Blum, Ralph - The Book of Runes

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The BOOK Of RUNES A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle: The Viking Runes Ralph Blum ST. MARTIN’S PRESS NEW YORK THE VIKING RUNES (read from right to left) 5. Strength 4. Retreat 3. Signals 2. Partnership 1. The Self Ee sa in “ \ i\ Y (3) i) [ a EK f 10. Protection 9. Defense 8. Fertility 7. Constraint 6. Initiation 15. Warrior 14. Opening 13. Harvest ei R Hf 20, Journey 19. Disruption 18. Flow 17. Movement 16. Growth ps ffi, yg an : | bx | \ i { L te i olZsul CE aw es wo Ge ee 25. The Unknowable 24. Wholeness 23. Standstill 22. Breakthrough 21. Gateway THE VIKING RUNES Traditional Meanings * 4 the Self Man, the Human Race x Partnership A Gift, Offerings from the Gods or from Chiefs to Loyal Followers r Signals God, the God Loki, Mouth (source of Divine Utter- ances), Rivermouth g Retreat Property or Inherited Possessions, also Native Land, Home n Strength Strength, Sacrificial Animal, the Aurochs (bos primige- nius), species of wild ox K Initiation Uncertain Meaning, a Secret Matter (Rune of Mystery) + Constraint. Need, Necessity, Constraint, Cause of Human Sorrow, Lessons, Hardship % Fertility Ing, the Legendary Hero, later aGod tf Defense Yew-tree, a Bow Made of Yew, Rune Magic, Avertive Powers: Runic Calendars or “Primstaves” Y Protection. Protection, Defense, the Elk, Sedge or Eelgrass % Possessions Cattle, Goods, the Vital Community Wealth p Joy Joy, also in Cynewulf's Runic Passages, Absence of Suf- fering & Sorrow @ Harvest Year, Harvest, A Fruitful Year < Opening, Torch, Skiff, Ulcer, Associated with Cult of the Goddess Nerthus * Warrior Victory in Battle, a Guiding Planet or Star, the God Tiw B Growth Birch Tree, Associated with Fertility Cults, Rebirth, New Life M Movement Horse, Associated with the Course of the Sun r Flow Water, Sea, a Fertility Source (See Grendel's Mere in Beowulf) N Disruption. Hail, Sleet, Natural Forces that Damage R Journey A Riding, a Journey: Refers to the Soul After Death, Journey Charm b Gateway Giant, Demon, Thorn b4 Breakthrough Day, God’s Light, Prosperity and Fruitfulness | standstill Ice, Freezing, in the Prose Edda the Frost-giant Ymir is Born of Ice 7 wholeness The Sun 0 he unknowable The Rune of Destiny

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