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testing and evaluation: 1. at the begining_placement test 2.during(formative)_topic/progress test and diagnostic test 3.

at the end(summative)_achievement test

how to teach vocab: 1.use visual teq 2.use verbal teq 3.the use of dictionary 4.translation

good story telling teq: 1.voice/stress/pause 2.set the mood 3.get the student involve-ask question pictures 5.repeatition criteria of a good story: 1.interesting 2.simple vocab 3.moral value pitures 5.repeatition
OVERT7COVERT OVERT 1.explain grammar rule(in isolation) 3.teacher teach the role of grammar 4.tell/prescribe 5.drill/mechanical 6.make sure pupils memorize the role COVERT 1.teaching individually 2.directly 3.inside a story/shared reading 4.meaningfull 5.pupils'll make their own deduction of the role of gramma

EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES 1.thinking skill 2.learning how to learn skills 3.information and communication technology skill(ICT) 4.value ang citizenship 5.multiple intelligences 6.knowledge acquisition comparision between speaking and writing speaking=temporary,sontaneous,allow grammatical error,sound,body language,immidiate fitback,simple word writing=permanant,fix,error free,word,pantuation,up level,sofisticated

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