Flood Help

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Friends, as you know Colorado is experiencing flooding across the state. Entire communities have been devastated.

In response, we would like to offer some valuable information from how you can help to how you can make sure your family is prepared and safe. The Red Cross has responded by opening numerous shelters and deploying volunteers. The best way to support the Red Cross in their efforts is by making a financial donation. There are many ways to donate. You can call 1-800-REDCROSS, text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation, or visit http://rdcrss.org/PSpvi2 If you've been impacted by the flood, be sure to keep others aware of your status. Register or search on http://ow.ly/oRTnJ If you would like to volunteer for the Red Cross, please visit http://www.redcross.org/co/denver/volunteer They are unable to accept people who just show up to volunteer. The Salvation Army has also provided relief during this time of disaster. They are currently deployed to Boulder and Lyons, providing shelter, food, and comfort to those affected. You can help support the Salvation Army by giving financially and 100% of your disaster donations are used to support of local disaster relief operations. To give, visit www.imsalvationarmy.org or call 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-7252769) and designate Colorado Floods. If you need support from the Salvation Army, please visit http://www.SalvationArmyUSA.org. For the latest Emergency Disaster Services alerts from the Salvation Army, visit http://disaster.salvationarmyusa.org/ Other useful links are: Colorado Dept. of Emergency Mgmt http://www.coemergency.com/ Colorado Dept. of Transportation http://www.coloradodot.info/ Help Colorado Now: http://helpcoloradonow.org/

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