Quiz On July 2008 Programme

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Time- 10 Mins

Total Marks- 25

Quiz Test on Planning & Decision Making (A) Indicate whether following statements are True (T) or False (F)
1. Approach for Time Management has gone through three generations of Evolution. 2. Daily listing of activities is essentially wish list 3. Importance is one of the basis for prioritization of Tasks 4. Compass driven and working by results are very similar concepts. 5. Interdisciplinary groups hinder implementation of a strategic Plan. 6. It is the nature of management role that time spent by a manager is crisis driven 7. SWOT Analysis hardly affects formulation of a strategic plan. 8. Business term essentially refers to product group irrespective of any market it is supplied 9. Decision Making and Problem solving processes are identical . 10. Procedures and rules play important roles in decision making .. 11. Changing customer preferences has no effect on Business Performance

12. Political condition in a country has no role in strategic planning exercise 13. All the organizational capabilities should be available within the organization 14. Marketing and Market-focus are same thing 15. Communication does not play any significant role in proper working of an inter-disciplinary group 16. A project manager needs not be concerned with socio-political aspects. 17. Action Plan is developed to achieve Goals 18. An well laid down procedure for decision making hampers effective working of a multi-disciplinary group 19. Office layout and work place arrangement do not have any effect on Time management (B) Fill up the blanks in following statements: 1. Any two Supporting functional capabilities that a business organization should have are 1. 2. 2. Any two qualities a successful project manager should have 1. 2. 3. Strategic Planning essentially makes continuous matching between 1. 2.

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