But It Can Perform The Joins Between Two Tables

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How do we maintain Primary key in Fact Table ?

In data warehousing we are used surrogate keys by which we can change the value of primary key. Suppose you have two table emp and dept, and empno is the primary key of dept. table and also it is used in emp table as fk. In this case if we cannot modify the pk. because it is used as a foreign key in dept table. Thats why we need a extra colums which have no actual meaning. Here we have to take a extra columns ID as surrogate key in both table which have no meaning.

But it can perform the joins between two tables.

How do you manage the database triggers in DWH?

Which approach is better and why?Loading data from datamarts to datawarehouse or vice versa? i think the best process to load data into dwh from dm is delta processing.

delta processing is ADWH process which capture the changes in source(dm) and transfers the data accordingly with the time stamp to given DWH. (OR)
1. The direction of the data load depends on the approach that was adopted while designing the Warehouse and the datamart. If the top down approach, which Kimbal mentions is used, then data will be moved from DW to DM, whereas if Inmons approach of bottom-up design is used, then data will flow from DM to DW. 2. There is nothing like which one is a better option. Basically the decision of loading data whether from DM to DW, or from DW to DM depends on the design as mentioned above. What is Critical Key and Complex Key?
What is the difference between choosing a multidimensional database and a relational database? Mulitidimentional database: OLAP(OnLineAnnaliticalProcessing)

Relational database: OLTP(OnLineTransactionProcessing)

How many ways the data can be purged from cache

In informatica we have an option of 'rebuild cache'. Use that to rebuild cache.

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