Video Worksheet Context: Pavane

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Annotate any location points you find onto your score.

Video Worksheet
What is the birth and death of Holbourne? ____________________________
Where did he originate from? ____________________________
What is a consort?
Forces and Resources

What is a whole ensemble?

Why was this written for amateur musicians?
What is a recorder consort?
What is a viol consort?
How do viols have a mellow sound?

How many movements is this piece? ____________________________

How many sections does the Pavane have? ____________________________
Explain how each strain or section differs in its phrasing.

Annotate any location points you find onto your score.

How is the piece different when it repeats the strain?

What is this structure called, and what is the importance of this type of composition?


Bar Nos

Main Key


What is the main key of this piece? _______________________________

What chord position is used most frequently? ____________________________
Locate a tonic and a dominant pedal note in the piece.
Locate a suspension in this piece. ____________________________
What is a false relation?
Locate a false relation in the piece. ____________________________
Why is this known as unbalanced phrasing? _____________________________________________________________________
What is a conjunct melody?

Annotate any location points you find onto your score.

What is a cambiata?
Locate a cambiata in this piece. ____________________________
Locate melodic imitation in this piece. ____________________________
Locate melodic inversion in this piece. ____________________________
How and why is this piece written in the character of vocal writing?
Explain a Tierce de Picardie. Locate one.

What chords are used in Phyrgian cadences? Locate this.


How many parts is this piece normally in? ____________________________
What type of texture is this throughout most of the piece? ____________________

Rhythm and Metre

What is the time signature for the pavane? ____________________________
Which parts play dotted rhythms? ____________________________

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