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DOS/Windows useful Commands/Utilities:

File Commands:
Type a file type <file>
See file Page wise more <file>
Update file’s time stamp touch <file>
Print a file print <file>
Delete a file del <file>
rm <file>
Directory Commands:
Create (Make) Directory: md <Directory>
Change Directory: cd <Directory>
Remove Directory rd <Directory> {If <directory> is empty}
Delete <Dir> recursively rm –rf <Directory> {–r à recursive & -f à forcefully}
Copy Directory recursively xcopy <src> <dst> /s {-s à recursive}

File/Directory Commands:
See the List of a directory dir { /p à Page Wise, /w à Wide Listing, /o àOrdered}
Rename/Move ren <src> <dst>
move <src> <dst>
mv <src> <dst>
Change Attribute attrib ±r ±h ±s <File/Dir>
attr ±r ±h ±s <File/Dir> {attr is a third party utility}
Zip pkzip <> files
UnZip a zipped file pkunzip <>

Disk Commands:
Partition a disk fdisk <drive>
Format a disk format <Drive>
Floppy Disk Copy diskcopy <src drive> <dst drive>

Date & Time:

To set/see the date date
To set/see the time time

TSR (Terminate & Stay Resident) Programs:

Get previous commands in command shell doskey

Other Commands:
Clear Screen cls

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