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Mechanics of Solids Strain

Prof. TVK Bhanuprakash


The vertical line is lengthened, the horizontal line is shortened, and the inclined line changes its length and rotates.


Shear Strain

Normal strains cause a change in volume of the element

Shear strains cause a change in its shape.

Both of these effects occur simultaneously during the deformation.

Example 2-3 Due to a loading, the plate is deformed into the dashed shape. Determine (a) the average normal strain along the side AB, and (b) the average shear strain in the plate at A relative to the x and y axes.

F23. The rectangular plate is deformed into the shape of a rhombus shown by the dashed line. Determine the average shear strain at corner A with respect to the x and y axes.

F24. The triangular plate is deformed into the shape shown by the dashed line. Determine the normal strain developed along edge BC and the average shear strain at corner A with respect to the x and y axes.

F25. The square plate is deformed into the shape shown by the dashed line. determine the average normal strain along diagonal AC and the shear strain of point E with respect to the x and y axes.

211. The corners B and D of the square plate are given the displacements indicated. Determine the average normal strains along side AB and diagonal DB.

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