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Orapim Pakdeesongkram Student ID. 5515150414 Ungkana Kerttongmee Student ID. 5515150422 Haripan Harirak Student ID.


The repetition of a consonant (s) sound in the initial of the words to emphasize the meaning the advertisement wants to express which is Sound System.

A hamburger in the ad use the pronoun Me to define itself and express itself as if its a human but on the other hand, its actually some piece of meat. Like was used to compare between two different things which are Me and piece of meat.

A repetition of same word Always to establish brand identity which affect the consumers attitude and decision to purchase at the store.

Walmart considered themselves as a predator of the poor by using an image of shark to represent the word predator which they stated in the slogan that Always low price so the poor will always be comfortable to come to purchase at the store.

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