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Introduction to Optics

Lecture homepage : I.html Professor : ,, 02-2220-0923 (Room# 36-401) Textbook : 1. Frank L. Pedrotti, "Introduction to Optics", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall Inc. 2. Eugene Hecht, "Optics", 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Evaluation : Attend 10%, Homework 10%, Mid-term 40%, Final 40%

(Genesis 1-3) And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Also, see Figure 2-1, Pedrotti


(A brief history of light & those that lit the way) : Richard J. Weiss :

Introduction to Optics 3rd

A Bit of History
...and the foot of it of brass, of the lookingglasses of the women assembling, (Exodus 38:8)

Empirical Law of Refraction (Snell) Light as Pressure Wave (Descartes) Law of Least Time (Fermat) v<c, & Two Kinds of Light (Huygens)

Wave Theory (Longitudinal) (Fresnel) Transverse Wave, Polarization Interference (Young) Light & Magnetism (Faraday) EM Theory (Maxwell)
Rejection of Ether, Early QM (Poincare, Einstein)

Rectilinear Propagation (Euclid) Shortest Path (Almost Right!) (Hero of Alexandria) Plane of Incidence Curved Mirrors (Al Hazen)

Corpuscles, Ether (Newton)








(Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University)

More Recent History

Laser (Maiman) Polaroid Sheets (Land) Optical Fiber (Lamm) Quantum Mechanics Speed/Light (Michaelson) Spont. Emission (Einstein) Phase Contrast (Zernicke) Hubble Telescope Erbium Fiber Amp

SM Fiber (Hicks)

HeNe (Javan)
GaAs (4 Groups)

Optical Maser (Schalow, Townes) Holography (Gabor)

FEL (Madey)
Commercial Fiber Link (Chicago)

CO2 (Patel)
Many New Lasers











(Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University)


Nature of Light
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Optics

Huygens (1629-1695) Treatise on Light (1678)

Particle, again
Planck (1900), Einstein (1905)

Wave-Particle Duality
De Broglie (1924)

Maxwell -- Electromagnetic waves

Plancks hypothesis (1900)

Light as particles Blackbody absorbs all wavelengths and conversely emits all wavelengths Light emitted/absorbed in discrete units of energy (quanta), E=nhf Thus the light emitted by the blackbody is,

2hc 1 M ( ) = hc 5 e kT 1

Photoelectric Effect (1905)

Light as particles Einsteins (1879-1955) explanation
light as particles = photons
Light of frequency Kinetic energy = h -


Material with work function

Wave-particle duality (1924)

All phenomena can be explained using either the wave or particle picture

h = p
Usually, one or the other is most convenient In PHYSICAL OPTICS we will use the wave picture predominantly

Photons and Electrons

Nanophotonics, Paras N. Prasad, 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey., ISBN 0-471-64988-0

Both photons and electrons are elementary particles that simultaneously exhibit particle and wave-type behavior. Photons and electrons may appear to be quite different as described by classical physics, which defines photons as electromagnetic waves transporting energy and electrons as the fundamental charged particle (lowest mass) of matter. A quantum description, on the other hand, reveals that photons and electrons can be treated analogously and exhibit many similar characteristics.

Lets warm-up

How does the light propagate through a glass medium?
(1) through the voids inside the material. (2) through the elastic collision with matter, like as for a sound. (3) through the secondary waves generated inside the medium.
Secondary on-going wave

Primary incident wave

Construct the wave front tangent to the wavelets

What about r direction?

Electromagnetic Waves
Maxwells Equation
G G Q E dA =
G G B dA = 0

Gausss Law No magnetic monopole

G G d B = E d s Faradays Law (Induction) dt G G d E Ampere-Maxwells Law = + B d s i 0 0 0 dt

Maxwells Equation
G G G G G G Gausss Law E = E d A = E dv = dv 0 0 G G G G G G No magnetic monopole B = 0 B dA = Bdv = 0 G G G G G G d G G G G E ds = E dA = dt B dA E = B Faradays Law (Induction) t G G G G G d E B d s = B d A = i + 0 0 0 dt G G G G G G G G d E = 0 j dA + 0 0 E dA B = 0 j + 0 0 dt t G G G G G E G 0 = jd B = 0 ( j + jd ) Ampere-Maxwells Law t

Wave equations
G G G G G G B B = 0 0 E = 0 0 t t t G G G G 2 B = B
G G G B E = t

G G G E B = 0 0 t

In vacuum

G 2 G B 2 B = 0 0 2 t G G 2E 2 E = 0 0 2 t

G = i+ j+ k x y z G G G G G G G G 2 2 B = B B = B G G G G G G G G G A B C = AC B A B C

( (

) ( ) ) ( ) (

2B 2B 0 0 2 = 0 2 x t Wave equations 2 2 E E =0 0 0 2 2 x t

Scalar wave equation

2 2 0 0 2 = 0 2 x t
= 0 cos( kx t )

k 00 = 0
2 2

0 0


Speed of Light

c = 2.99792 108 m / sec 3 108 m / s

Transverse Electro-Magnetic (TEM) waves

G G G E B = 0 0 t G G EB

Electromagnetic Wave

Energy carried by Electromagnetic Waves

Poynting Vector : Intensity of an electromagnetic wave

0 1 B = c S= EB E 0 1 2 c 2 = E = B c 0 0
G 1 G G S= EB

Energy density associated with an Electric field : u E = Energy density associated with a Magnetic field : u B =

1 0 E 2 2 1 2 B 2 0

Reflection and Refraction

Smooth surface

Rough surface

Reflected ray
n1 n2

1 = 1 n1 sin 1 = n2 sin 2

Refracted ray

Reflection and Refraction

In dielectric media,

c n ( ) = = v ( )

( ) 0 0

(Material) Dispersion

Interference & Diffraction

Reflection and Interference in Thin Films

180 Phase change of the reflected light by a media with a larger n No Phase change of the reflected light by a media with a smaller n

Interference in Thin Films

= 2t = (m +
Phase change:
1 2

( m+ 1 2) ) n =
m n

Bright ( m = 0, 1, 2, 3, )

No Phase change

= 2t = m n =

Dark ( m = 1, 2, 3, )

= 2t = m n1 =
Phase change:

m n1

Bright ( m = 1, 2, 3, )

n1 n2

Phase change:

) = 2t = (m + 1 2 n1

( m+ 1 2) =

n2 > n1

Bright ( m = 0, 1, 2, 3, )

Youngs Double-Slit Experiment


The path difference

= r2 r1 = d sin
Bright fringes m = 0, 1, 2, m = 0, 1, 2,

= d sin = m

Dark fringes = d sin = (m + 1 2 )

The phase difference = 2 = 2d sin


Hecht, Optics, Chapter 10


Diffraction Grating

Diffraction of X-rays by Crystals

Incident beam Reflected beam


2d sin = m

: Braggs Law

Regimes of Optical Diffraction

d >> d~ d <<

Far-field Fraunhofer

Near-field Fresnel

Evanescent-field Vector diff.

d << : Nano-photonics
d <<

Science, Vol. 297, pp. 820-822, 2 August 2002.

Ag film, hole diameter=250nm, groove periodicity=500nm, groove depth=60nm, film thickness=300nm

Ag film, slit width=40nm, groove periodicity=500nm, groove depth=60nm, film thickness=300nm

Beaming light through a sub-wavelength hole

Surface plasmons


Nano-scale focusing and guiding:

A single-photon transistor using nanoscale surface plasmons, Nature physics VOL 3 NOVEMBER 2007, pp.807-812.

Er Ez

Plasmonics: Merging photonics and electronics at nanoscale dimensions, Science, 311, 13 January (2006)]



Nanofocusing of Optical Energy in Tapered Plasmonic Waveguides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 137404 (2004)]

Channel plasmon subwavelength waveguide components including interferometers and ring resonators, Nature, 440, 23 March (2006)]

Nano Photonic Lasers

Photonic crystal laser Fiber coupling to PCL

O. Painter et al, Science, 284, 1819-1821(1999)

- Barclay et al, Opt. Lett. 29, 697 (2004)

Single photon generation

Tapered SP coupling

PRL 97, 053002 (2006)

Nature physics VOL 3 NOVEMBER 2007, pp.807812.

Nano-scale photon measurement

NSOM & AFM Single gold nanoparticle interferometer
S.-K. Eah et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 86,031902 (2005)

Nanophotonics for Bio-Sensing


A nalyte Silver colloid

La ser & detection point Silver nanoparticle A nalyte Silver nanoclusters


Analog WGPD or LD (TM polarized) Analog M-WGPD Sensing area (Cr 10nm, Au 50nm)

NPIC chip

A future of Nanophotonics; IBM, Purdue

Fiber coupler Nano plasmonic delay line Plasmonic photodetector

Plasmonic coupler

Plasmonic splitter

Plasmonic enhanced integrated chip

Plasmonic crystal bends Plasmonic switch


A future of Nanophotonics; OPERA ERC

Plasmonic Crystals Silicon Modulator Optical MEMS Devices

Intra-Chip Nano plasmonic Interconnection

Plasmonic Bio-Sensors

RF-Photonic Devices

Photonic Network Chip-Chip Plasmonic Interconnection 47


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