments for sanction to be entered in this Recommendations tab only. Process note can be generated by selecting proposal tab available at the bottom of the screen. 1) Work Flow Action Select the work flow point (select the relative radio button ) Select the recipient select the user Select the purpose enter the remarks and click send. 2) In case if the branch user want to send it to ZO then select Organisation Select recipient (i.e) user ID at ZO and give remarks and send. Work Flow Action Select the work flow point select the organization (in case of ZO to Branch / BM to Officer etc ), Select the recipient select the user Select the purpose enter the remarks and click send Workflow Action enter the sanctioned amount Enter the Sanction Letter Reference enter the remarks click approval / Rejection button Work Flow Action Sanction letter / Communication to Borrower(Generate the sanction letter / communication of sanction to borrower )


Sending the proposal from one user to the other user for queries / correction of data


Approval / Rejection


Generation of Sanction Letter / communication of sanction to borrower Sending back to the desk officer after approval / rejection for further course of action - sanction lr generation / documents generation etc.


Work Flow Action Select the work flow point select the organization (in case of ZO to branch ), Select the recipient select the user enter the remarks and click send

End of Document

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