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IntelliVue Patient Monitoring System

12-Lead ECG Monitoring with the EASI System

Application Note

This paper: - Describes the goals, requirements, and challenges of ECG monitoring. - Reviews the standard 5-electrode placement for monitoring and summarizes its benefits and limitations. - Reviews how a conventional 12-lead ECG is obtained, and summarizes its benefits and limitations in meeting the challenges of ECG monitoring. - Reviews modified 12-lead ECG, and Frank Method ECG monitoring, and summarizes their benefits and limitations. - Describes how the EASIsystem achieves the goals of ECG monitoring while addressing the challenges.

arrhythmias and myocardial ischemia. However, currently three or five electrodes are typically used for ECG monitoring. This provides continuous, but limited information. Even though continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring using a modified electrode placement is available at the bedside, its use is limited due to the large number of electrodes required. This paper introduces a new concept in 12-Lead ECG monitoring using a new electrode placement technique: the EASI system. This system allows the derivation of 12 leads from only 5 electrodes (four monitoring electrodes plus a ground electrode).
EASI derived 12-lead ECG's and their measurements are approximations to conventional 12lead ECG's, and should not be used for diagnostic interpretations. Although the derived 12-Lead ECG is not identical to the 12-Lead conventional ECG obtained from a electrocardiograph, there are many advantages to acquiring 12-Lead continuously at the bedside with only five electrodes.

The conventional 12-lead ECG taken from a electrocardiograph using ten electrodes is the current medical standard for analysis and identification or confirmation of cardiac problems, such as

Goals of ECG Monitoring

The major goals of ECG monitoring are as follows: To detect and document cardiac arrhythmias. To detect and document ST changes, including ST changes related to coronary artery reocclusion in the post-PTCA patient. To evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. In order to meet the goals of ECG monitoring stated above, many recent clinical studies have demonstrated the benefits of continuous 12lead ECG monitoring.1-12 Some of the reasons are as follows: Comprehensive arrhythmia diagnosis often requires 12-lead ECG information. Ischemia detection and management requires monitoring of mid-precordial leads. Post-PTCA reocclusion is difficult to differentiate from ischemia unless 12-lead monitoring is performed. Transient events of diagnostic/therapeutic importance may not persist long enough to allow documentation using an electrocardiograph.

Their reasons for infrequent use included lack of training, not a requirement, and no need.

66% of the participants responded that there are barriers to continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring. They indicated that the number of electrodes and lack of training were the primary barriers. Other barriers included patient complaints and no need. 68% of the respondents use some level of ST segment monitoring. Their main reasons included assessment and monitoring of cardiac condition, changes in condition, and ischemia monitoring and detection. More than half use two leads for ST segment monitoring because that is the available capability. However, those participants that use 12 leads cited the accuracy and completeness of the 12-lead data. In summary, the patient monitoring study confirmed the reasons cited previously in this paper for continuous ECG monitoring. In addition, the participants of the study indicated that they are aware of the benefits of continuous 12-lead ECG, and that the main barriers to its use are the number of electrodes, lack of training, and patient complaints.

Lead Configurations
Many different lead system configurations have been utilized for obtaining ECG signals used to diagnose and manage the cardiac patient in different care environments. This section describes the different lead systems along with the feasibility of using these methods for continuous monitoring.

Challenges of 12-Lead ECG Monitoring

An independent patient monitoring survey13 was conducted during the 1998 American Association of Critical Care Nurses Advanced Practice Institute Conference. The participants were 400 nurses and clinical specialists who work in the hospital environment. More than half of the participants work in some type of ICU, including cardiac, step-down telemetry, and intermediate care units. 69% of the respondents indicated that none of the beds in their hospital units have continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring capability at the bedside. Of the remaining respondents, 4% always use this capability, 24% frequently use it, 43% occasionally use it, and 30% never use it. Those who are using continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring indicated their primary reasons are for assessment of cardiac condition, changes in condition, and abnormal or irregular rhythms.

Monitoring with Standard Electrode Placement using 5 Electrodes


In summary, for standard 5-electrode placement monitoring: Number of electrodes: Five Patient comfort: Small number of electrodes increases patient comfort. Processing and storage: Up to seven ECG leads can be derived from three independent channels for full disclosure. 12-lead ECG information is not available. Interference with clinical procedures: In comparison with the conventional 12-Lead, the smaller number of chest electrodes reduces interference. Artifact: Reduced amount of movement artifact due to the small number of electrodes. However, electrodes are located near arms and legs so there is still a moderate amount of artifact due to patient movement.

A standard 5-electrode configuration (four monitoring electrodes and a ground electrode) is commonly used in the monitoring environment today. The chest electrode can be placed in any of the standard precordial positions.

1 2 3 4

Standard 5-Electrode Placement

Applicability for Continuous Monitoring In the standard 5-electrode configuration there are only three independent ECG channels (any two limb leads plus the chest lead). These three channels are used to derive up to seven ECG leads (all three limb leads, three augmented leads, and one precordial lead). While lead V1 has been shown to be a valuable lead for arrhythmia monitoring, other researchers have shown that the mid-precordial leads (V2 - V5) are more sensitive for the detection of ischemia.1-3 Therefore, the standard 5-electrode configuration precludes the monitoring of both an ideal arrhythmia lead and a better lead for ischemia detection.

Conventional 12-Lead ECG

Description In a conventional 12-lead ECG, electrodes are placed on the right arm, left arm, and left leg to view leads I, II, and III. In addition, six electrodes are placed on the chest and a ground reference is placed on the right leg, although it could be anywhere.

Frontal Plane





Bipolar Leads

Conventional electrocardiograph 10-Electrode Placement

The bipolar leads (I, II, and III) record the electrical potentials in the frontal plane. These leads represent a difference of electrical potential between two selected sites. The augmented unipolar extremity leads, augmented vector of right arm (aVR), left arm (aVL), and left leg (aVF), are considered unipolar because they record the electrical potential at that one extremity with reference to the other two remaining extremities. The unipolar precordial (V) leads record all of the electrical events of the cardiac cycle in the horizontal plane as viewed from the selected lead site.

Unipolar Leads

Horizontal Plane

+ V 6 + + + V1 + V2 + V3 V V

Chest Leads

The following table describes how the specific leads are obtained.
Table 1: Conventional 12-Lead Acquisition

Lead I II III aVR aVL aVF V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6

Type limb limb limb augmented augmented augmented precordial precordial precordial precordial precordial precordial

Calculation LA-RA LL-RA LL-LA RA-(LA+LL)/2 LA-(RA+LL)/2 LL-(RA+LA)/2 V1-(RA+LA+LL)/3 V2-(RA+LA+LL)/3 V3-(RA+LA+LL)/3 V4-(RA+LA+LL)/3 V5-(RA+LA+LL)/3 V6-(RA+LA+LL)/3
appropriate location. Also note that the six frontal plane limb leads are not all independent. In fact, there are only two independent signal channels from three electrodes.

The table illustrates that in the conventional 12lead ECG, 12 leads are constructed from nine electrodes (six chest leads and three limb leads (RA, LA, and LL) and a ground electrode. The three limb electrodes are used in every calculation of the limb, augmented, and precordial leads. In addition, in order to obtain a specific precordial lead, an electrode must be placed in the exact

Applicability for Continuous Monitoring Although the conventional 12-lead ECG is routinely used for diagnostic purposes, it is not practical for continuous monitoring. The following list summarizes potential drawbacks of continuously monitoring using conventional 12lead ECG electrode placement:

Number of electrodes: Ten; the large number of electrodes increases the cost of supplies and increases the time required for application and maintenance. Patient comfort: The ten electrodes and ten lead wires are uncomfortable for the patient. This is especially true of the limb electrodes. They are tolerated for resting 12-Lead ECGs but are impractical for continuous monitoring. Processing and storage: Processing and 12lead ECG full disclosure require eight independent ECG channels (six precordial leads plus two limb leads). Interference with clinical procedures: The placement of the electrodes, especially the chest electrodes, impedes other procedures such as portable chest x-rays, emergency resuscitation, chest auscultation, and echocardiography. Artifact: Limb electrodes are highly susceptible to movement artifact.

Modified 12-Lead ECG

Description The following electrode configuration (MasonLickar) often used for continuous 12-lead ECG monitoring. In this modified 12-Lead ECG placement, the three limb electrodes and the ground electrode are placed close to the shoulders and lower abdomen. Thus the limb electrodes are placed in the same locations as used for standard continuous monitoring.

Applicability for Continuous Monitoring The 12-lead ECG modified for continuous monitoring is less susceptible to movement artifact than conventional 12-lead ECG electrode placement (because the limb electrodes are moved to the torso), although movement artifact may still be encountered. All of the problems associated with continuous monitoring described for the conventional 12-lead ECG also apply to the modified 12-lead ECG. For quality and accurate 12-Lead measurements, precise accuracy of the electrode placement on the trunk is required.14 Even when precise placement is achieved, there may still be differences. Some studies have shown that the modified 12-lead electrode placement causes amplitude changes and axis shifts when compared to conventional placement.15 Thus there is the issue of accuracy which could affect serial comparisons. Note lead III in the following example, recorded on an actual patient using an electrocardiograph. The QRS complex in the conventional 12-lead ECG, where the electrodes were placed on the limbs, differs from the modified 12-lead ECG, where the electrodes were placed on the torso.

Conventional Placement

Modified Placement











Comparison of Conventional 10-Electrode and Modified 10-Electrode Placement

In summary, for modified 12-lead ECG monitoring:

independent ECG channels (six precordial leads plus two limb leads). Interference with clinical procedures: The placement of the electrodes, especially the large number of chest electrodes impedes other procedures such as portable chest xrays, emergency resuscitation, chest auscultation, and echocardiography. Artifact: Moderate risk of movement artifact due to large number of electrodes, some located on the parts of the torso that have a large amount of movement.

Number of electrodes: Ten (nine monitoring and a ground electrode). Patient comfort: The modified limb electrode placement is more comfortable for the patient than the conventional limb electrode placement but the ten electrodes and lead wires are still cumbersome. Processing and storage: Processing and 12lead ECG full disclosure require eight

Frank Method
The mathematical basis of the heart vector - a concept that goes back to Einthoven, was laid by Burger and van Milaan.16 Dr. E. Frank used it to obtain experimentally a mathematical image surface of the human torso from which he derived the vectorcardiographic lead system that bears his name. The outputs from the lead system were X, Y, and Z signals that defined the heart vector and produced vectorcardiograms. The Frank lead system uses electrodes placed at seven positions (A, C, E, F, H, I, and M) and a ground reference. In the conventional 12-lead ECG, the frontal plane leads include both bipolar and unipolar leads and the horizontal plane leads use only unipolar leads. In contrast, the Frank method produces a true vectorcardiographic (3D) view of the frontal, horizontal, and sagittal cardiac planes, each recording the same electrical events simultaneously in two perpendicular axes. The frontal plane records simultaneous events in the right-to-left axis (X) and the head-to-foot axis (Y); the horizontal plane records simultaneous events in the right-to-left axis (X) and the anteroposterior axis (Z); and the sagittal plane records simultaneous events in the head-to-foot axis (Y) and the anteroposterior axis (Z).
Angle of Lewis

1 2 3 4

LA (A)

RA (I) Chest 45 (C) Chest (E) RL LL (F) Dorsal Column

Neck (H)

Back (M)

Frank 8-Electrode Placement

Applicability for Continuous Monitoring

In comparison with conventional 12-lead ECG, the Frank method uses two fewer electrodes. In addition, the improved electrode locations, requiring only three left chest electrodes instead of six, produce less interference with clinical procedures.In summary, for the Frank method: Number of electrodes: Eight Patient comfort: Neck (H) and back (M) electrodes may cause patient discomfort.


Processing and storage: Requires only three independent ECG channels (X, Y, Z) for processing and 12-lead ECG full disclosure. Interference with clinical procedures: Improved electrode locations, requiring only three left chest electrodes, reduce interference. Artifact: Neck and back electrodes may produce movement artifact.

X, Y, Z Leads

EASI Method

electrode was also needed but this could be placed anywhere. Derivation of the ECG is a linear transformation process of the type

The EASI system, a method of deriving 12 ECG leads using a five-electrode configuration (4 monitoring electrodes and a ground electrode), has been developed to better address the goals and challenges of continuous ECG monitoring. EASI monitoring makes it possible to obtain 12-lead ECG information under continuous monitoring conditions across the continuum of care. The science behind the EASI 12-lead system and its embedded algorithm is based on the work of Dr. Gordon Dower. The EASI method of obtaining a 12-lead ECG requires only five electrodes. The electrodes are placed on the upper sternum (S), the lower sternum (E) at the level of the fifth intercostal space, and on the right and left midaxillary lines (I and A) at the same level as the lower sternum electrode. A fifth ground electrode can be placed anywhere.

= aES + bAS + cAI

where the s are the time-varying voltages of the three electrode pairs ES, AS, and AI; and a, b, c are fixed coefficients appropriate to the lead being this derived.18 The coefficients define a three-dimensional lead vector. There is lead vector for each ECG lead. Optimally, the set of lead vectors would be unique for each patient. Extensive EASI research has been focused on determining a set optimal for the typical adult patient population. The initial coefficients were based on interpolations of Franks image surface data, adjusted empirically. In order to increase the accuracy of the derivation, an additional electrode was used in the V4 position. Several clinical studies showed very good results. Subsequently, data from a large number of subjects were computer-optimized to give a new set that did not use Franks data or the V4 electrode. Recent studies have shown this new set to yield excellent results.19
Applicability for Continuous Monitoring Accurate lead placement, using any method, is important for accurate diagnosis. QRS morphology in the precordial leads, which are close to the heart, can be greatly altered if an electrode is moved just one intercostal space away from its correct location. However, the EASI electrode sites are easy to locate making accurate lead placement an easily obtainable goal. In addition, the electrode sites are not on the limbs or over large muscles, and therefore minimal noise is created by body movement. Due to the fewer number of electrodes, this electrode configuration is much less cumbersome than the ten-electrode situation where left precordial electrodes may be difficult to maintain on females with pendulous breasts and males with hairy chests.20 Multiple electrodes and lead wires may interfere with taking portable chest x-rays, echocardiography, cardiac auscultation, and initiating emergency resuscitation. With the EASI lead configuration, the left precordial is always free for cardiac auscultation, defibrillation, etc. For all of these reasons, EASI makes it 9

5th IC S midaxillary right

Top of sternum

5th IC S midaxillary left 5th IC S Level of sternum

EASI 5-Electrode Placement How the EASI 12-Lead ECG is Obtained

Dower showed that a good simulation of a 12Lead ECG could be derived from the X, Y, Z signals.17 The significance of this was that it meant that only three channels were required to store the 12-Lead ECG, instead of eight. However, Franks lead system was unsuitable for ambulatory monitoring so Dower simplified it to the EASI lead system, using only Franks A, E, and I electrodes and a fourth electrode, S, over the sternal manubrium.17 A ground

much more likely that 12-lead ECG monitoring will be accomplished satisfactorily. Transient events of diagnostic/therapeutic importance may not persist long enough to allow documentation using an ECG cart. With EASI, transient events can be documented with full 12lead ECG. Other Considerations Electrocardiographers are trained to identify patterns. When a precordial lead is in an incorrect position, the clinician typically becomes aware of the situation due to the change in pattern. This is true with conventional 12-lead ECG, modified 12-lead ECG, and the EASI lead system. However with EASI, accurate lead placement is more easily obtained by utilizing the obvious anatomical landmarks. Another consideration is the serial comparison of ECG data created by both conventional 12-lead and EASI ECG monitoring.21 However, this same problem exists when serial ECG data generated by conventional 12-lead ECG monitoring is compared with ECG data generated by modified 12-lead ECG monitoring.
Table 2: Comparison of 12-Lead Systems

EASI derived 12-lead ECG's and their measurements are approximations to conventional 12-lead ECG's, and should not be used for diagnostic interpretations. Although the derived 12-Lead ECG is not identical to the 12-Lead conventional ECG obtained from a electrocardiograph, there are many advantages to acquiring 12-Lead continuously at the bedside with only five electrodes. Comparison With Other Lead Systems The table below illustrates that EASI is an optimal lead system due to these characteristics:

Fewer required electrodes. Increased patient comfort. Low storage requirements. Simultaneous display of all twelve leads. Low interference with clinical procedures. Reduced movement artifact.

12-Lead ECG



Frank Method 8


Number of Electrodes Patient Comfort Number of independent leads Interference with Clinical Procedures Artifact



Low 8 High

Low 8 High

Low 3 Low

High 3 Low






Summary of Clinical Advantages of EASI 12-Lead ECG

Using the same number of electrodes, EASI provides the following advantages over standard placement with a 5-electrode leadset.

Documents ST changes with a full 12-lead ECG. Documents arrhythmia changes with a full 12-Lead ECG
EASI provides the following advantages over conventional and modified 12-lead ECG:

Easy to locate, convenient, and stable electrode positions, enhancing reproducibility. Time and cost savings. Increased patient comfort and mobility. Fewer information channels result in increased monitoring system storage capacity. While conventional and modified 12-lead ECG require eight channels stored for 12lead full disclosure, EASI requires only three channels.

Standard electrode placement with a 5-leadset

5th IC S midaxillary right

Top of sternum

Clinical Validation of EASI

The validation of the EASISystem usefulness both in arrhythmia monitoring and ST Segment analysis has been studied extensively. A reference list of published articles related to arrhythmia and ST segment analysis using the EASI system is provided in Appendix A. All clinical results in the reference list were based on the Zymed Inc. or Totemite Inc. implementation of the EASISystem.

5th IC S midaxillary left 5th IC S Level of sternum

EASI Lead Placement


This paper has reviewed the various ECG 12-Lead systems and their applicability in the continuous monitoring environment. A comparison of these systems has shown that the EASI system which derived a 12-Lead ECG using only 5 electrodes (4 monitoring electrodes and a ground electrode) is the optimal system. In addition, the research has demonstrated the validity of the EASI system to accomplish the goals of continuous 12-Lead ECG monitoring.


Appendix A EASI 12-Lead Article Reference List


ST Monitoring with a Derived 12-Lead Electrocardiogram Is Superior To Routine Cardiac Care Unit Monitoring: Barbara Drew, RN, Ph.D., Mary G. Adams, RN, MS., Michele M. Pelter, RN, MS., She-fen Wung, RN, MS., American Journal of Critical Care; May 1996, Volume 5, No. 3. Comparison of Standard and Derived 12-Lead Electrocardiograms for Diagnosis of Coronary Angioplasty-Induced Myocardial Ischemia: Barbara Drew, RN, Ph.D., Mary G. Adams, RN, MS., Michele M. Pelter, RN, MS., Shu-fen Wung, RN, MS., Mary A Caldwell, RN, MS. Am J Cardiol 1997;79:639-644. 12-Lead ST-Segment Monitoring vs SingleLead Maximum ST-Segment Monitoring For Detecting Ongoing Ischemia in Patients With Unstable Coronary Syndromes: Barbara J. Drew, RN, Ph.D., Michele M. Pelter, RN, MS, Mary G. Adams, RN, MS, Shu-Fen Wung, RN, MS, Tony M. Chau, MD, and Christopher L. Wolfe, MD. American Journal of Critical Care; September 1998, Volume 7, No. 5; 355-363. Accuracy of the EASI 12-Lead electrocardiogram compared to the standard 12-Lead electrocardiogram for diagnosing multiple cardiac abnormalities: Drew BJ, Pelter MM, Wung SF, Adams MG, Taylor C, Evan GT Jr., Foster E. Journal of Electrocardiology. 32 Suppl:38-47, 1999.

.Wung, She-Fen RN, MS; Caldwell, Mary A. RN, MS Cardiac Rhythm Monitoring Advances: Barbara Drew, RN, Ph.D. From: Dunbar SB, Ellenbogen KA, Epstein AE, (eds). Sudden Cardiac Death: Past, Present, and Future. Armonk, NY: Futura Publishing Co. Inc. 1997; Ch 8. Multilead ST-segment monitoring in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a consensus statement for healthcare professionals. STSegment Monitoring Practice Guideline International Working Group. [Review] [92 refs]: Drew BJ, Krucoff MW, American Journal of Critical Care. 8(6):372-86; quiz 387-8, 1999 Nov.
Arrhythmia Analysis

Comparison of a Vectorcardiographically Derived 12-Lead Electrocardiogram with the Conventional Electrocardiogram During Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia, and Its Potential Application for Continuous Bedside Monitoring: Barbara Drew, RN, Ph.D., M. Scheinman, MD., G. Thomas Evans, Jr., MD. Am J Cardiol 1992;69:612-61. The Importance Of Derived 12-Lead Electrocardiography In The Interpretation Of Arrhythmias Detected By Holter Recording: Pablo Denes. Am Heart J 1992;124:905-911. Morphologic Characteristics Of Nonsustained Ventricular Tachycardia Detected During Holter Monitoring Associated With Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease: Pablo Denes. Am J Cardiol 1993;71:57-62.
ST Analysis

Comparison of the Standard ECG with the EASIcardiogram for Ischemia Detection During Exercise Monitoring: C.L. Feldman, G. MacCallum, L.H. Hartley. Computers in Cardiology 1997; Vol.24. Comparison of Direct and Vectorcardiographically Derived (EASI) Electrocardiograms Recorded During Exercise: Charles L. Feldman, Gail MacCallum, Dirk Q. Field, L. Howard Hartley. (Abstract) Electrocardiology '96 (Proceedings of the XXIII International Congress of Electrocardiology)

Derived 12-Lead ECG - Comparison With The Standard ECG During Myocardial Ischemia And Its Potential Application For Continuous ST-Segment Monitoring: Barbara J. Drew, RN, Ph.D., Randall R. Koops, RN, MS, Mary G. Adams, RN, MS, and Gordon E. Dower, MD. Journal of Electrocardiology; Vol 27 Supplement; 1992; 249-255.


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Published April 8, 2002 5990-0519EN

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