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Do you know that the NEA spends members’

dues money on groups and causes that have

nothing to do with education?
Do you know where your $140 in NEA dues
went in 2004/2005?
• Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition*
• Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation*
• People for the American Way*
• Nearly half of NEA’s 600+ employees & officers earned
more than $100,000 a year in salaries and allowances
NEA has filed a new government report showing just how
the union spends its members’ money. Many mil- * U.S. Department of
lions of dollars go to political campaigns and par- Labor, Form LM-2
ties, liberal interest groups and other non-educa- Labor Organization
tion organizations, political consultants, and high Annual Report, File
employee salaries. For more information, Number 000-342,
contact Ben DeGrow (303-279-6536, National Education Or visit www.inde- Asn Ind (9/1/2004- and find 8/31/2005)
out how to access the report yourself.

A public information message provided by the Education Policy Center at the Independence Institute

With Teachers
in Mind
Independence Institute
13952 Denver West Parkway, Suite 400
Golden, CO 80401-3141

Do you know how much of your NEA

dues goes to political campaigns, liberal
interest groups, and other causes you
may not support?

Wall Street Journal,

January 3, 2006

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