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Babies love creamy risotto, and this one is boosting salmon - one of the best sources of


given the star treatment because of its brain

PREPARATION +COOKING 15 + 30 minut es

the omega-3 fats your baby needs to boost the development of her brain and nervous system.
'x cup ( 1/ i s tick ) uns a lt e d but ter 6'/~oz . skinless, boneless 1 small onion, finely choppedsalmon fillet, cut into chunks t p 1ic c lo v e, cho p p e d 2'/rot. bro cco li, cut into '/zin. flore ts liqing 1 cup arborio rice T-2 caps hot vegetable stock Yz cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese (with o ut add ed s alt), or wate r'/. cup criime iraiche STORAGE Let co ol, then co ver an d refrigera te for up to 2 da ys, or free ze for up t o 1 month. 1 lA elt th e b utte r in a w ide , sh allow pan ov er lo w h ea t. Ad d th e o nio n an d co ok for 3 -4 m inute s un til

soft. Ad d

ie g a rlic a nd c o o k fo r a furthe r 1 m in u te .

2 Stir in the rice, coating all the grains in the butter. Little iW iittle, add the hot stock, stirring continuously. Allow the tttnoQure to come to a gentle simm er before adding more sbdc. Once you have used all the stock, b r ing to a boil, nelIc e the heat t o low and s im mer, unc o vered , s tirring . Fo r 15 minutes until a s ma ll amo unt o f liq uid rema ins . 3k . td t he s a lm on , b r occoli , ch e e se a n d cr e m e f ra ich e . p D c. ic f or 5 -7 m i n u te s until the rice is

soft and

the s almon t ts aked t hrough. Put in a fo o d p ro ce s s o r a nd p ulse t o

olmin a c hunk y p uree.

Use organic or wild salmon: it contains a higher concentration of essential fats and is a d d it iv e- tre e.

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