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RAGONS OEARTUN Bric L. Boyd and Eytan Bernstein Dunczoxs & Duacons’ Camrarcn Accessoxr Desionres: Etc L. Boro ak Eytan BERNSTEIN ApprtioNaL. Desion ox DEVELOPMENT: EvaN JAMIESON, THOMAS M. Costa, Gzoace Kxastos i Eprroks: Bera Guiuse, Grpt Rice, Kim Mouan ____Eprrise Manacrr: Kim Mowan “Desig MANAGER: CHRISTOPHER PERKINS DeveLorsmnt Mawagux: Jussz Decker Sesion Aut Dinector D&D: Stack Loncsraeer Director or RPG R&D: BILL SLAVICSEK Pxopucrios Manacers: Jost Fiscnmr, RANDALL Crews Foxcorren Reais Ant Dirncrors Rvaw Sansaver, Maat Kouxowsxr Cover Artist: Lucto PaRRILLO ; INTERIOR ARTISTS: ANNE StoKEs, DAARKEN, GoNZALO Fores, Tomas Gronstto, Eric M. Gist, Faep Hoover, Howaxp Lyon, WiLLiam O’Connon, Jim Pavetzc Gaavine Dusiowur: Rowert RAPER CantocaararR: KYLE HUNTER Gaaviic Propucrion SPECIALIST: ANGELIKA LoKoTZ Tnace Tromstcian: Travis ADAMS SrectaL THanks: Ep GreENwoop, Erik THORNTON ee ‘asc oth xg Denson & Daas rls cesta by Gary Gat and Date Arein ate ae Dero & Danco game design by ‘eoshan Tweet, Moote Goo, Skip Willan Richard Bake, and Peter Akon. “This prose oes wpa materi fom the ¥3.F ovis Ie i designe Fr use wit the Foncor2an Res Campaign Setting by a Grecwond, Sean K Repos, Seip Willams 20d Rod Heino. “Ths Wizards of the Const gms roduc contsias no Open Gane Content. No pation ofthis wor ay be epaticl any Form witout writen permis, "To lean mre abut the Open Gaming Lissette 0 Sytem Like, plete vt wwovzardccean20, tes, casapa asta erotica ean anh Ew oe Warf ho Sh Cae Wy oe Soups Gg D9 4H en WA 0 Settanan (esto!) 1 900.524.6496 se th le yet 620-95379720.001-EN 9e765 432 Ispys0.07869-3923.0 First Printing: August isnwas. 9780-7869.29237 oscross& Dascoss; DBD, Descton Masse, Foaaorres Rratov, 20,020 Sram, Wizanoson nt Cont, Dragon of Faerie, Mayers Handbuch, Danian Masters Guide, Mener Maral all other Wins of the Coat pret names; a he respective ogo are ualemasks of Waar of te Cait Icy in the US.A. ed other countries “Ths materi proicted unr ho copyright ls ofthe United States of Ameria. Any feroductin a naathorial ws ofthe materi lov arvoukconabsd hes fprohbieé ihout the espe wren perminon of Weare af the Cos, “his pee ita work of tin. Any silty to actual people, ogenizaions, plate vets i pur coincents (©2006 Wizards of the Co, In. rital inthe US.A. % Vist our west at wmewnasacom/orgtes seta ‘The Dracoceneric Campaign ‘The Rage of Dragons ‘The Dracorage Campaign Turing ofthe Great Cycle. What You Need to Ply... 41: True Dragons of the World History of Dragoakind Time of Dragons ‘Under the King Killer Sta ‘The Church of Tiamat Servitos ofthe Five Headed Queen 7 ‘The Altar of Scales Encounters ‘Concluding the Adventure 4: Orders of Dragonkind. Blood of Morvetne,:.. Church of Tehazzae The Confuence Followers of the Sealy Way... Return ofthe Dragon Queen ‘Time of Troubis... Rise ofthe Dragon King Year of Rogue Dragons Acrosclaghpalay “Gilcafine Antal, "Defer of he Be” Gann ofthe Wa” Arveiaturae, “The White Worm”. “The Tener of Velen”. Claugiyliamatar, “Old Gnawbone™ Irylathagrs, “Sharpfangs” _ The Wyrm of Many Spell". “The Minstrel Wyn". -....s4. Protanthes, “King of the Toe". ,....30 “Tarauiramodamaci, ‘ihr Choy of Far Toayn Aner Wyems of the Nore Undead Troe Detgons Alaklerbanbasts, the Great Bone Wyrm ntatra,"Oll Mocher Wyrm” 48 righ, "Golden Night” It of the Dragon story of the Cale eee Cat (sel ati ‘Wyrmsmobe Call... Followers of the Scaly Wy ‘Magic the Cue... “The Cli of Karthaut — Encounter Areas Karthie Lighthouse ‘The Underground Complex Concluding the Adventure . 3: Tyranny of the Dragon Queen. Unter Realm of the Dragen Ques ‘Threskel: Land of the Bone Wyrm, Life and Society Major Geographical atures Teportane Sites. Regional History. Plots and Rumors. House Orogoth.. Sisterhood of Esta, “Talons of Justice. : Dragon Lire. Lair Traps... GR 6 Traps CRI Traps. CR 8 Traps CR 9 Traps CR 10 Traps Lair Hazards. Chlorine Haze (CR 8)... Dracolch Slough (CR 6) Dragon Mold (CR 5}. Fear Moths (CR #) Gem Dragon Dust (CR Vari). Magi: Shrcter Mos (C3) Shadow Slime (CR 7). Dragon Related Creatures. Dragonblood Subtype [Redspawn Birther... Spectral Creature CTemplats) 6 Dragon Related Spells Ouice Refrece ‘New Assasin Spell New Bard Spel Neo BackgardSpelis ew Ceri Spas ew Dru pel ‘New Paladin Spell. New Socrer/iar Sis pi Spl ty Spelt DC. ‘New Spells Abate Dracocage ‘Ageravaté Drasorage Aptideagon Aura, Greater Blane Nararal Weapons (Chromatic Ray Compal Breath oF ConTENTS __Diagoncal, Gane Screen, Epic Spells. 7: Magic Items. “99h, Mage Weapons. * Silver Sickles of Soraath Other Magiedrems, Minor Artifacts Major Arcifacts -Ghazirthe Deserts Edge Cone of Euphoria .....0ssee0- 21 Dininish Breach Weapon, Dragon Blght......-. Dragonbload. Affinity== blood Spell Pact (Gem Tracer. [Light of Symor. Paciication, Platinum Ray Pebble Wind Revelation Scattergloom...... Shadow of the Dark Queen Specteal Dragan. Stelsting. Tarceste! als for Epi Spells ‘New Epic Spells... Dragontooth of Larcth ‘Swont of Dragonblood “Amber Acoras of Moonivood Circle (Grown of the Death Dragon (Crown of the North Wind CCownring of Tcharzar. Dragon Blight Bomb... Dragon Davesing Rod Dragon's Draught... Dragonsbull Talisman, Dragonspectre Flute Tial of Apostasy Ring of Draconic Deception Ring of Dragons Roals of te Dark Lady. Sealebane Botte... Scepter of Cimbar....... Stone of Aerial Alarm. CChassabra’s Pendant. Diamond Scepter of Choma Helm of Supreme Wizardry», ..131 ‘ange Shield of Shyk Kocor yas the Krakenscoucge Karaka the Deion. Monocle of Begs f ‘Staff of Shoon ae Ste yyebied Rholar of dracinie msterieon the Sire Coast ited ot oer the mal of Balas ‘ate ward the Sea of Seords ad the sting sun. He thought to inzelf, “At last; a moment's peace from the Incest ace that keys yammering at he back f my sl” “Master eluaer if may, I bave axes question aba the Drecorage” spoke «Bigbpitcel whine of «tic. “Bia! There is ogin” Be sighed With a bere enol snarl, platered ser with a nile the great tg ied around gre is latest apprentice, Ballon Quillfeatber, late of Twilight Halt. “As ys, Master Barn, tbat a sarprive Tae Been here what arly a vide nowt Ad yet we sil haven’ Begun te haut your ore of quetins apparent id deieve I've come f triad why th es leaders of Thee Wa Harp tang i tend jou bee to frtor your sud. Please proceed” “Aime-itbnt inking, be Badan remaster iimediately hed ut the inercate and therongyfrelvant question that Filed, porceting litte more than a rapid fre burst of Bigh itched squeating Hew many apprentices bad be had eter the ert Iba eas is bea dis one haired hina Bar's ‘ntti eta nelle on, review and analye'all axial re Trgerdng the Dracirae to thatthe Harpers might kaw hte t preted tn the face of report of spreading made among the ratincn?' great drgons-lnd yet tere was somebing ssn, to demandg about Balto vein hat Veuert could barely tai is fnstrtion Cad he sis ong buman accep ‘hat Faerits qreat rms simply stcumbed to madaes, fom fief tine no matter Dn noble hey might eberist BE “Strait” Vaieert srcamed in frstraton, rendiig tbe oft most beeen hs cans ite iady pulp. "Get out of my ead” “Thisfhook gives-you everything you need to make dragons a foeal point of your, Foxcorres Reatas® campaign, Dragons ate the embodiment of all that is the Duxaroxs & Daacoxs® fame, and an epie confrontation with a powerful dragon is the Hhighpoine of many campaigns. Dragons are an integral part of | lien Faerin, and tir depredations and intrigues play a great role in shaping its history. using this Book “This book is of benefit to players and DMs who wish to play a Aracocentric campaign or even just a dracocentric character in Face, Chapter 1: True Dragons of the World This chapter details the history of dragonkind and integrates the Dragonfall War Ganroduced in Races ofthe Dragon) into Faerin. Ie then details a sampling of powerful wyrms and their younger kin, focusing fon thei intrigues and entanglement in recent years (inelading the Year of Rogue Dragons). DMs can draw general inspization cor specifi oes From this chapter, while players can find draconc patrons and learn whae their Knowledge of draconic lore has taught them. Chapter 2) The Colt of the Dragon, This chapter details the Followers of the Scaly Way, legendary creators of Faerin's powerful dracoliches, who instigated the Rage of Dragons that ‘ost Faerdn in the Year of Rogue Dragons (1373 DR). Players of ‘power-hungry evil characters can te their history tothe Dragon Cult, while DMs can use the group as sinister opponents of = 00d aligned group. This chapter also includes an adventure for rmidevel PCS Chapter 3: Tyranny of the Dragon Queen. This chapter details the Church of Tiamat, followers of the ascendant Dragon Queer, who overthrew the lat goitking of Unther and now seeks to rule he South in his stead. Ths thapter also updates the state of affairs in Threskel and Unther. Payers of dragooloving evil ‘harncters can tie their history to the Dragon Queens faith, while DMs can use the group as powerful opponent of gootaligned group. This chapter also includes a high-level adventure oa Chapter 4 Orders of Dragonkind This chapecr details sx Aragon foeusei organizations of varying alignments. Payers saan asociate ther character with groups such 35 the Blood of Moruemé, the Church of Tebazzar, the Confienes, Fuse ‘Orogoth, the Sisters of Essembra, or the Talons of Justice, wile DMs can use diametrically eppced groups as draconic themed ‘foc. This chapter also summarizes rules for playing some more unorthodox paver character races of the halfragon variety and gives details for those srkng to worship dracon deities _ Chapter 5: Dragon Lair. This chapter details a vareey of dragon-cated challenges, including new dragon seated monsters and traps and hazards commonly encountered in dragon lis “Chapter 6: Dragon-Relaed Spells This chapter details variety of new spells. Some are useful to PCs bacting dragons, ‘while others ae useful to DMs pitting dragons aginst their ply 9 characters. This chapt includes several epc spell a wel, inelading the epic spell response for the Rage of Dragons. Chapter 7: Magic Items. This chapter magic to hnlp characters battle dragons as walls fitig reruns for dragon slaers who manage to plunder a dragon's hoar. This chapter aso Jancis a discussion on the consequences of rceasing historical artifacts into the modern age Chapter 8: New Dragons. Here you'll find descriptions of he new dragon vareties—mercury, sts, and mist—presented in the classic Monser- Memuat format. with statisties and rules text updated tp reflect the v3 version of the D&D game: The pracocentric campaign Dragons ean pla a carl oe a Fofeores Recs ct eases Pian eae cat ea SS rm dragons chs dacni cet, halragos thai sored) or sito ome cone or more dragons (by taking on of the various prestige lasses “Foand in Dracononicon by joining edragor-rled tion, by simply pledging themselves to serve a particular dragon), the campaign can revolve around their tics to dragonkind andthe conflicts and intrigues wus entailed. Alternatively, dragons re well sited t play the role of promi- 3 opponcats in 2 Realms-based campaign. Soch campaigns ight focus on a specific, pomerful wyrm such as Iryklathagra, ‘Dragon Q.ysara of Shoon, and the countless historical threads the tic int er plots and schemes. Such eampaigns might also © focus on a group of dragon oriented villains such 25 the Church Be ce siglo the Calece tle Dremohier s dengcn lan, Bach ae the i) ‘of Morseme or House Orogoth. © Rage of Dragons Tein, of the Rogue Dragons wily (The Rage, The Rite, “and The Ruin) by Richatd A the Depts, bis shore sory “Traitors in Realms of the Eder, andthe anthologts Realms ofthe Dragons and Realms of the Draws Hf, collectively tell a tale of the greatest peril call Inraopvcrion eae __ Faertin and extensive debate about the costs and risks, the elves + torically depended on the astrological position of the King Killer prices! (Gy taking the dragon dstipe prestige class) or serve _—intervals have ranged fron 100 to 700 year) the Dracorage has Le Byers as well as Byers’, Qyeen age campaign revolves around living creatures of Faeriin, a tale rooted deep in the arcane Se Tosa of eas ony ce ego. Gin ed ven Gro Wry Fern edhe Tine of the Den ioe ope oe ee Sep Gre) te pt reriaat de ae the ye aan Se eae meee eae pron tch h veaved the Dracorage myzbal’, a permanent crafting of elven high magic and one of the mast powerful spells ever Woven nto the Weave: This epic spell made it impossible for dragonkind {0 continue is collective dominion of Faris. The Dracorage amsthal cause all. dragons (incloding those of type dragon and ereatres With the dragonblaod subtype) to bacome reckless and run amok across thei lands, shughtering their young and vas: sal and destroying all in their waks, but i also gave the Fair Folk he opporunity to beak fic of dragon rl, marking the denouzment of the Reign of Dragons ‘Asa resof this ancient curse dragons have periotically gone “bersctk, rampaging across the Realms. Like some sore of discass, the so-aled Dracorage Gometimes known asthe Dragon Rage or simply the Rage) lays dormant, erupting forth every several decades or even fe ceatuces—an event seemingly associated with the reappearance of the King Killer Star evually bright re come ha wii «Ball eo fc ror or several tendays a atime The intensity breath, and oration of a Dracofage has his- a Star. Asa Fesult, sometimes the effects of the Dracorage have been localize, leading to a so-called “fight of dragons” The ‘most recent Flight of Dragons occurred in the Year of the Worm (2386 DR) and resulted in the destruction of cities and deaths of, thousands across the Moonsea, Dalelands, Cormyr, and. beyond. [Ae other times (approximately every 300 years, but recorded affected all Faerdn, precipitating a full-blown Rage of Dragons. ‘The last true Rage of Dragons precipitated by the King Killer Star occurred in the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR). The pracorage Campaign ‘The most recent Rage of Dragons occurred prematurely in the ‘Year of Rogue Dragons (1373 DR) as a result of the manipula- tions of the mighty, lich and leader of the Cult of the Dragon, Sammaster, and not the wanderings of the King-Killer Star across the heavens. ‘The premature eruption of the Dracorage allows DMs to in- troduce this continent spanting event into a campaign set roughly, in the current timeframe. (Other than a'less appropriate year \ name, there is litte reason why Sammaster’s Dra hive unfolded the year before or the year after thie Dragons, if that works better for your campaign) A Farin’ greabwyrms. Like all riod of transition, s dramatic! shange in the stitus quo unleashes a period of change that can in turn precipitate all manner of adventurs For example the ——— Inrmopucrion oo Orit tealyinoiwemersigiiewersinl what you Need to play Sammasger's Dracorage, asthe heroes do in the Tear of Regue Dragons trilogy, or they might focus more on the consequences of You ueed.the three D&D core rulebooks—Players: Handbuck particular dragon awakening from a long sleep or abandoningits (PH), Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG), and Monster Manual esponsil: (CMM) —plus the Fosoorren Recans Campaign Setting (FRCS) ties as it sue and Draconomicon (Dra) to make the best use of Dragons of Facritn cumbs t0 the Dracoraige. The novel Qucen of the Depths bby Richard Lee Byers gi of what this type of Dracorage campaign might look like. ral other books are referenced hercin. In many ease, this reference isin the form ofa superscript abbre- viation of the books title, which is tacked conto the end of the name of a spel, jonster, oF some other g clement. The books (ineluding some of those mentioned above) and their abbrevie sa good example Turning nen plea % as follows: Book of Ex of the Great Med Ded (aD cycle Boat of Vile Dare (BoVD), Complete Arcane (CAt), City of Splenders: Water deep (CS), Campi ons of Valor (COV), Dungeon Master's Guide 1! (DMGD, Epic Level Hand book (ELED, panded Psionics Handbook (EPR), Faiths and Pan- theons (FP), Fiend Folio (PE), Heroes of Battle (HoB), Libris Mortis (LM), Lords of Darkness LD), Last Empires. of Facrin (LE), Lords of Mad: ness (LM), Magic of Faerin (Mag), Monster Manual 11 (MM), Mor ster Manual I (MINB), ‘Monsters of Facriin (Mon), Player's Guide to Facrsin (BG), Races of the Dragon (RD), Send- storm Gan), Kingdoms (SK), Shiving ‘Soni SS), Uapproceh- able Fact (Una) and Un derdark (Und Throughout this book, an asterisk (*) denotes a spell, feat, monster, or magic item dlescribod elsewhere in the book. As dicosed in Chapter 2, the Year of Rogue Dragos ui in the unraveling ofthe Dracorage mthal ant marks the corning of the Great Gye. Tn the wake of Dracorage (pnesmabiy inthe Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR, bt sgn the exit fear can be varied 25 agpropriate forthe individual campaign) no barrier ee mains to the great wyrns of Faerin reestablishing the Reign of Dragons over the Reals. A post Dracorage dracocentric campaign is focused on what comes next. The PCs right get swept up in the resumption of the Dragonfall War between the fol lowers of Bahamut and the servitors of Tiamat, or they n get involved in the machin Alasklerbanbastos or Tehazzar who seeks to carve out 4 new Kingdom before rivals claim the terri tory for themselves. Re agardles of their-patron or ‘motivation, the PCS might become skilled dragon hbunters, tracking down rival wyrms ng, them and the threat they pose and elimi Under the baleful gone of the King Killer Star, the Rage f Dragons veep one Faerin nse ria 4 TrueDr his chapter lays outa history of dragonkind in Facrin,diseusss the varied roles played by true dragons, and details individual dragons, living and undead, active in Faerdn today. History of peagonkind “Alchougl dragons are powerful, longlived creatures, draconic history is litle known even among the longest lived members of ‘the race. Philosophers have speculated that che oral tradition of |