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TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


Section 1 Section 2

ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II QUALIFICATION COMPETENCY STANDARDS Basic Competencies Common Competencies Core Competencies TRAINING STANDARDS 3.1. Curriculum Design 3.1.1. Basic 3.1.2. Common 3.1.3. Core 3.2. Training Delivery 3.3. Trainee Entry Requirements 3.4. List of Tools, Equipment and Materials 3.5. Training Facilities 3.6. Trainers Qualifications 3.7. Institutional Assessment NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS COMPETENCY MAP DEFINITION OF TERMS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

1 2 - 50 2 - 15 16 - 24 25 - 50 51 - 62 51 - 56 51 52 53 - 56 57 58 58 - 61 62 62 62 63

Section 3

Section 4

64 65 - 67 68


The ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to raise poultry, raise small ruminants, raise swine and raise large ruminants. This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Agri-Fishery Sector as shown in Annex A. The units of competency comprising this qualification includes the following: Code 500311105 500311106 500311107 500311108 Code AGR321201 AGR321202 AGR321203 Code AGR621301 AGR621302 AGR621303 AGR621304 BASIC COMPETENCIES Participate in workplace communication Work in a team environment Practice career professionalism Practice occupational health and safety procedures COMMON COMPETENCIES Apply safety measures in farm operations Use farm tools and equipment Perform estimation and calculations CORE COMPETENCIES Raise poultry Raise small ruminants Raise swine Raise large ruminants

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be: Poultry Raiser Livestock Raiser/Farmer Entrepreneur (Animal Production)

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004



These guidelines are set to provide the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II. BASIC COMPETENCIES UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PARTICIPATE IN WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION UNIT CODE : 500311105 UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ELEMENT
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

1.1 Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources 1.2 Effective questioning , active listening and speaking skills are used to gather and convey information 1.3 Appropriate medium is used to transfer information and ideas 1.4 Appropriate non- verbal communication is used 1.5 Appropriate lines of communication with supervisors and colleagues are identified and followed 1.6 Defined workplace procedures for the location and storage of information are used 1.7 Personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely 2.1 Team meetings are attended on time 2. Participate in 2.2 Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of workplace meetings others are listened to without interruption and discussions 2.3 Meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established protocols 2.4 Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner 2.5 Questions about simple routine workplace procedures and maters concerning working conditions of employment are asked and responded to 2.6 Meetings outcomes are interpreted and implemented 3.1 Range of forms relating to conditions of employment 3. Complete relevant are completed accurately and legibly work related 3.2 Workplace data is recorded on standard workplace documents forms and documents 3.3 Basic mathematical processes are used for routine calculations 3.4 Errors in recording information on forms/ documents are identified and properly acted upon 3.5 Reporting requirements to supervisor are completed _____________________________________________________________________________ 4 1. Obtain and convey workplace information
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

according to organizational guidelines RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Appropriate sources 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 3.1. 3.2. 4.1. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. RANGE Team members Suppliers Trade personnel Local government Industry bodies Memorandum Circular Notice Information discussion Follow-up or verbal instructions Face to face communication Manual filing system Computer-based filing system Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety reports Face to face Telephone Electronic and two way radio Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms, non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and diagrams Observing meeting Compliance with meeting decisions Obeying meeting instructions

2. Medium

3. Storage 4. Forms 5. Workplace interactions

6. Protocols

6.1. 6.2. 6.3.

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1. Prepared written communication following standard format of the organization 1.2. Accessed information using communication equipment 1.3. Made use of relevant terms as an aid to transfer information effectively 1.4. Conveyed information effectively adopting the formal or informal communication 2.1. Effective communication 2.2. Different modes of communication 2.3. Written communication 2.4. Organizational policies 2.5. Communication procedures and systems 2.6. Technology relevant to the enterprise and the individuals work responsibilities 3.1. Follow simple spoken language 3.2. Perform routine workplace duties following simple written notices 3.3. Participate in workplace meetings and discussions 3.4. Complete work related documents 3.5. Estimate, calculate and record routine workplace measures 3.6. Basic mathematical processes of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication 3.7. Ability to relate to people of social range in the workplace 3.8. Gather and provide information in response to workplace Requirements 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. Fax machine Telephone Writing materials Internet

2. Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes

3. Underpinning Skills

4. Resource Implications

5. Methods of Assessment 6. Context of Assessment

5.1. Direct Observation 5.2. Oral interview and written test 6.1. Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited institution

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


WORK IN TEAM ENVIRONMENT 500311106 This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to identify role and responsibility as a member of a team. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

ELEMENT 1. Describe team role and scope

1.1. The role and objective of the team is identified from available sources of information 1.2. Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources 2.1. Individual role and responsibilities within the team environment are identified 2.2. Roles and responsibility of other team members are identified and recognized 2.3. Reporting relationships within team and external to team are identified 3.1. Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to known team activities and objectives 3.2. Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and objectives, based on individual skills and competencies and workplace context 3.3. Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating procedures 3.4. Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an understanding of teams role and objectives and individual competencies of the members.

2. Identify own role and responsibility within team

3. Work as a team member

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Role and objective of team 1.1. 1.2. RANGE Work activities in a team environment with enterprise or specific sector Limited discretion, initiative and judgement maybe demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a team environment Standard operating and/or other workplace procedures Job procedures Machine/equipment manufacturers specifications and instructions Organizational or external personnel Client/supplier instructions Quality standards OHS and environmental standards Work procedures and practices Conditions of work environments Legislation and industrial agreements Standard work practice including the storage, safe handling and disposal of chemicals Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality guidelines

2. Sources of information

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7.

3. Workplace context

3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5.

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical aspects of competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1. Operated in a team to complete workplace activity 1.2. Worked effectively with others 1.3. Conveyed information in written or oral form 1.4. Selected and used appropriate workplace language 1.5. Followed designated work plan for the job 1.6. Reported outcomes 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 3.1. Communication process Team structure Team roles Group planning and decision making Communicate appropriately, consistent with the culture of the workplace

2. Underpinning Knowledge and Attitude

3. Underpinning Skills 4. Resource Implications

The following resources MUST be provided: 4.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately simulated environment where assessment can take place 4.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks Competency may be assessed through: 5.1. Observation of the individual member in relation to the work activities of the group 5.2. Observation of simulation and or role play involving the participation of individual member to the attainment of organizational goal 5.3. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion of issues and strategies in teamwork 6.1. 6.2. Competency may be assessed in workplace or in a simulated workplace setting Assessment shall be observed while task are being undertaken whether individually or in group

5. Methods of Assessment

6. Context for Assessment

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004



: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

ELEMENT 1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals 1.1

Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the qualifications set for the profession 1.2 Intra- and interpersonal relationships is are maintained in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation 1.3 Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the performance of duties 2.1 Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and organizational goals and objectives. 2.2 Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments 2.3 Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and facilities are followed as per established procedures


Set and meet work priorities


Maintain 3.1 Trainings and career opportunities are identified and professional growth availed of based on job requirements and development 3.2 Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career advancement 3.3 Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained and renewed

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Evaluation RANGE 1.1 Performance Appraisal 1.2 Psychological Profile 1.3 Aptitude Tests 2.1 Human 2.2 Financial 2.3 Technology 2.3.1 Hardware 2.3.2 Software 3.1 Participation in training programs 3.1.1 Technical 3.1.2 Supervisory 3.1.3 Managerial 3.1.4 Continuing Education 3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and workshops 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Recommendations Citations Certificate of Appreciations Commendations Awards Tangible and Intangible Rewards National Certificates Certificate of Competency Support Level Licenses Professional Licenses

2. Resources

3. Trainings and career opportunities

4. Recognitions

5. Licenses and/or certifications

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Attained job targets within key result areas (KRAs) 1.2 Maintained intra - and interpersonal relationship in the course of managing oneself based on performance evaluation 1.3 Completed trainings and career opportunities which are based on the requirements of the industries 1.4 Acquired and maintained licenses and/or certifications according to the requirement of the qualification 2.1 Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) 2.2 Company policies 2.3 Company operations, procedures and standards 2.4 Fundamental rights at work including gender sensitivity 2.5 Personal hygiene practices 3.1 Appropriate practice of personal hygiene 3.2 Intra and Interpersonal skills 3.3 Communication skills The following resources MUST be provided: 4.1 Workplace or assessment location 4.2 Case studies/scenarios Competency may be assessed through: 5.1 Portfolio Assessment 5.2 Interview 5.3 Simulation/Role-plays 5.4 Observation 5.5 Third Party Reports 5.6 Exams and Tests 6.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting

2. Underpinning Knowledge

3. Underpinning Skills 4. Resource Implications 5. Methods of Assessment

6. Context of Assessment

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004



PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES 500311108 This unit covers the outcomes required to comply with regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

ELEMENT 1. Identify hazards and risks

1.1 Safety regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures are clarified and explained based on organization procedures 1.2 Hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators are identified to minimize or eliminate risk to co-workers, workplace and environment in accordance with organization procedures 1.3 Contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies are recognized and established in accordance with organization procedures

2. Evaluate hazards and 2.1 Terms of maximum tolerable limits which when risks exceeded will result in harm or damage are identified based on threshold limit values (TLV) 2.2 Effects of the hazards are determined 2.3 OHS issues and/or concerns and identified safety hazards are reported to designated personnel in accordance with workplace requirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation

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Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

3. Control hazards and 3.1 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace are consistently risks followed 3.2 Procedures for dealing with workplace accidents, fire and emergencies are followed in accordance with organization OHS policies 3.3 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with organization OHS procedures and practices 3.4 Appropriate assistance is provided in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with established organization protocol 4.1 Emergency-related drills and trainings are participated in as per established organization guidelines and procedures 4.2 OHS personal records are completed and updated in accordance with workplace requirements

4. Maintain OHS awareness

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Safety regulations RANGE May include but are not limited to: 1.1 Clean Air Act 1.2 Building code 1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes 1.4 Waste management statutes and rules 1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards 1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements 1.7 ECC regulations May include but are not limited to: 2.1 Physical hazards impact, illumination, pressure, noise, vibration, temperature, radiation 2.2 Biological hazards- bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites, mites, molds, fungi, insects 2.3 Chemical hazards dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke, gasses, vapors 2.4 Ergonomics 2.4.1 Psychological factors over exertion/ excessive force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct pressure, varying metabolic cycles 2.4.2 Physiological factors monotony, personal relationship, work out cycle May include but are not limited to: 3.1 Evacuation 3.2 Isolation 3.3 Decontamination 3.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel May include but are not limited to: 4.1 Mask 4.2 Gloves 4.3 Goggles 4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet 4.5 Face mask/shield 4.6 Ear muffs 4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit 4.8 Anti-static suits

2. Hazards/Risks

3. Contingency measures

4. PPE

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VARIABLE 5. Emergency-related drills and training

RANGE 5.1 Fire drill 5.2 Earthquake drill 5.3 Basic life support/CPR 5.4 First aid 5.5 Spillage control 5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic 5.7 Disaster preparedness/management 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Medical/Health records Incident reports Accident reports OHS-related training completed

6. OHS personal records

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Explained clearly established workplace safety and hazard control practices and procedures 1.2 Identified hazards/risks in the workplace and its corresponding indicators in accordance with company procedures 1.3 Recognized contingency measures during workplace accidents, fire and other emergencies 1.4 Identified terms of maximum tolerable limits based on threshold limit value- TLV. 1.5 Followed Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures for controlling hazards/risks in workplace 1.6 Used Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with company OHS procedures and practices 1.7 Completed and updated OHS personal records in accordance with workplace requirements 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 OHS procedures and practices and regulations PPE types and uses Personal hygiene practices Hazards/risks identification and control Threshold Limit Value -TLV OHS indicators Organization safety and health protocol Safety consciousness Health consciousness


Underpinning Knowledge and Attitude

3. Underpinning Skills 3. Resource Implications

3.1 Practice of personal hygiene 3.2 Hazards/risks identification and control skills 3.3 Interpersonal skills 3.4 Communication skills The following resources must be provided: 4.1 Workplace or assessment location 4.2 OHS personal records 4.3 PPE 4.4 Health records Competency may be assessed through: 5.1 Portfolio Assessment 5.2 Interview 5.3 Case Study/Situation 6.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work place setting


Methods of Assessment

5. Context for Assessment

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


UNIT TITLE UNIT CODE : Apply Safety Measures in farm operations : AGR321201

UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place in performing safety measures.

ELEMENT 1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. Apply appropriate safety measures 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. Safekeep/dispose tools, materials and outfit 3.1 3.2 3.3

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Work tasks are identified in line with farm operations Place for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations Time for safety measures are determined in line with farm operations Appropriate tools, materials and outfits are prepared in line with job requirements Tools and materials are used according to specifications and procedures Outfits are worn according to farm requirements Effectivity/shelf life/expiration of materials are strictly observed Emergency procedures are known and followed to ensure a safework requirement Hazards in the workplace are identified and reported in line with farm guidelines Used tools and outfit are cleaned after use and stored in designated areas Unused materials are properly labeled and stored according to manufacturers recommendation and farm requirements Waste materials are disposed according to manufacturers, government and farm requirements

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Work task may be selected from any of the subsectors: 1.1 Aquaculture 1.2 Animal Production 1.3 Crop Production 1.4 Post-harvest 1.5 Agri-marketing 1.6 Farm Equipment 2.1 Animal pens, cages, barns 2.2 Fish ponds, cages 2.3 Stock room/storage areas/warehouse 2.4 Field/farm/orchard 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1 Vaccination and medication period Fertilizer and pesticides application Feed mixing and feeding Harvesting and hauling Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting Dressing, butchering and castration Tools 4.1.1 Wrenches 4.1.2 Screw driver 4.1.3 Pliers Materials 4.2.1 Bottles 4.2.2 Plastic 4.2.3 Bags 4.2.4 Syringe Outfit 4.3.1 Masks 4.3.2 Gloves 4.3.3 Boots 4.3.4 Overall coats 4.3.5 Hat 4.3.6 Eye goggles Location of first aid kit Evacuation Agencies contract Farm emergency procedures Animal manure Waste water Syringes Unused farm chemicals e.g. pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers Expired reagents Dead animals Chemical Electrical Falls

2. Place

3. Time


Tools, materials and outfits



5. Emergency procedures

6. Waste materials

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7.1 7.2 7.3



TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Determined areas of concern for safety measures Competency 1.2 Applied appropriate safety measures according to industry requirements 1.3 Prepared tools, materials and outfit needed 1.4 Performed proper disposal of used materials 1.5 Safekeep/cleaned tools, materials and outfit in designated facilities 2.1 Safety Practices 2. Underpinning 2.1.1 Implementation of regulatory controls and policies Knowledge and relative to treatment of area and application of Attitudes chemicals 2.1.2 Proper disposal of waste materials 2.2 Codes and Regulations 2.2.1 Compliance to health program of DOH and DENR 2.2.2 Hazard identification 2.2.3 Emergency procedures 2.3 Tools & Equipment: Uses and Specification 2.3.1 Masks, gloves, boots, overall coats for health protection 2.4 Maintenance 2.4.1 Regular check-up and repair of tools, materials and outfit before and after use 3.1 Ability to recognize effective tools, materials and outfit 3.2 Ready skills required to read labels, manuals and other basic safety information Competency in this unit must be assessed through: 4.1 Practical demonstration 4.2 Third Party Report 5.1 Farm location 5.2 Tools, equipment and outfits appropriate in applying safety measures 6.1 Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited supervision

3. Underpinning Skills 4. Method of Assessment 5. Resource Implications 6. Context of Assessment

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


UNIT TITLE: Use Farm Tools and Equipment UNIT CODE: AGR321202 UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection, operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and equipment.

ELEMENT 1. Select and use farm tools 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Select and operate farm equipment 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Identified appropriate farm tools according to requirement/use Farm tools are checked for faults and defective tools reported in accordance with farm procedures Appropriate tools and equipment are safely used according to job requirements and manufacturers conditions Identify appropriate farm equipment Instructional manual of the farm tools and equipment are carefully read prior to operation Pre-operation check-up is conducted in line with manufacturers manual Faults in farm equipment are identified and reported in line with farm procedures Farm equipment used according to its function Followed safety procedures Tools and equipment are cleaned immediately after use in line with farm procedures Routine check-up and maintenance are performed Tools and equipment are stored in designated areas in line with farm procedures


Perform preventive maintenance

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Farm equipment 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Engine Pumps Generators Sprayers Sickle Cutters Weighing scales Hand tools Measuring tools Garden tools Tires Brake fluid Fuel Water Oil Lubricants Battery RANGE

2. Farm tools

3. Pre-operation check-up

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Correctly identified appropriate farm tools and equipment Competency 1.2 Operated farm equipments according to manual specification 1.3 Performed preventive maintenance 2.1 Safety Practices 2. Underpinning 2.1.1 Ideal good work habits to demonstrate to workers Knowledge and easy and safety standards during operation of Attitudes farm equipment 2.2 Codes and Regulations 2.2.1 Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECG) 2.2.2 Effective work supervision in the operations of farm equipment Tools & Equipment: Uses and Specification 2.3.1 Knowledge in calibrating and use of equipment 2.3.2 Safety keeping of equipments every after use Maintenance 2.4.1 Regular upkeep of equipments 2.4.2 Preventive maintenance skills



2.5 3. 4. Underpinning Skills Method of Assessment Resource Implications Context of Assessment


Values 2.5.1 Positive outlook towards work 2.5.2 Possesses pre-emptive/anticipatory skills 3.1 Ability to recognized defective farm equipment 3.2 Perform proper management practices of safety measures Competency in this unit must be assessed through: 4.1 Direct observation 4.2 Practical demonstration 4.3 Third Party Report 5.1 Service/operational manual of farm tools and equipment 5.2 Tools and equipment 5.3 Farm implements 6.1 Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited supervision


TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


UNIT TITLE: Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation UNIT CODE: AGR321203 UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform basic workplace calculations. ELEMENT 1. Perform estimation PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 1.1 Job requirements are identified from written or oral communications 1.2 Quantities of materials and resources required to complete a work task are estimated 1.3 The time needed to complete a work activity is estimated 1.4 Accurate estimate for work completion are made 1.5 Estimate of materials and resources are reported to appropriate person 2.1 Calculations to be made are identified according to job requirements 2.2 Correct method of calculation identified 2.3 System and units of measurement to be followed are ascertained 2.4 Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed using the four basic process of addition, division, multiplication and subtraction 2.5 Calculate whole fraction, percentage and mixed when are used to complete the instructions 2.6 Number computed in self checked and completed for alignment


Perform basic workplace calculation

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Calculations 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 RANGE Quantity of feeds Amount of fertilizer Amount of medicines Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Ratio and proportion English Metric Area Volume Weight


Method of calculation

3. 4.

System of measurement Units of measurement

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Performed estimation Competency 1.2 Performed basic workplace calculation 1.3 Applied corrective measures as maybe necessary 2.1 Mathematics 2. Underpinning 2.1.1 Basic mathematical operations Knowledge and 2.1.2 Percentage and ratios Attitudes 2.1.3 Unit Conversion 2.1.4 Basic accounting principles and procedures Production cost Sales Accounts receivables/payables 2.2 Systems, Processes and Operations 2.2.1 Knowledge in different management practices and operational procedures


3. Underpinning Skills 4. Method of Assessment 5. Resource Implications 6. Context of Assessment

Values 2.3.1 Safety consciousness 2.3.2 Time consciousness and management 2.3.3 Cost consciousness 2.3.4 Precision 3.1 Ability to perform basic calculation 3.2 Communicate effectively Competency in this unit must be assessed through: 4.1 Practical demonstration 4.2 Written examination 5.1 5.2 6.1 Relevant tools and equipment for basic calculation Recommended data Assessment may occur in the workplace or in a simulated workplace or as part of a team under limited supervision

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004



Raise Poultry
AGR621301 This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to raise poultry efficiently and effectively. It includes selection and procurement of stock, maintenance of optional environment for poultry, assessment of chick health, selection of brood/layer stock, pre and post laying activities and implementing health programs. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement

ELEMENT 1. 2. Select and procure stock Maintain optional environment for poultry

1.1 Breed/strains/hybrid are identified according to industry standard 2.1 Poultry houses, tools and equipment are cleaned and disinfected 2.2 Chick guard, curtains, heaters are installed and adjusted based on industry standard 2.3 Litter materials are laid-out and changed/cleaned regularly 2.4 Feeders and water trough are prepared and cleaned regularly 2.5 Poultry species are fed according to industry standards 2.6 Feed left-over is properly secured and spoiled feed is disposed properly 2.7 Extended lighting system is provided to 20 week old pullets based on industry standard 3.1 Chicks behavior are monitored to determine health condition 3.2 Records are collected and collated 3.3 Chicks are debeaked in appropriate time 4.1 Poultry species for brooding are selected and transferred to growing house 4.2 Poultry species intended for layers are selected and transferred to laying house 4.3 Chicks with undesirable traits are culled from the herd 5.1 Eggs are harvested once or twice a day using appropriate materials 5.2 Eggs are classified according to industry classification standards 5.3 Eggs are stored at room temperature
Promulgated December 2004


Observe and assess chick health Select brood /layer stock



Perform pre and post laying activities




Perform preventive and therapeutic measures

5.4 Eggs are processed to extend storage life and add value 6.1 Medication programs are administered according to industry and farm production requirements 6.2 Physical evaluation of poultry species are regularly performed 6.3 Protective measures are administered according to industry and farm production requirements 6.4 Poultry species with undesirable traits are culled out 6.5 Health records are updated on a regular basis



Promulgated December 2004



1. Breed/strain/hybrid

1.1 Broiler strain 1.1.1 Anak 1.1.2 Pilch-de-kalb 1.1.3 Lohman 1.1.4 Starbro 1.1.5 Arbor acre 1.1.6 Avian Peterson 1.1.7 Cobb 1.2 Strains of layers include: 1.2.1 Babcock 1.2.2 Dekalb 1.2.3 H&N 1.2.4 Hi-sex white 1.2.5 Kimber 1.2.6 Starcross 1.2.7 Lohman LSL 1.3 Breeds of egg-type ducks: 1.3.1 The Phil. Mallard 1.3.2 Khaki Campbell 1.3.3 Indian Runner 1.3.4 Tsaiya 1.3.5 Chery Valley Hybrid

1.4 Breeds of Quail 1.4.1 Japanese Seatle 1.4.2 Japanese Taiwan 1.4.3 Silver .2 Tools and 2.1 Tools and Equipment equipment 2.1.1 Generator 2.1.2 Heater 2.1.3 Electric lamps 2.1.4 Weighing scale 2.1.5 Pail 2.1.6 Feed scope 2.1.7 Wheel barrow 2.1.8 Feed bin 2.1.9 Feed cart 2.1.10 Syringe 2.2 Layer 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7

Plastic drinking jars Weighing scale Chick size feeders Egg trays Infrared gas brooder Syringes and needles Debeaker
Promulgated December 2004




Chick guard and heaters

.4 materials


.5 Chick behavior

.6 Records

2.2.8 Feed cart 2.2.9 Fabricated layer cages 2.2.10 Napsack sprayer 2.2.11 Egg grader 2.2.12 Pail 2.2.13 Feed scoop 2.2.14 Hover 2.2.15 Chick guard 2.2.16 Curtains 2.2.17 Wheel barrow 2.3 Ducks and quails 2.3.1 Welded wire 2.3.2 Plastic poultry wire 2.3.3 PVC pipe 2.3.4 Feed through 2.3.5 Drinking through 2.3.6 Plastic waterers 2.3.7 Wheel barrow 2.3.8 Weighing scale 2.3.9 Egg trays 2.3.10 Sacks 2.3.11 Nests 2.3.12 Old tire 2.3.13 Sprayer 2.3.14 Heater 2.3.15 Pail 3.1 Aluminum sheets 3.2 Plain GI sheets 3.3 Lawanit 3.4 Hard card boards 3.5 Plywood 3.6 Portable heater 4.1 Old newspaper 4.2 Saw dust 4.3 Rice hulls 5.1 Even distribution of chicks inside the brooder indicates right brooding temperature 5.2 Chicks stay close to heat source, brooding temperature is too cold 5.3 Chicks stay away to heat source, brooding temperature is too hot 5.4 Chicks cluster together at one corner, theres a draft 6.1 Production records 6.2 Rearing flock records 6.3 Laying flock records 6.4 Financial records 6.5 Inventory records 6.6 Physical records 6.6.1 Brooding and growing records
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6.6.2 Laying flock production records 6.7 Financial records 6.7.1 Value of production and disposal 6.7.2 Other sources of income 6.7.3 Farm expenses .7 Feeders 7.1 Plastic feeders, 5-10 kgs. capacity and waterer 7.2 Feeding throghs (local materials) 7.2.1 Bamboo 7.2.2 PVC pipes 7.3 Plastic jars, , , 1 gallon capacity .8 Feeding 8.1 Broiler (Adlibitum) according to 8.1.1 Chicks booster from 1 day to 2 weeks old industry standards 8.1.2 Starter mash 3-4 weeks old 8.1.3 Finisher mash 5 weeks old until market age 8.2 Approximate feed consumption of egg-type chickens per bird 8.2.1 10 15 grams (0-4 weeks) 8.2.2 20 30 grams (5-8 weeks) 8.2.3 33 43 grams (9-12 weeks) 8.2.4 44 54 grams (13-16 weeks) 8.2.5 55 65 grams (17-20 weeks) 8.2.6 73 83 grams (21-24 weeks) 8.2.7 120-130 grams (25-40 weeks) 8.2.8 115-120 grams (41-52 weeks) 8.2.9 110-115 grams (53-60 weeks) 8.2.10 100-110 grams (61-64 weeks) 8.3 Ready to lay chicks/quails 8.3.1 110-1120 grams/bird/day (ducks) 8.3.2 23-45 grams/bird/day (quails) .9 Appropria 9.1 Egg trays te materials 9.1.1 Plastic egg trays (30 pcs./60 pcs. capacity) 9.1.2 Cartoon egg trays 9.2 Egg cart 9.3 Egg boxes .10 Industry 10.1 Layer eggs classification: classification 10.1.1 XL and jumbo (62 grams up) standards 10.1.2 Large (55-61 grams) 10.1.3 Medium (48-54 grams) 10.1.4 Small (41 47 grams) 10.1.5 Very small/peewee (below 41 grams) 10.2 Ducks and quail eggs are classified according to: 10.2.1 Good eggs this includes cleaned and free from any stain/dirt 10.2.2 Reject eggs this includes cracked, off-shaped, offsized, heavily/partly soiled and wet eggs .11 d eggs Processe 11.1 11.2 11.3 Salted eggs Balot eggs Pickled eggs
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Medicatio n program


Protectiv e measures

11.4 Century eggs 12.1 Broiler 12.1.1 Anti-stress preparation (e.g. vitamins) mixed in water 12.1.2 Vaccination NCD, B1 strain (live vaccine) Infectious bursal disease (IBD), intermediate strain (live vaccine) NCD, Las sota strain (live vaccine) 12.1.3 Preventive measures (as the case maybe) Four days use of antibiotics on feeds/water Three days use of vitamins on feed/water 12.2 Recommended vaccination and deworming program for egg-type chickens: 12.2.1 Mareks vaccine (day old) 12.2.2 Newcastle disease (NCD) or Avian pest vaccine (10 days old) 12.2.3 Infectious bursal disease (14 days) 12.2.4 Newcastle disease or avian pest vaccine, La Sota strain or equivalent 12.2.5 Fowl fox vaccine (6-8 weeks) 12.2.6 Newcastle disease vaccine, La Sota strain or equivalent (10 weeks) 12.2.7 Dewormer (14 weeks) 12.2.8 Newcastle disease vaccine, La Sota strain or equivalent (16 weeks) 12.2.9 Insecticides (18 weeks) 12.2.10 Dewormer (18 weeks) 12.2.11 Dewormer (30 weeks) 12.2.12 Newcastle disease vaccine, La Sota strain or equivalent (32 weeks) 12.3 Recommended medication and vaccination program for Ducks and Quails 12.3.1 Antibiotic or sulfa drug preparation (1-7 days) 12.3.2 Antibiotic-vitamin-mineral mixture (8-14 days) 12.3.3 Multi-vitamins (21-28 days) 12.3.4 Antibiotic-vitamin-mineral mixture (2 months) 12.3.5 Antibiotic-vitamin-mineral mixture (4 months) 12.3.6 Fowl cholera vaccine (4.5 months) 12.3.7 Antibiotic-vitamin-mineral mixture (laying months) 13.1 Dust coats 13.2 Mask 13.3 Hand gloves 13.4 Boots 13.5 Rain coats 13.6 Fire extinguisher 13.7 Foot baths Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Promulgated December 2004

EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects



of Competency


Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes

1.1 Identified appropriate space requirements for poultry 1.2 Identified superior strain of day-old chicks 1.3 Demonstrated correct brooding of chicks 1.4 Demonstrated correct brooding of chicks 1.5 Programmed and administered effective medication and nutritional requirements 1.6 Handled disinfectants and pest control solution based on approved practices 1.7 Accomplished appropriate records 1.8 Identified common poultry diseases 2.1 Safety Practices 2.1 5S implementation 2.2 Knowledge in handling biologicals and disinfectants base on manufacturers specifications or VET recommendations 2.2 Mathematics and Mensuration 2.9.1 Computation of feed requirements at different physiological stages 2.2.2 Feed conversion efficiency 2.2.3 Space requirements at various stages of growth 2.2.4 Provision of right amount of drugs, vaccines and other biologicals 2.2.5 Profitability of the operation 2.3 Materials: Uses and Specifications 2.3.1 Office supplies and equipments used for proper monitoring of production activities 2.4 Tools and equipment: Uses and Specifications 2.4.1 Brooders, feeder, heater, waterers, etc.- for efficient rearing and management of broilers 2.5 Communications 2.5.1 Preparation of inventory reports and production records 2.6 Systems, Processes and Operations 2.6.1 Selection of initial stocks 2.6.2 Procedures in the preparation of brooding houses 2.6.3 Knowledge of correct feeding and management of growing broiler chicks 2.6.4 Implementation of medication program 2.7 Maintenance 2.7.1 Regular check-up and repair of equipment and materials 2.8 Codes and Regulations 2.8.1 Appropriate legal regulatory body that supervises the animal industry such as BAI and Phil. Animal Health Center (PAHC), DENR 2.9 Values 2.9.1 Honesty in records of sales 2.9.2 Confidence in selecting day old chicks 2.9.3 Personal integrity in doing routine management
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Underpinning Skills Method of Assessment



Resource Implications Context of Assessment Learning Competencies

6. 7.

practices 2.9.4 Perseverance in executing routine works 2.9.5 Ability to work with others harmoniously 3.1 Work safety 3.2 Skills in using tools and equipment 3.3 Calculations 3.4 Communicate effectively Competency in this unit must be assessed through: 4.1 Passing written exam 4.2 Practical demonstration 4.3 Testimonies of good performance and behavior of applicant by supervisor 5.1 Poultry houses 5.2 Set of brooding equipments 5.3 Medication and nutritional requirements 5.4 Weighing scale and other tools and equipments 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited farms/institutions 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Planning and Organizing Collecting, Analyzing and Organizing Information Working with Others and in Teams Using Mathematical Ideas and Techniques Solving Problems Decision Making Work Values and Ethics


Raise Small Ruminants

Promulgated December 2004





UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to raise small ruminants such as goats and sheep. It includes selection of genetically superior animals for breeding, management of does/ewes and their progencies, implement feeding and herd health program and maintain and analyze records. ELEMENT 1. Select and manage breeder goats and sheep 1.1 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Italized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement

Suitable and superior breeds of goats and sheep are identified based on industry standard 1.1 Bucks/rams are well fed and groomed regularly 1.2 Signs of heat are detected among sexually mature does and ewes 1.3 Breeder does and ewes are mated with genetically superior rams/buck 1.4 Pregnant animals are diagnosed/confirmed 1.5 Unproductive buck/ram and doe/ewe are culled 1.6 Signs of pre-heat, standing heat and post heat are detected 1.7 Breeder bucks/rams and does/ewes are properly housed 2. Manage does/ewes and 2.1 Signs of approaching kidding/lambing are their progenies monitored 2.2 Placenta and dead kids/lambs are disposed properly 2.3 Assisted kids/lambs to suckle colostrums 2.4 Kids/lambs are identified through ear tags/notches 2.5 Disbudded growing kids/lambs appropriately 2.6 Dehorning and castration of unwanted growing kids/lambs are done 3-4 weeks of age 2.7 Weaned lambs/kids properly at 3 months from birth 2.8 Lactating goats and sheep are kept in clean and quiet environment, and are separated from the breeder males 2.9 Forage grasses, concentrates, other feed supplement and adequate water supply are provided 3. Provide feed and 3.1 Guides in feeding the general herd/flock of goats implement feeding and sheep are implemented based on industry practices standard 3.2 Supplementary concentrates and other feed supplements are identified and provided 3.3 Established and maintained pasture grasses for the flock/herd 3.4 Alternative feed resources are identified and given during searching of feeds 4. Implement herd health 4.1 Preventive measures are instituted based on _____________________________________________________________________________ 35
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

program 4.2 4.3 5. Maintain and analyze records 5.1 5.2

industry and BAI standard Medication and vaccination programs are followed strictly as recommended by manufacturers and veterinarian Sick animals are treated properly and dead goats/sheep are disposed Appropriate records are kept, collated and analyzed regularly Management decisions are carried out properly based on records



RANGE 1.1 Anglo-Nubian

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2. Breeds of sheep

3. Signs of heat

4. Unproductive rams/bucks 5. Unproductive does/ewes

6. Dehorning

1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3

7. Castration

8. Grasses

9. Concentrates

10. Feed supplements

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4

Saanen Boer Toggenburg Alpine Native and crossbreeds Merino Katahdin St. Croix Barbados Black Belly Native Barbados black belly and their crosses Swelling of external genitalia Constant urination Tail wagging and bleating Wants to be mounted Capacious appetite Decrease in milk yield of lactating does/ewes Infertile/abnormal sperm from the buck Diseases such as brucellosis, leptospirosis and vibriosis Poor growth traits and reproductive efficilacy Irregularity of estrus cycle Poor growth and reproductive traits Susceptibility to diseases Production of abnormal eggs/ova Overfat condition Kid/lamb disbudded at 3-5 weeks old Use methods such as hot iron cautery, mechanical or chemical method appropriately Post dehorning treatment is applied Best done when kids/lambs not intended for breeding are about 2-4 weeks old Choose and follow several methods appropriately with the use of different tools properly Apply dose of Tetanus Anti Toxoid (TAT) to prevent tetanus Napier grass Paragrass Guinea grass Centrosema Tree leaves Rice bran Copra meal Soybean oil mal Corn bran Molasses Wheat polland UMMB Vitamin ADE Minerals such as dicalcium phosphate Other sources from oyster shell flour and steamed bone
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11. Alternative feed resources

12. Appropriate records

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6

meal Tree leaves and shrubs Banana stalks Peanut hay Gumamela Ipil-ipil Identifications records temporary and permanent Production records milk production Reproduction and/or breeding records Herd health and disease control records Feed records Other records herd inventory, pasture production, disposal, monthly expenses

EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Identifed genetically superior breeds of goats and sheep 1.2 Selected and managed breeders
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Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes

1.3 Managed does/ewes 1.4 Implemented proper feeding practices 1.5 Implemented proper herd health program 1.6 Maintained and analyzed records appropriately 2.1 Communication 2.1.1 Preparation of inventory reports, production and performance records, and financial analysis 2.2 Safety Practices 2.2.1 5 S implementation 2.2.2 Knowledge in handling biologicals and other veterinary drugs and supplies 2.2.3 Knowledge of proper waste handling and management Mathematics and Mensuration 2.3.1 Computation of feed requirements and biological space requirement for individual animals and stocking density based on recommended standards and BAI requirements 2.3.2 Appropriate animal unit per available grazing or pasture area 2.3.3 Feed conversion efficiency 2.3.4 Financial viability of the project Codes and Regulations 2.4.1 Appropriate legal and supervising regulatory body pertinent to production and health program of goat/sheep such as BAI, PAHC, DA and DENR Systems, Processes and Operations 2.5.1 Selection of stocks, management of general herd, management of breeders and replacement stocks, implementation of appropriate herd health program Tools and Equipment: Uses and Specifications 2.6.1 Weighing scale (100 kg. capacity) to monitor body weight and feed requirement of animals 2.6.2 Earnotcher to identify kids/lambs properly 2.6.3 Drenching gun, 10 ml cap. to deworm goat/sheep 2.6.4 Dehorner/disbudding equipments for proper grooming of animals






Maintenance 2.7.1 Regular check-up and repair of tools and equipment 2.8 Materials: Uses and Specifications 2.8.1 Office supplies and materials for regular inventory and monitoring of production performance and financial viability of the project/operation
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004



Blue Printing 2.9.1 Development of building and other infrastructures should conform with proper zoning and existing environmental policies (DENR) and local ordinances such as municipal and city ordinances


Underpinning Skills Method of Assessment



Resource Implication


Context of Assessment

2.10 Values 2.10.1 Confidence in selecting genetically superior stocks 2.10.2 Personal integrity and perseverance in performing routine management practices 2.10.3 Ability to work well with others harmoniously 3.1 Work safety 3.2 Skills in using tools and equipment 3.3 Calculations 3.4 Communicate effectively Competency in this unit must be assessed through: 4.4 Passing written exam 4.5 Practical demonstration related to underpinning knowledge, skills and attitudes 4.6 Testimonies of good performance and behavior of applicant by supervisor 4.7 Farm site/pasture area with perimeter fences per paddock 4.8 Different breeds of goats and sheep with genetic superiority 4.9 Housing units/sheds appropriate to different ages of animals 4.10 Office supplies, tools and farm equipments 4.11 Feed resources 4.12 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual workplace or through accredited farms/institution


Raise Swine
AGR621303 40

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to raise swine effectively and efficiently. It includes selection of genetically superior breeders and replacement stocks, proper management and feeding of boar, sows and gilts, providing care and monitoring the health of the animals and profitable marketing of hogs either as replacements stocks/breeders or market hogs. ELEMENT 1. Select and train boars 1.1 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Italciized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement

Suitable breed is selected based on superiority of pedigree or production performance 1.2 Boars are trained to mount sows/dummy 1.3 Boars selected based on breeding objective and selection criteria 1.4 Boars semen are evaluated for fertility based on quality standards of BAI standards 1.5 Boars are tested for leptospirosis and brucellosis infection 2. Breed sows and gilts 2.1 Gilts and sows are selected based on superiority of pedigree or production performance 2.2 Selected gilts and sows are flushed 2.3 Signs of heat are monitored 2.4 Natural breeding/artificial insemination are performed 2.5 Signs of pregnancy are monitored 3. Perform farrowing activities 3.1 Farrowing stalls or pens are disinfected 3.2 Pregnant sows and gilts are transferred to farrowing stalls or pens 3.3 Feed intake is controlled based on standard requirements 3.4 Signs of farrowing are monitored 3.5 Farrowing materials and supplies are prepared 3.6 Farrowing problems are monitored 3.7 Mucous membrane of newly delivered piglets are removed 3.8 Umbilical cord is cut one inch from the bare and applied with antiseptics 3.9 Needle teeth is cut 3.10 Administer post medication to sows 3.11 Placenta and dead fetus are either buried or burned 4. Care and raise piglets to 4.1 Provide artificial heat such as electric lamps or market age charcoal heated lamps at the brooding pen 4.2 Iron preparations are injected three (3) days after birth together with anti scows or anti diarrheals which are administered 4.3 Piglets are weaned at the age of 30 days to 45 days 4.4 Ear notching and castration are done 7 days after farrowing 4.5 Pre-started ration is introduced to the piglets 2-3 weeks after farrowing at a gradual rate or as wanted _____________________________________________________________________________ 41
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5. Maintain herd health program

6. Record Data

4.6 Different feeding programs are implemented based on industry requirement 4.7 Hogs are marketed at approximately 75-85 kg/head 4.8 Undesirable gilts and junior boars are culled out 5.1 Changes in animal behavior are monitored 5.2 Vaccination programs are implemented based on industry standards, existing municipal laws and as per requirement of the Bureau of Animal Industry 5.3 Preventive medication programs or measures must be based on existing condition in and out of the farm and industry requirements 5.4 Periodic review of medication program must be implemented 6.1 Stock inventory is updated 6.2 Breeding and farrowing schedules are monitored 6.3 Production performance of breeders are monitored and analyzed

RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Breeds RANGE 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Landrace Large white Duroc Pietrain Hypor
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Selection criteria

1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6


Signs of heat

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5


Signs of pregnancy Signs of farrowing



Farrowing materials Farrowing problems

Chester white Berksshire Poland China Hampshire Dallan Approximately 85-90 kgs. at 8 months of age Boars must have a well developed protruding or extended testicles Good disposition or easily handled or managed Well developed and proportioned body conformation Must be free from brucella and leptuspirosis infection Sows and gilts must have equally space, mammary gland and at least seven pairs Grunting and mounting of other hogs Swelling and reddening of the vulva Loss of appetite Erect ears Appearance of mucous discharge from the vagina Can only be moved with great efforts Frequent attempts to urinate with little or no discharge at all Absence of heat/eastrows Increase weight Enlargement of the abdomen Development of mammary glands Biting of hurdles and guard rails Sows are always in sitting dog positions Distention and enlargement of the udder Enlargement and swelling of the vulva Frequent urination Milk letdown Mucous discharge with meconium Old newspaper Rice hulls Saw dust or wood shavings Agalactiae no milk let down Mastitis inflammation of the udder Metritis retain placenta Dystocia difficult birth or farrowing Pre starter ration (7 days old to 11/2 months of age) Starter ration (11/2 months 3 months of age) Finisher ration 3 months old to market) Breeder mash boar, sows and gilts Listlessness Increase body temperature Loss appetite Solitary separation from the group Mucosal discharge on the eyes and snout
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Feeding programs based on industry standards 9. Changes in animal behavior (sick animal)




Medication programs based on industry and farm requirements

10.1 Vaccination every six months for matured hogs (breeders), piglets 30 days old 10.2 Feed medication program 10.2.1 1st month 4 weeks used of antibiotics 10.2.2 2nd month 3 weeks used of antibiotics 10.2.3 3rd month 2 weeks used of antibiotics 10.2.4 4th month alternate weekly used of antibiotics

EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Identified selection criteria and breeding objectives for breeder and grower hogs 1.2 Computed space requirements in each physiological stage of the pigbased on BAI standards 1.3 Applied medication and nutritional requirements of each
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2. Underpinning Knowledge and Attitudes

stage of production based on industry standard 1.4 Cared and raised piglet to market age 1.5 Determined superior characteristics of a good breeder and hog grower 1.6 Implemented heard health program 2.1 Communication 2.1.1 Preparation of stock inventory, performance and health records, mortality and morbidity rates, financial transactions and indicators of production efficiency 2.2 Safety Practices 2.2.1 Implementation of regulatory controls and policies relative to proper handling, use and disposal of biologics and other veterinary drugs and supplies 2.2.2 Proper disposal of placenta and dead fetuses 2.3 Mathematics and Mensuration 2.3.1 Computation of sow productivity index, feed conversion efficiency, parameters of reproductive efficiency and financial viability of the swine enterprise 2.4 Codes and Regulations 2.4.1 Compliance to animal health program of the BAI, PAHC, NMIC, DA and DENR 2.5 Systems, Processes and Operations 2.5.1 Selection of breeder and replacement stocks, general care and herd health management from piglet to marketable age and weight 2.6 Tools and Equipment: Uses and Specifications 2.6.1 Artificial Insemination Kit for successful insemination of gilts and sows 2.6.2 Weighing balance(500 kg cap.) for monitoring and marketing of hogs 2.6.3 Ear notcher, nail cutter, forcep scissor and other tools for identification of animals 2.7 Maintenance 2.7.1 Regular check-up and repair of tools and equipments 2.8 Materials: Uses and Specifications 2.8.1 Office equipment and supplies for regular monitoring of production performance and economic viability of the swine operation 2.9 Blue Printing 2.9.1 Infrastructure plans and lay-out approved based on existing regulatory policies and proper zoning

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


3 Underpinning Skills

4 Method of Assessment


Resourc e Implications


Context of Assessment

scheme of the government and local ordinances 2.10 Values 2.10.1 Safety consciousness on vaccine handling and other biological 2.10.2 Accuracy in medication and treatment of hogs diseases 2.10.3 Competence and self-confidence towards selection of breeding stocks 2.10.4 Honesty in marketing and financial transactions 2.10.5 Perseverance and industriousness on care and management of the general heard 3.1 Work safety 3.2 Skills in using tools and equipment 3.3 Calculations 3.4 Communicating ideas and info Competency in this unit must be assessed through: 4.1 Practical demonstration related to underpinning knowledge, skills and attitudes 4.2 Assessment by immediate superiors with regards to the work accomplishment 4.3 Interviews with the participants on actual work or training settings 5.1 Farm location 5.2 Trained boars for artificial insemination 5.3 In-heat, sows/gilts 5.4 Artificial insemination kit 5.5 Tools and equipment appropriate to swine breeding and swine pork production 5.6 Microscope 5.7 Piglets (weanlings) 6.1 Competency maybe assessed individually in the workplace or in a simulated workplace individually or as a part of a team under limited supervision



Raise Large Ruminants (Beef, Dairy and Buffaloes)



UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to produce large ruminants such as beef, dairy and buffaloes. It includes selection of animals for breeding, appropriate care and management at various physiological stages
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


of the herd, maintaining records, monitoring and implementing appropriate herd health program, including waste management. ELEMENT 1. Select and manage breeder cattle and buffaloes PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range Statement


Provide feeds and implement feeding practices


Manage the general herd

1.1 Suitable and superior breeds of cattle and buffaloes are identified and selected based on industry and BAI standards 1.2 Breeding objectives are identified and formulated to which selected cattle and buffaloes will be raised 1.3 Breeding systems for cattle and buffaloes are identified and implemented according to enterprise procedures 1.4 Breeders are properly fed, managed and provided appropriate support activities for efficient rearing of bulls and cows 1.5 Reproductive physiology of large ruminants is discussed according to enterprise procedures 1.6 Natural or synchronized estrus among heifers/cows is observed 2.1 Feed resources appropriate for cattle and buffaloes at various physiological stages are identified based on industry and BAI standard 2.2 Feed additives and mineral supplements are given according to enterprise procedures 2.3 Appropriate feeding system is implemented 3.1 Claves, growers and fatteners are reared according to enterprise requirements 3.2 Sound stocking rate is ensured and general herd is managed appropriately 3.3 Breeding cows and bulls are reared according to enterprise requirements 4.1 Areas and support system for pasture establishment and maintenance, housing and infrastructure facilities and tools and equipment are identified based on industry and BAI standards 4.2 Pasture grasses and legumes suited for general herd are identified 4.3 Housing system and related infrastructures for general herd is identified 4.4 Natural mating or artificial insemination in cattle and buffaloes are used according to enterprise procedures 5.1 Immunization program is adopted in accordance with industry standards 5.2 Medication program is implemented based on industry and farm requirements 6.1 Records are kept, updated and analyzed according
Promulgated December 2004


Provide life support facilities


Implement herd health program Maintain and analyze





to organization standard 6.2 Economic viability of the project is analyzed

RANGE OF VARIABLES VARIABLE 1. Breeds of cattle and buffaloes 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 SCOPE Dairy Cattle: Holstein Friesian Sahiwal Jersey Red Sindhi
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1.1.5 1.2


2. Breeding systems

3. Natural/ Synchronized Estrus 4. Reproductive physiology

5. Feed resources

6. Feed additives

7. Pasture establishment and maintenance 8. Housing and infrastructure facilities

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6

Crosses Beef Cattle: 1.2.1 Native Strain 1.2.2 Brahman 1.2.3 Hindu-Brazil 1.2.4 Simbrah 1.2.5 Crosses Buffaloes 1.3.1 Native Carabaos 1.3.2 Indian Murrah Buffaloes 1.3.3 Bulgarian Murrah 1.3.4 Nili Ravi 1.3.5 American Buffaloes 1.3.6 Cambodian Buffaloes 1.3.7 Crosses Purebreeding Backcrossing Crossbreeding Rotational crossbreeding Swelling of the external genitalia Mucus discharge Constant urination and bellowing Restlessness and wants to mount and to be mounted Standing still when mounted Average estrus cycle (20-23 days) Average duration of estrus (23 days) Average gestation (270 days) Age of first estrus (8 mos. 1 yr) Calving interval (1 yr.) Post pasture estrus (60 days) Native grasses Improved grasses and legumes Crop residues Feed grains Molasses Urea Vitamin Minerals Fencing materials like concrete or wooden post, hog wires, nails Divisional paddocks in pasture area Irrigation (dike or sprinkle) and fertilization scheme Rotational grazing system Pen for general herd Stud pen for bulls Milking barn/parlor Storage rooms for feeds and veterinary supplies Laborers quarter Slaughter area
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9. Tools and equipment

10. Immunization and medication program 11. Records

8.7 8.8 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7

Night corrals Sheds AI kit and other paraphernalia Weighing scale (1000 kg. cap.) Tattoo pliers, hammer Syringes (5 to 20ml cap.) Shovel, wheel barrow Mineral boxes, waterer, feeding trough Milking pails Milk pasteurizer Milk homogenizer Ear tags, branding iron Vaccinate animals at specific age and condition Treat animals based on veterinarians recommendations Follow prescription/dosage requirement as recommended Disposed/manage waste Production records Reproduction records Inventory and consumption records Milk records Expenses records Vaccination records Mortality and disposal records

EVIDENCE GUIDE 1. Critical Aspects of Competency Assessment requires evidence that the candidate: 1.1 Identified different breeds for specific breeding objectives 1.2 Selected animals for breeding/replacement purposes 1.3 Selected suitable bulls and heifers/cows 1.4 Implemented recommended breeding systems, feeds,
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1.5 1.6 1.7 2. Underpinnin g Knowledge and Attitudes 2.1

feeding schemes Managed the whole herd with production support system Implemented herd health program and waste management Established and maintained pasture areas, housing and other support facilities Communication 2.1.1 Preparation of selection criteria and breeding objectives, care and management of general herd, use of A.I. for improved reproduction, financial viability of the enterprise Safety Practices 2.2.1 Implementation of safety standard in handling animals and biologicals as prescribed by manufacturers and endorsed by veterinarians Mathematics and Mensuration 2.3.1 Computation of feeding requirements at different physiological stages, reproductive parameters, feed conversion efficiency, dose requirements for A.I. and biologicals and income over costs of operation Codes and Regulations 2.4.1 Compliance to animal movement and herd health program as formulated through Executive and Administrative Orders issued by BAI, PAHC and NMIC of the Dept. of Agriculture, DENR Systems, Processes and Operations 2.5.1 Selection of stocks, care and management of breeders and general herd, implementation of effective herd health program, and financial analysis of the enterprise Tools and Equipment: Uses and Specifications 2.6.1 Weighing scale (1000 kg. cap.) for monitoring of animals weight 2.6.2 Drenching gun/syringe deworming purposes 2.6.3 A.I. kit and paraphernalia effective breeding of cows







Maintenance 2.7.1 Regular check-up/calibration and repair of tools and equipments Materials: Uses and Specifications
Promulgated December 2004




2.8.1 Office and other supplies - for monitoring and evaluation of the different operations/activities of the project 2.9 Blue Printing 2.9.1 Appropriate zoning scheme and environmental concerns are considered in the farm lay-out and designs of major infrastructures and other buildings 2.10 Values 2.10.1 Patience during A.I. activities 2.10.2 Perseverance in rearing the general herd 2.10.3 Honesty during business transactions such as sales of live animals and products 3.1 Work safety 3.2 Skills in using tools and equipment 3.3 Calculations 3.4 Communicate effectively Competency in this unit must be assessed through: 4.1 Observation and questioning 4.2 Third Party Report 4.3 Portfolio 4.4 Demonstration 5.1 Farm site/pasture area 5.2 Different breeds of cattle and buffaloes 5.3 Infrastructures-houses, seed, corrals, sheds 5.4 A.I. kit and paraphernalia 5.5 Tools and equipments 5.6 Feeds, concentrates and additives 5.7 Seeds and other planting materials 6.1 Competency maybe assessed individually in the actual workplace or in accredited farms or institution


Underpinnin g Skills Method of Assessment



Resource Implications


Context of Assessment

SECTION 3. TRAINING STANDARDS These guidelines are set to provide the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when designing training programs for ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II.
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


3.1 CURRICULUM DESIGN Course Title: ANIMAL PRODUCTION Nominal Training Duration: 860 Hours Course Description: This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of animal production technician in accordance with industry standards. It covers raising poultry, small and large ruminants and swine . It also includes competencies in workplace communication, teamwork, safety in the use of hand tools and equipment, and housekeeping BASIC COMPETENCIES Unit of Competency 1. Participate in workplace communication Learning Outcomes 1.1 Obtain and convey workplace information. 1.2 Complete relevant work related documents. 1.3 Participate in workplace meeting and discussion. 2.1 Describe and identify team role and responsibility in a team. 2.2 Describe work as a team member. 3.1 Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals. 3.2 Set and meet work priorities. 3.3 Maintain professional growth and development. 4.1 Evaluate hazard and risks 4.2 Control hazards and risks 4.3 Maintain occupational health and safety awareness Methodology Group discussion Interaction Assessment Approach Demonstration Observation Interviews/ questioning Demonstration Observation Interviews/ questioning Demonstration Observation Interviews/ questioning NC Level NC II

2. Work in a team environment

Discussion Interaction

3. Practice career professionalism

Discussion Interaction

4. Practice occupational health and safety

Discussion Plant tour Symposium

Observation Interview


TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


Unit of Competency 1. Apply safety measures in farm operations

Learning Outcomes 1.1. Determine areas of concern for safety measures 1.2. Apply appropriate safety measures 1.3. Safekeep/maintain/ dispose tools, materials and outfit. 2.1. Prepare and use farm tools 2.2. Prepare and operate farm equipment 2.3. Perform preventive maintenance procedures/practices

Assessment Approach Self-paced/modular Oral/Written Lecture/Discussion Interviews Direct Interaction Observation Practical Practical Demonstration Demonstration Visit/tour Methodology Self-paced/modular Lecture/Discussion Interaction Practical Demonstration Visit/tour Self-paced/modular Lecture/Discussion Interaction Practical Exercise Oral/Written Interviews Direct Observation Practical Demonstration Oral/Written examination Practical exercise

2. Use farm tools and equipment

3. Perform 3.1. Perform estimation estimation and 3.2. Perform basic workplace basic calculation calculation 3.3. Apply corrective measures as necessary

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Methodology Assessment Approach

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004



1.1 Identify and procure Dual hybrid, breeds / strains for training poultry raising Dem 1.2 Clean & disinfect poultry onstration houses, tools & equipment 1.3 Install & adjust chick guards, curtains & heaters 1.4 Change laying out & clean litter materials regularly 1.5 Monitor chicks behavior 1.6 Cut the nails & de beak chicks 1.7 Collect & keep records 1.8 Prepare & clean feeder & water trough 1.9 Provide feed to poultry species 1.10 Dispose spoiled feed 1.11 Select & transfer of poultry from brooder to poultry house & to laying house 1.12 Cull chicks with undesirable traits 1.13 Provide pullets with extended exposure to lighting system 1.14 Identify, select, and transfer good layers. 1.15 Harvest eggs at proper time using appropriate materials. 1.16 Classify eggs according to industry standards. 1.17 Store eggs to maintain life and to add value. 1.18 Follow strictly the medication program according to standard 1.19 Examine physical deformities in poultry species for treatments 1.20 Implement proper disposal of sick & dead birds

Wri tten examination De monstration of practical skills Dir ect observation Inte rview

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004




Identify the different breeds of goats / sheep for breeding based on breeding record. Procure superior goats / sheep for breeding. Manage suitable breed for good performance


Dual Dem onstration

2.2. 2.3.

Wri tten examination De monstration of practical skills Dir ect observation Inte rview


Construct comfortable housing for does / ewes and their progenies. Determine signs of successful kidding / lambing Provide proper management for lactating does / ewes and their progenies Identify the different feeds and feed requirements for the general flock / herd of goats and sheep Determine the feeding system suited to small ruminants animals Implement herd health program Identify pig breeds Dual Determine good breeder training and fatteners Dem Detect in heat gilt & sow onstration Demonstrate natural and artificial insemination Diagnose pregnant gilt/sow Cull unproductive boar/sow/ gilt Describe measures and demonstrate procedure Interview Written Practical Direct Observation





2.9. 3. RAISE SWINE 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7.

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


of handling gilt and sow before, during and after delivery 3.8. Perform piglets treatment after birth until weaning 3.9. Monitor changes in animal behavior 4. LARGE RUMINANTS 4.1. 4.2. Select suitable and Dual training superior breeds of Dem cattle and buffaloes onstration Identify breeding objectives and formulate selected cattles and buffaloes to be raised Breeding systems for cattle and buffaloes are identified and implemented according to enterprise procedures Manage breeders and properly fed for efficient rearing of bulls and cows Discussed reproductive physiology of large ruminants according to enterprise procedures Observe natural or synchronized estrus among heifers/cows Wri tten examination De monstration of practical skills Dir ect observation Inte rview


4.4. 4.5.



Identify feed resources appropriate for cattle and buffaloes at various physiological stages 4.8. Give feed additives and mineral supplements according to enterprise procedures 4.9. Implement appropriate feeding system 4.10. Rear claves, growers and fatteners according to enterprise requirements 4.11. Manage sound stocking rate and general herd
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


4.12. 4.13.

4.14. 4.15.


4.17. 4.18. 4.19. 4.20.

appropriately Rear breeding cows and bulls according to enterprise requirements Identify areas and support system for pasture establishment and maintenance, housing and infrastructure facilities and tools and equipment Identify pasture grasses and legumes suited for general herd Identify housing system and related infrastructures for general herd Use natural mating or artificial insemination in cattle and buffaloes according to enterprise procedures Adopt immunization program in accordance with industry standards Implement medication program Analyzed records, kept and update according to organization standard Analyzed economic viability of the project

3.2 TRAINING DELIVERY The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery should be guided by the 10 basic principles of competency-based TVET. o The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standards; o Learning is modular in its structure; o Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and self-paced learning strategies;
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


o Training is based on work that must be performed; o Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum modules; o Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work to the industry required standard; o Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies; o Training allows for multiple entry and exit; and o Training programs are registered with UTPRAS. The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of delivery modes, both on and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the competency standards specified by the industry. The following training modalities may be adopted when designing training programs: o The dualized mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended. Thus programs would contain both in-school and in-industry training or fieldwork components. Details can be referred to the Dual Training System (DTS) Implementing Rules and Regulations. o Modular/self-paced learning is a competency-based training modality wherein the trainee is allowed to progress at his own pace. The trainer facilitates the training delivery o Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are given the opportunity to assist the slow learners. o Supervised industry training or on-the-job training is an approach in training designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee through actual experience in the workplace to acquire specific competencies prescribed in the training regulations. o Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, or audio, video or computer technologies. o Project-Based Instruction is an authentic instructional model or strategy in which students plan, implement and evaluate projects that have real world applications. 3.3 TRAINEE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Trainees or students wishing to enroll in this course should possess the following requirements: Able to read and write; With good moral character; Ability to communicate, both oral and written; and Physically fit and mentally healthy as certified by a Public Health Officer
Promulgated December 2004





ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 25 trainees for Animal Production NC II

Electric lamps Pail Feed scoop Syringe and needles Debeaker Knapsack sprayer Egg grader Hover



Generator Heater Weighing scale Wheel barrow Feed bin Feed cart Infrared gas brooder Fabricated layer cages Power Sprayer

QTY 10


3 3 30 1 1 3 1

1 1 1 1 1 1


Plastic drinking jars, , 1 gallon cap. Chicks size feeders

1 1 2 10

Welded wire Plastic poultry wire PVC pipe Feeding troughs (local materialsbamboo or PVC pipe) Drinking trough Plastic waterers Sacks Nests

3 1 1 3 5 3 5

Chick guard Curtains Portable heater Plastic feeders, 5-10 kgs AI kit and other paraphernalia Weighing scale (1000 kg. cap.) Tattoo pliers, hammer Syringes (5 to 20ml cap.) Shovel, wheel barrow Mineral boxes, waterer, feeding trough Milking pails Milk pasteurizer Milk homogenizer Ear tags, branding iron

30 1

10 10 10 10

1 5

Old tire Aluminum sheets

5 15 10 5 5 5

1 2 5 5 -

Plain GI sheets Lawanit Hard card boards Plywood Old newspaper Saw dust 60

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

Rice hulls Chicks booster from 1 day to 2 weeks old Starter mash 34 weeks old Finisher mash 5 weeks old until market age Egg trays Plastic egg trays (30 pcs./60 pcs. Capacity) Cartoon egg trays Egg cart Egg boxes Medicines (vitamins and anti-biotics) Dewormer Vaccines PPE: Dust coats Mask Hand gloves Boots Rain coats Fire extinguisher Foot baths

Learning Materials Production records 60 Rearing flock records Laying flock records Financial records Inventory records Physical records: Brooding and growing records Strains of layers: Laying flock 30 Babcock production Dekalb records H&N Financial records: _____________________________________________________________________________ 61
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004

Models/actual objects Breed/strain/ hybrid: Broiler strains: Anak Pilch-de-kalb Lohman Starbro Arbor acre Avian Peterson Cobb

Hi-sex white Kimber Starcross Lohman LSL

Value of production and disposal Other sources of income Farm expenses



Breeds of eggtype ducks: The Phil. Mallard Khaki Campbell Indian Runner Tsaiya Chery Valley Hybrid Breeds of Quail Japanese Seattle Japanese Taiwan Silver Layer eggs classification: XL and jumbo (62 grams up) Large (55-61 grams) Medium (48-54 grams) Small (41 47 grams) Very small/ peewee (below 41 grams) Ducks and quail eggs: 30 Good eggs this includes cleaned and free from any stain/dirt Reject eggs this includes cracked, offshaped, offPromulgated December 2004





sized, heavily/partly soiled and wet eggs Processed eggs: Salted eggs Balut eggs Pickled eggs Century eggs 1 o Dairy Cattle: Holstein Friesian Sahiwal 1 Jersey Red Sindhi Crosses o Beef 1 Cattle: 30 Native Strain Brahman Hindu-Brazil Simbrah Crosses o Buffal oes Native Carabaos Indian Murrah Buffaloes Bulgarian Murrah Nili Ravi American Buffaloes
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


Cambodian Buffaloes Crosses

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


3.5 TRAINING FACILITIES ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Based on a class size of 25 students/trainees


Building (permanent) Student/Trainee Working Space Lecture Room Learning Resource Center Facilities/Equipment/ Circulation Area

13.00 x 15.00 2.00 x 2.00 per student/trainee 7.00 x 5.00 3.00 x 5.00 -

195.00 4.00 per student 35.00 15.00 -

195.00 100.00 35.00 15.00 ----

Note: Land area of poultry/swine house depends on the number of birds/herds to be raised.

3.6 TRAINERS QUALIFICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURE SECTOR ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II TRAINER QUALIFICATION (TQ II) Must be a holder of Animal Production Technician, NC III or its equivalent qualification Must have undergone training on Training Methodology II (TM II) *Must be computer literate Must be physically and mentally fit *Must have at least 2 years job/industry experience Must be a civil service eligible (for government position or appropriate professional license issued by the Professional Regulatory Commission)
* Optional. Only when required by the hiring institution.

Reference: TESDA Board Resolution No. 2004 03



Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their achievement of units of competency . A certificate of achievement is issued for each unit of competency.
TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004





To attain the National Qualification of Animal Production NC II, the candidate must demonstrate competence in all the units listed in Section 1. Successful candidates shall be awarded a National Certificate signed by the TESDA Director General. The qualification of Animal Production NC II may be attained through: 4..2.1. Accumulation of Certificates of Competency (COCs) in the following areas: Raise Poultry Raise Small Ruminants Raise Swine Raise Large Ruminants


Successful candidates shall be awarded Certificates of Competency (COCs) bearing the signature of the Regional Director and Chair of the recognized local industry body. 4.2.2. Demonstration of competence through project-type assessment covering all required units of the qualification. 4.3. Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic and common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with the core units. The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification: 4.4.1 Graduates of formal, non-formal and informal including enterprise-based training programs 3.2 4.5. Experienced Workers (wage employed or self-employed)


The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in the Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification and Guidelines on the Implementation of the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System (PTQCS).

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


Supermarket of Competencies AGRI-FISHERY Sector


Produce Vegetables

Service and Repair Business Machines Perform Landscaping Activities Operate Seedling Nursery

Produce Fruit Bearing Crops

Produce Cut Flowers

Raise Poultry Raise swine

Produce Grain Crops

Manage Farm

Perform Post Operate and Harvest Maintain Operations of Mechanical Grain Major Lowland and Dryer Semi Temperate Vegetables Crops Perform On Farm Perform Post Grain Post Harvest Harvest Operations of Major Tropical Control Pest of Fruits Stored Grains and Products Grade and Classify Grain Analyze Foods and Agricultural Produce Biogas products Byproducts Assist in Aquaculture Operate and Operations Maintain Rice Mill Assist in Equipment Horticulture Operations

Test & Analyze Physico-Chemical Properties of Foods, Agri Products, Water & Wastewater Test & Analyze Microbiological Properties of Foods, Agri Products, Water & Wastewater Service, Repair & Maintain Crop Production Raise large Ruminants Service, Repair & Maintain Small Gasoline Engines

Raise Small Ruminants Service, Repair & Maintain Crop Post Harvest Equipment Assess Farm Resources Service Tractors Engine Service Tractors Electrical System Grow Seaweed

Service Tractors Rear Axle, Front Axle & Brake System Service Tractors Clutch & Transmission System Service, Repair & Maintain Small Diesel Engines Service Tractors Steering System Produce Fuel Byproducts

Service Tractors Hydraulic System Operate Tilapia Hatchery

Profile the Market Develop Marketing Plan Develop Marketing Communication Plan Promote Products & Services

Operate Fish Nursery Perform Fish or Shrimp Grow Out Operations Construct Aquaculture Facilities Operate catfish Hatchery

Market Agri Products Produce Compost Produce Handpaper

Apply Safely Measures in farm operations

Use Farm Tools and Equipment

Perform Estimation and Basic Calculation

Animal Production NC II
Participate in workplace communication Work in team environment Practice career professionalism Practice occupational health and safety procedures

Receive and respond to workplace communication

Work with others

Demonstrate work values

Lead workplace communication

Lead small teams

Develop and practice negotiation skills

Solve problems related to work activities

Use mathematical method

Use relevant technologies

Utilize specialized communication skills

Develop team and individual

Apply problem solving techniques to workplace

Plan and organize work

Promote environmental protection

TR - ANIMAL PRODUCTION NC II Promulgated December 2004


GLOSSARY OF TERMS Artificial Insemination introduction of sperm cells into the females reproductive tract (cervix) artificially using a plastic or rubber catheter Barrow a male swine, castrated (testicles removed) before it reaches sexual maturity Boar uncastrated male swine usually kept for breeding Broiler any commercial meat type chicken usually raised up to six weeks of age Brooder an area used for raising young fowl that provides sufficient light and protection Brooding a management practice where chicks are given extra heat and proper care and management Cage Housing a type or system of poultry housing where layers could be kept alone, by two or in big groups in cage Calf a newly born male or female cattle or buffalo Calving the act or process of delivering young cattle or buffalo Colostrum first milk from a female animal after giving birth Cow a mature female cattle Crossbreed a group of animals produced by mating two or more different breeds or strains of animals Culling is the removal of undesirable or inferior animals in the herd based on important economic traits and overall performance Drake male duck Estrus period of time when the female will accept male. Also known as heat period Farrowing the act of giving birth in pigs or swine Gestation Period refers to the period of carrying the young in the womb Gilt a young female hog that has not given birth yet Heifer a young female cattle or buffalo Immunization prevention of diseases by providing appropriate vaccines to animals



Inbreeding mating of closely related animals in a herd Incubation refers to the development of the birds from the fertilized eggs to fully formed chicks Livestock domestic animals kept for use on a farm and raised for sale and profit Litter the offsprings at one birth of a multiparous or animal like swine Litter Size refers to the aggregate number of piglets per farrowing Mallard duck (itik) breed of duck used for egg production Muscovy duck (bibi) breed of duck used for meat production Nutrients food elements or substance found in the feeds such as protein, carbohydrates, fats and others Dry sow a sow whose litter has been weaned but which has not yet been bred or is not pregnant Pewee egg the first egg of a pullet or the smallest sized egg Poultry a collective term for birds used either for breeding, egg production, meat production and recreation Pullet a young bird ready to lay egg Purebreeding is the mating of the unrelated individuals in the same breed Ration the total amount of feeds taken in by an animal during a 24 hour period Rooster a matured male poultry used for breeding Ruminants refers to animals with complex digestive system e.g. cattle, carabao, goats and sheep Selection refers to the process of choosing males and females with desirable characteristics either for breeding or replacement stocks Simple stomach/non-ruminant animals animals that possess simple digestive system e.g. poultry, horse and pigs Sow a mature female hog that had given birth Stag a male swine castrated after sexual maturity Steer a young male calf one year to 18 months old



Swine a collective term for hogs Vaccination a preventive measure to inoculate an animal with a mildly toxic preparation of bacteria or a virus of specific disease to prevent or to lessen the effects of the disease Waterer equipment used in providing water to animals Weanling refers to a young animal of either sex which has been separated from the mother at the end of the lactation period



The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to extend gratitude and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry, academe and government agencies and labor groups who donated their time and expertise to the development and validation of these Training Regulations. THE TECHNICAL ADVISORY PANEL (TAP) DR. MARIO S. SUBA (Chair) Presidential Assistant for Internal Development / Professor Central Luzon State University (CLSU) City Science of Muos, Nueva Ecija MS. JOSEFINA A. CONTRERAS Officer-In-Charge Bureau of Animal Industry Valenzuela Metro Manila THE TECHNICAL EXPERT PANEL (TEP)

DIR. PETE OCAMPO Livestock Development Council Department of Agriculture

DR. EDUARDO M. MARIANO (DVM) Farm Manager/ Consultant ARSEN Farm Inc. Majayjay, Laguna

Trainer Quezon National Agricultural School Malicboy, Pagbilao Quezon DR. ANGEL GUNO Senior Agriculturist Bureau of Animal Industry Valenzuela Metro Manila

Royal Chicks Farm Mandaluyong City MS. EMILIA A. LOPEZ Senior Agriculturist Bureau of Animal Industry Valenzuela Metro Manila

The Participants in the National Validation of this Training Regulation: Region 1 Region 8 Region 2 Region 11 Region 3 Region 12 Region 5 Cordillera Autonomy Region The Management and Staff of the TESDA Secretariat SSCO NITVET





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