Colored Farmers Institute 1916 Howe Institute

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Bank of St. Martinville vs Valsiu Fontenette No. 113K3 19th Judicial District Court. Parish of St. Martin. State of Louisiana. By virtue of a writ of Fieri-Facias issued out of the 19th Judicial District Court, in and fur the Parish of St. Martin, State ofLouisiana. iunthe above entitled and numbered suit, dated this 14th day of Jan. 1916. I have seized anl: will proceed to sell at to the last and higheat bidder at the frout door of the Court House, between the legal sale hodrs (11 the own of St. Mar a.m. to 4 p. m.) in th tiuville on

Farmers' Institute.

Death of Mrs. Robert Martin.

Saturday evening at four o'clock Mrs Robert Martin died after a long illness, at the age of 58 years; she was before her marriage, Miss ( albrielle Berard. Sihe was buried at three o'clock Sunday evening from the Catholic ('hurch and her remains were fotllowed to the grave by a largte concourse of relatives and friends. Mrs. Martin leaves to mourn her death, a husband, a son, James 4 Martin. two daughters, Mrs. Louis Bouchard of New Iberia and Miss Ruth Martin, and several brothers and sisters.

The Colored Farmers of Iberia

anId St. Martin Parishes are here-, by called to mneet in a one day Institute naturday, March 11, 1'316. The M.eeting will be held at Howe Institute and will be. held in
Three Sessions: The First to Ie-

:15 A. M. to 12:30 P. 1M., at : tho second 1:30 1'. 31. to 5 P. M. and 7 1'. M. to 9 P. Al. Whein it is remembered that the State of Louisiana and the u'nitedt


Mr. Merchant!

Saturday, March 4th, 1916,

the following mentioned and described property, to-wit: That certainu tract of land with iimprovements thereon situated in St. Martin Parish. La.. 5th Ward, East side of Bayou Teche, conutaining Forty superficial arpents. more or less. Bounded North by laud of Armaud Chevalier, South by lanud of P. Roy, East by Bayou Teche, and West by A. 11. Guidry. Being the same property acquired by Valsin Feutenette from the flank of St.

States Department of Agriculture is spending large sums of money for the betterment of the farming in.

What's the use of ears ryiny a complete stock of goods unless Folks know what you've got?

terest in this section, it at once becomes the duty of every farmer inl COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED the section to collme out to this Slany iteople cough and cough fromo meeting. The problems of inter- the beginninng if Fall right through to after cold. est to the farmiers will be handled I Sprig. Others get cold Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you is being An effort specialist. Iby will get alimat immediate relief. It miade to have instructors from the checes your colds, stops the racking. State Departnlent anld also fromI rasping, tissue-tearing cough. heals the f inflammation. soothes the raw tubes. the United States Department of and Healing. Agriculture to address the sessions. Easy to take. Antiseptic a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Distiet AsAlumni the of A conmmitee Martinville as per act Ricorded Feb. covery to lay. "It is certaiuly a great 1, 1912 in Book 74 folio 56 under No. sociation will serve lunch on the miediciue and I keep a bottle of it con36198. grounds at the cost of the produce. tinually on hand" writes W. C. JesseSeized to satisfy above writ. . . Mouney back if The following are some of the sub-- man, Franconia, N. Terms and conditions-cash. jects that will be dicusesd: Corn, not satisfied.
Sheriffs office this 26th day ")f Jan. its culture, "Cotton, Soil PreparaA. D. 1916. WADE 0. MARTIN. Sheriff. tion", Poultry and "Home Gar-


dens." The local physicians will deliver LABBE BUILDING r lectures on Sanitation and Health ST. MARTINVILLE. LA. on the farm. Win. PARS( )N. Is especially equipped to effiPresident Farmers Association 'iently attend to the diagnosis, mieA. C. VITAL, dicinal and surgical treatment of Secretary. liseases of the eye, ear, nose andl JAMES M. BUR'R, Local Representative U. S. I)epart it hroat. ment of Agriculture. Superfluous hair. birth marks, nmoles, verrucae beginning maliglioH 'S THIS? about the exnant growths, rodent ulcers and We offer One Hundred lDollas Reward cellent quality ,other disfiguring and dangerous of our Print- for any case of Catarrh that cannot be conditions are successfully treatt'd ing. - We do cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. by means of electricity. This class O. CO.. Toledo, & CHENEY F. t J. not care what the job may be, We, the undersigned, have known F. . of work is done, nearly always, in we are equip- - J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and be- a city. This office is equipped to ped to turn it t lieve him perfectly hoitratide in all to do the work efficiently and to

J. A. Azar, 11. D.

Wholesale and Commission,


Rail Road Avenue,


out to your sa- business transactions and linancially e your satisfaction. III able to carry out any obligations made tisfaction. The laboratory is up to the we can't, we e by his firm. will tell you so minute, can make complete and NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, rankly, Toledo, 0.. accurate examination of specimens

I have seized and will proceed to sellI tiln, State of Louisiana, in the above at public auction to the last and high- titled al ndnumbered suit, dated this 28thl doubt this cimue and get your information from us, instead of getsetbidder at the front door of the Court t day of Jan. 1916. ting it second-hand or frm soime I Iave seizedI aInd will proceed to sell II House. between the legal sale hourn (11 a. m. to p. m.) in the Town of St. Mai- - at lulblic allctilonl to tile last aitd htllgh- one who may have an ax to, grind. ' est bidhlder at tlhe fronit door of the Court tinuville. La., on Ti'he following has Ibeen printed Ilhouse, between tie legal sale Ihour (11 our price list since we started Saturday March 25th, 1916, r (on a. m. to 4ip. in.) in thle Town of St. Mlar the following mentioned and desibed tinvills. La., Otn working here: "Whenever patients property, to-wit: arc uinable to pay, or are strictly Saturday March IS, 1916, let. That certain tract of laud with , charity lpatients, any reduction re. imnprcrement thereon and appurtenances thle followinig menitionted aitd desciibtd quested by the lphysician or clergythereto belougiung situated inu the 5th I property, to-wit: This rule, Ward St. Martin Parish, La., containing O That certain tract of land situated illn man, will be made. Fifty six superficeial arpenuts, Bounlded Sthie 5th ward of St. Martin l'arish. L.a., however, must not ih itbused. North by land herein Secondly dercii- -west of Teclhe, containing Fifty- lthe Respectfully, bed, South by laud of Daniel Guidry, acres more or less. Bouttded North b J. A. AZAR, Al. 1). East by land of A. Richard and West by y land of Mrs. Cyprien iGuidry (foIrmuerly) Bayou Teche. now to Jeau ('Caillier. Southi by land ,,f DANGERS OF DRAFT. 2nd. Another track adjoinulug the tirst i Athanas Tralhau, anid West by the lands Is described track situated iu tihe 5th ard, , of Mrs. Francis Mathieu, formerly It, I) afts feel best wlhen we are hot irild perspiring, just when they are most dainthere- East of Teche St. Martin Parirh, La., , Dan Martin with improvementst With Improvements thereoni and appurgerous and the re.ults is Neuralgia. Stiff tenances thereto appertaining containAlso sixteen ;'i arpents, wooud andSNeck. Sore Muscles or sometiUmes an at-l S lug Fifty Six (56) supertlicial arpeuts of Itimbered land. saule locality as tract t tack of Rheumuatisrm. In such cites,applyl land, Bounded North by Public Road and Sfirst described. Bounlitlded North by landd Slas'Liniment. It stimulatps circulalaud of Homer Guidry, bouth by lands a of Mrs. ileniry Comeau, Southlhy land of f tion to the ere aid painful part. The formerly belonging, Niquez Guidry now' Estate of Stewart, West by land of Alee e blood flows freely and in a short time theu Those sufCastille anid East by that of FEstate Ste- stiffness and pain leaves. Joe. A. Guidry herein irstly described, I, fering from Neuralgia or Neuralgic East by land of Amede Richard and I wart. IlHeadache will tild olie or two applicaWest by Teche. Terms and conditions, cash. l tionlis of Sloan's Liimelnt will give Seized to satisfy above writ. Sheriff's office this 9th day of February y Terms and conditious--cash. A. D). 1916. grateful relief. Thi agonizing plan O MARTIN. Sherif. gives way to tiugling sen8satiomn Ef comVWAIJE h8beriff's office this 15th day of Feb. . fort andt warmth anid quiet rest and A. D. 1916. -Tiihe queslion now interesting Ssleep is poisilble. (hoot for Neuritis too. WADE O. MARTIN. Shetiff. SPrice h5e at your druggist. Ibe will who is lost ltm our lopl'le the tthe King and ( ueen of the CarniWe print all kiude of time tickelt

of blooxl, secretions, excretions and tissues, sent in by physicians or laity. We make special study of diagmethods both laboratory and nostic SHERIFF'S SALE. clinical (physical,) especially as J. B. Levert an aid to the general practitionter, vs Jos. A.Guidry we therefore, accept no general Batik of St. Martinville No. 11398 case, unless the attending physivs 19th Judicial District Court cian go on a strike and lave his L. Alcee (Guidry Parish of St. Martin. State of St. Martin. No. 11318 patient to the ravages of the disBy virtue of a writ of seizure and sale 19th Judicial District Court, ease, then we back our hand. lesued out of the 19th Judicial District t St. Martin. State of Louisiana. Our prices are within the reach Court, in and for the Parish of St. Mar- Parish of Fieri-Facias of a writ of virtue By of s everyone, we say this to discretin, State of Louisiana. in the above entitled and numbered suit, dated this s issued out of tile Itlt Judicial District tdit the rumors of the exorbitant Court, in and for the Parish of St. Mar12th day of Feb. 12th 1916. charges accredited to us. If you

to Let Us Convince You

y Hall's Catarrh Cure is take internally acting directly upon the blool and mucous surfaces of the system. Tetimoulals sent free. Price 75 cents per bottie. Sold by all DIruggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.



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I Has the facilities to accommodate its customers. Your business is solicited.

Laizaire Bienvenu

FIRH INSURANCE and : (P ESTATE Agent REAL SBig RBeliablo Companies


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We do a1l kinds of Printing


umAbJ~ AnW JLu

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