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Unit 1

1 Gens andexperienes 22b d 4 5b 3 1 uniqu 2 did 3 upbringing4 pperne5 adopted 6 short-sightdnss 7 thriIl-skrs 8 influene

16 Hir:bIond, shouIdr-|ngth, stright, moUst..: dyd, bard, wavy, short Size: we||.built, ta||, overwight, thin, short young Ag:midd|.g, in (thir) twnties / thirtis, impression: hndsom, fashionabl, Gnra| sruffy, attrti\19 possib| answers 1 in histwntis2 shouldIngth 3 moustahe nd :4 sruffy 5 welI-buiIt

4 1 strssful2 injury treatment4 pinful 5 iIlnsses 6 urd/urble7 reovry8 hea|thy 9 fitnss 10 ||rgi 51 2f 3h 4a 5g 6d 7 8b 6 a grow up b b ri n g o u t tk ft r d g ro w o u to f e t k eup f g etonw ith g b ri n g u p h g e ti n to

18 19 20

studnts,own nswers 1 onfidnt2 shy 3 gnrous4 srius 5 misrb t 1 Hrnm's Eri. 2 S h| o o k s a t hI et . i s t I Sihe | nds | i mH . er h i r a nd e s .. -.'' 3 Shehats sport. She|ovs being drmti. ri's vry xtrot t . -- . partis ndbing theentre of attention. SheIiks rading m;.j- . 1. xperimnting withnwIothes ndtrying outnewmk.u 1-. 4 J m i l i k s g i ngt o t h i nm a Ia i snd t ni ngt o m u sii+ i.'it . 18yers. 5 Ner|y 6 Bus thy rdiffrent andthyb|ne eah othr.s

7 ,l |ook 2 fe| Iik 3 sounds|ik4 fI 5 sounds 6 lookslik


prsona Iitis.

8 l o, know 2 d o sn 't|i k 3'sw t h i n g 4 , mn o tgo i ng t|ling me 6 se 7 do,wnt 8 Do, 5 ralws think 9 rgtting10 d o n 'tn e d obnevr studies nough forexams. goswimming nd|x usua||y atthweeknd. Jn frequntly rds twonovels tthsm tim' JuIin islways ste|| t|king in |oud voi on hermobil / n hrmobile voi. in a |oud in badmood Smis never forlong. Tomis rgu|r| |te forworkbuse thetrffi is havy. PuIine isalwys omp|aining bout somthing. i\4y mothr oftn|oses herkys to th hous. go shopping | nevr withmysistr forlothes withmy / for|oths sister. gts frqunt|y Sh headhs in summr.

21 studn'own answers

Unit 2
1t 2lc

9 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10

z d 3e 4a 5 b Sntn f is notndd ,1 ls 2 Tru 3 3 True 4 FIs 5 ru

z. d 3 b 4 . 5 1 befored 2 nrvous 3 fous 4 disguis 5 pik(sor:.. 6 a l i bi

6 ] sussfu| 2 happi|y 3 hevi|4 ntly 5 disapp... 6 di s t i ngui s hi ng 7 s m r t | y8 s u I | y 9 wo r r i d 1 0 ...7 ,| glasss, ontt |nss 2 In-shvn 3 ftures 4 outof hrtr I students'own answers 10 9 l at z of 3 on 4 in 5 bout ,l kidnppr2 murdrr 3 robbr 4 burglr 6 muggr 7 forger 8 vndI

101look 2seem 3o fte n sk 4ts 5u su al |y g e tup 6 s t a r t s 7 Doyouh v B l i k 9 rri v , l 0 md o i n g 1, l D o y o uned ,l3 12 isalwaystlling doyouf| 14 m |was 15 havyou got 16 h Vn'tg o t 17 re d o i n g 18 are o u l o o k i n g fo r1 9 W a nt 20 am nott| | i n g 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Luyknow s|o tso f re n tp o p Ie . S h m ts t hem d i ff n w. her o s ho gosto Hrppearan is importnt, soshoftn thgym. 4.30 lt's a.m.butLuy dosn't Wnt to getup. peopIe is intrviewing Luy thr tody. midday. yet. |t onIy She dosn't ned to hve Iunh fmous Look! Somon isrriving tthstudio. tthmomnt s|ly ndBenrwthing brekfst V. gthom Sh oftn dosn,t bfor ight in thvning.

1 1 l k i dna ppi ng 2 m ur dr 3 r o bber 4 bur gl a r y 5 sh o: 6 mugging 7 forger 8 vndIism 12 1 suspeted2 sped 3 found 4 rrstd 6 ppeald 7 sentnd 13 l robbery 2 burg|ry3 thft 4 robbed'stole 5 muggd, sto|en 6 sto|

12 l n't hear 2 tsts 3 n,t sme|| 4 fe|s 5 n, sml| 6 n,tse 7 ntast 8 fels 13ld 2Ior 3 o r 4k e 5b e , l1 ini 10 th o u t 12 an d 6o f 7as 8ho w 9for

14 l za f 4b 5d 6e

14 1 2 3 4 5 6 / 8 9 Don'tyougr? in myop inio n |tsms Wht do youthink | fe| Doyouthink tht's tru e tmsure W h tb outy o u | agr

15 16
1 an,t 2 don'thve to 3 n't 4 hdto 5 hv to 6 do n' t ha v t o7 m us t n' t 8 nedt o 9 S h u| d 1 0 ; . 11 shou|dn't12 ma 13 an't 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 problm? nyousolve this|\4aths pssyourxam, youhave gottowork |fyouWntto hd. YoUnedn't Wr a suitndtIe. |tn't be Rhel's birthday today. hparty is net Stur. Ysterdy, Kr|hdto goto thdntist. your |fyouWnt to improv footbIl, to prtls ouought 2a 3 4.567a 8 h 9 . 1'

1 5 Studnts,own nswrs

17 18 19

1 |osing 2 totak 3 |istning5 using 6 towar 1 t h 2 t h


workbook answr ky

201 d 2 f 4a 5 6b 21 Possib| nswrs: 1 Wht dos FBI for? stnd 2 Wht wsthejudg |ike? 3 I'msorry. anyourpet tht? 4 What's ryptogrpher? 5 anybutII mwhtUNS0 is?

1 1 1 f | t 2 s pnt 3 l f t 4 b m 5 bea t 1 2 1 wnt 2 wa s s no wi ng 3 W r n' t 4 wa s w l k i ng 5 h r d 6 turned 7 wre wring 8 were talking 9 were ooking 10 didn't s 11 didn't noti 12 lft ,l3 rrivd 1 4 W r 1 5 wer et hey do i ng 1 6 Di dI i m a gi ne 13 l wok Up 2 gotUp 3 tok 4 did lr/rs Bow|erspend 5 spnt 6 did 7 were they ab| 8 wre 9 hdto ,l0 didn't hv ]1 Wnt 12 bought 13 fi|med 14 hdr|isd 1 4 1 whn 2 s 3s 4 whi l e 5 s 6 when 7 s 8 s 9 wh i|e

Wher to sta
llow to get What to do around ho t | bytrin youth host| on foot mp sit bybus bdndbrekfst on a bik

Whatto 5 mo n Um ent an rtgal|ery a mu se um park them 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 wsmor unmfortbI thn on thother handit wsmor luxurious wer muh slower than today thre Wsn,t as muh hoi Ws mor intrstingthn travlIing byr on theothr hnd thr weren't as mn roads thrdsweren'tas good there Wsn't s muh traffi nis thstrets Wer muddier gotdirtir |ths our

ro||erblde in thpark goona guidd tour 80outto a nightlub buysouvnirs 6j 7b 8 9g

23 1 h





241 book zg o 3th/ tk 4ri d 5g e t 6 tke 7 spend 8 do 9 ma k/ tk 10 h v 25 studnts' ownnswers 26 studnts, ownnswrs 27 Studnts' ownanswers

16 Possib| nswrs: 1 sfst s 2 s bigs 3 mor / quik diffiuIt thn 4 heaper l lsspensivethn 5 welthir/rihr/betteroffthan

Unit 3
1l 2la zb 2a
3b 4d 4


3 1 forstudnts2forworkingpop| 3 forstudents4 forstudnts an dwrkingpopl 5 fo rs tu d n ts 6 fo rw o rk i n g - p e o p l e 4 l in. 2 db|'bdrm. 3 p.w. 4 p..m. 5 mil 6 md. ons. 7 v' 8 bdsit 9 x, 5 1 gnt(x2) 2 Furnishd3 Rnt 4 shr 5 Sltontaind 6 1 in vntions2 b ginni n g h i s to ri 4p arn 5 disagreemnt 6 ommuniation 7 fvourit8 prmnntly 9 Vrity 10 dv|opment 7 1 urrent affairsprogrammes, doumntries, nwsbrodasts, sin programmes, 2 dttiVe storis, sopors rtoons 4 htshows 5 quizshows 6 ommrils

,l999 17 whnbUilt: ost to bUiId: 758 miIIion ttrtions: (virtuaI Hom P|ant Zone tourof theWorld); Play Zone (sr p|y goI, pIyground); onto, explore n e|troni Body Zon(devlopmnts in mdiine (danrs andsin); |\4iIInnium Show andarobats) Numbr of restaurants: mor than30 popUlar |vost ttrtion: |\,4ilIennium Show

18 Studnts' wnnswrs 19 students, ownnswers

Unit 4
1l 2 d 3e 4 5h 6g 7b H e di ngf i s no t n d d . 21d 2e 3b 4h 5g 6a 7 Bt .l 3 onvenient 2 individual 3 responds 4 automated 5 moods 6 intruder 7 shdul 8 dispns 9 nalyse 10 nsuming 1,l ry|12 monitor

Vrb 1 toautomat 2_ 3 lo nlys 4 to enrgise 5 to monitor 6 to progrm 7 to onsum B to ryle

8 1 f or o nthing 2 And n o th rth i n g n d th n th re 's 4 Lst of a||

pitures Comparing
9 studnts,own nswers

Adjtive auIomaIedl utomti int| |ignt nltil/ nlsed enrgti/energisd pr0grammd onsuming rld robotl informed


.id studid marrred




Noun automatton inteIligne nlsis nrgy monttor proSram onsu mption rlIng ro0o informtion

wshd oVr0 fi|md depndd wntd punishd witd WorK0

fored improvd

5 1 onsumption 2 informatin3 ry|ed4 program 5 int||ignt 6 mnitor 7 rbots 8 n|ysis 6a5 b4 ] d2 6 f 3 7 , l t o | o go n 2 gt t hr o ugh3 k ey i n 4 pr i nt do ut 5 s hutd own 6 swithd off

Wrkbook nswer k @}

8 l 2 3 4 5 ooIh Vto do is Sowhat I should Should I use Doyouwantmeto Am I supposed to

5 Pop|

,l rsrvation2 order 3 rommend 4 s|f-srvie 5 rr 6 frid 7 i Ite 8 undrooked9 dessert 10 bill hings vIuabl xpnsive eonomiI pri|ss prious worthless generous wII-o[f mean broke worth|ss

youhe|p m 3 'm going to start 9 1 '|I show 2 WilI 4'mgoingto| ve 5'l Ig o 6'sg o i n g to b e 7 w i l |b 8'regoingtovisit ,mgoing 10 l 2 rey o u tk i n g3, IItu rn i td o w n 4's g o i n g t o s no w be 7 'm meting 8 'm notgoingto 5 goingto Wil|you buy ,l0 wiIlhave 9 never Ivs 11 1 2 4 5 7 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 |fyougotoLondon,visitLeisterSquare. game iso|aving a omputer tthemoment. Greg | promis |'|l ometo the party thisweekend. York? Whn rethvmoving to NeW Markis heIoing meto move flaton Sturdy. Whn |\4ik arrivs, t|I him|'mhre. flIoverif you'r notarfu|! Lookout!You'Il youto winthlttery. l'dlike/ wnt youto te|| mwhih numbers to hoose. |'dlike/ wnt yousomemone? DoyouWnt meto |end youto goto theudition. I,d iik/ want youto meet wouId Iik hrattheW studio. heprodur / wnts I'dIike / wantyouto gtthe part.

5 wI|-ff 7 1 men 2 expensiv3 broke 4 vIuab|/pri|ss 6 eonomia| 8 1 r n 9l zf 2 l o s e 3 bo r r o wd 4 l nd d 4b 5 6a 5 f f o r d 6 o w d

1 0 1 s a v up 2 gi v e w y 3 t hr o wa wa y 4 pa y ba k on 5 hadrunoutof 6 utbk

11 1 2 4 5 youtII m if thr is ou|d I wswondering if l ou|d Doyouknowif Terry is I'dIik to know if l n yout|| mewhn therestaurant opns ou|d

pictures Comparing
12 Studnts' ownnswrs

13 1 Wi|l ities beIik 2 rbginning3 argoingto b 4 isstrting be B argoingto hav 9 wi|l 5 wi||a|so b 6 re 7 wi|l beome ,10 |ook 12 |sthre ,l3 wiIIs 14 hs 15 dos willhve 11 wiI| 1 4 1 2a 3b 4 5

da n ,t 1 3 1 a n' t 2 m i ght / m y 3 m us t 4 m i ght / m a y / o u|5 ,l0 might/my1,l must 6 must 7 an't B must 9 must 12 an'I 14t theirexms. a heymight / ou|d / may/ musthavepssed might on ho|idy. b hey / maybgoing / ould wonthe |ottry. hymight / ou|d / mayhave 2 hve s|ept lastnight. a Shemightn't / ou|dn't / maynot/ an't sena ghost. b Shemight / ou|d / my/ musthave feI sik. shmight / ou|d / my/ must 3 b 15 l 2 4 5 isrying. Sndra hdn argumnt. have Shmight / ouId / my/ must betird. Shemight / my/ must / ouId 5hmight / my/ musthavhurthrself. / u|d pa r t y . m ea t t h J enny m us t ha v es n Youranswer n'tbeorrt. numbr PuI mighthv forgotten myte|ephone ThfootblI math mUst b on tonight. yourbagthome. YououId hav|eft

15 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 l Wht ryougoing to do going to go |'mprobbIy |t's t sy diffiuIt to go You'r bound |think you'lI tak Doyouthink | might you,re going |'msur going l'mdfinitIy z b 4 5a

17 PossibIanswr hwriter isomp|ining bout the(|k of)faiIities ndsrvi in th poolandhealth hotel; thshard bathroom;the swimming Iub wre srvi Ws notavaiIb|; |osd; thethtr boking themnager did notrturn |ls. informed 18 1 omplain 2 Yourdvrtismentsttd 3 were 4 neither fiIity was 5 thisis notmd in your Iear advrtisment appriat it 6 ontat 7 | wouId 19 studnts' ownanswrs

16 1 unlss 2 lthough 3 beuse4 unlss 5 |thugh 6 beaus 7 un|ess 1 7 l wi t h 2 bo ut / o n 3 t 4 o f 5 o n B throughout 9 between '10 by 6|ike 7in

18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 Wht bout a nwar WouIdn't it b yougr Don't gotto gree You'V thtwou|d bea better way Youhav to dmit youthink Don't thatit would be Butyou'vgottoaept youthinkthat Don't thing would bethebest to do Sodo waI| gre

Unit 5
1b 21 F| s 2tIse 3F a|s e 4 ru e 5tI s 6T ru e 7t | s 8 FIs 9 rue 31 d 2b a 4e 5 2p h n o m n o n Io | 4p ro fe ss i o n | 4 1 unemp | oyed 6 hartristi 5 disadvntged


ky workbook answr

money on a newomputr? 19 1 Wht bout spending

$ Vorkbool<otlsvvr


junkfood? less Why don'tyoutryeting |fyouflUnfit, going to theinma on Friday? Howbout if thwather,s nie? nxt weekend brbeue 4 Whydon'twe hve q lt'squiker. thing thtrain? What boUt

pitures Comparing
13 studnts, ownanswers

1 4 l h s benwo r k i ng 2 s t r t d 3 t | k ed 4 ha s n, t i nt r vie we d phoned B haven't had 5 hasn,t mt 6 hv bn trying 7 hve 9 ralways bn alwys / hv / wrIways 'l0 gav 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 16 'l H o w| o ngha v y beenwo u R n di o ? r k i ngf o r L o ndo presenting Whn didyoubegin thshow? Whohvyou interviwd sinyou strtd work? Didyoumtsomon |ast wek? fmous popgroup? youintrviewd yourfavourit Whyhven't Hwmantimes hvyou ontatd thm? youevermetDido? Hav you? What did Didogive

2 0 1b 2e a 4d 5f 6 21 1 gld 2 sorry Anyway 4so 5 Wht 6 hop 7 How 8 ould 9 will 10 |ov 11 Iooking 22 l zd 3 4b 23 students' ownanswrs

4 mad 5 wasn't havyou bn 2 strtd 3 hvbendoing 6 felt 7 Wasn,t 8 havbme9 wntd 10 gotinto 11 hven'tbeen12 didyoumake 13 invited 14 paid ,|5 hv nevrstopd 16 hd 17 'vebn working -l8 ,vebn pinting 19 'veaIredy fiI|ed up l h v en' t s en hr f o r t wo d y s . I,ve butI,v nvr snt n mi|. hda omputer fortwoyers RheI hsa|wvs wnted to be fashion designer. London. He,s rturningnxtwk. lohnhsgoneto youevrp|avd gam? Hv a omputr pirofombttrusrs | bought |stwek. youbn |'msosorry Iong? |'mlate! Hav witinq 3 | r e dy 4 y t 5 a l r e dy 6 s t i | | 7 y et

Unit 6
ndgesturs 1 l fai| exprssions 2 touh or sounds W hatW eW er 3a 2 Pra g rap h1 b Prg rap h 2b Pargraph Paragraph 5b 3 a 5 ,b 3, 5, d 3,e 2, { 1, g 2' f,g,,d, b,, Order: 4le 2 d 3 4 5b b Paragrph4

17 l 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 8 1 s t i | | 2 et 8 alredy

19 1 whtt sa 2 howto soIve 3 whtto wear 4 howto driv 5 h wt o us 6 wh t t o gi v 7 ho wt o f i x 8 W hr t o go

20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21 2 5 1 4 3 i r s t o f I |I , us i t t o k epi nt o u h NotonIythat, butpeoplen a|| m Furthrmore | nsend ndreiv o5umup,forbusinss Iif youalways First hav to hv of ||, N o t o n| y t hbut t, you ha v t o wo r r y tuthrmor, it mns thatyouannVer phone osumup,Iife witha mobi|e sondly Fi na l l y First of all ftr tht/ Nxt Nxt/Aftertht

5lsu r f 2yb raf 3o n . |i n e 4 I i k 5d o w n |o d 6v i rtu I websites 7 ess 8 offiiI mil 4 mil 6 1 htrooms 2 Net 3 sniI 4 boring 5 dprssing 7 l frightning 2 surprisd3 frustratd 6 amusing

Noun Jfetion frustrtion aggrssIon angr fear hppiness sdness

Adjtiv fftiont frustrted ggrssiv angry Jrid/ frJul nappy sad

22 1b 23 1b 2d 2e t g 4a 4h 5h 5f 6g 6 7 7d 8 B 24 students' ownanswers 25 studnts' ownnswrs

9 1 fear 2 sd/frustrted afftion 4 angr 5 happinss 6 ggrssiv 10 rms hug hand wave shke hold fist hed fa smil f rown

yes k bl i n shut

|nh shk shak nod

sream gron sigh

Unit 7
1 1 | t ' s i nt hE s t I ndi s , 9 6 0 k i I o m t r s f r o m us t r ali . 2 Hworkd st lndiaompany. satraderforth veryrar trs, whihwr 3 |tWas importnt f itsnutmg buse andthir fruit wasvr vIuabIe. hwsshotbytheDuth. 4 Hediedof injuries after of Run. thDuth tokontrI 5 hy apturd |\4anhattan beus thonflit. 6 ThDuth kptRunftr 7 N eW Y o r k g t ina t s m f r o m t h Duk eo Y f ork. 21d 2e 3a 4f 5b 6

yourhnd. 3 Yousram. thir hnd . 2 Youwv 11 l yoush k yourfist. 6 Youfrown. 4 Youshutyourys 5 YouIenh 7 Yougroan or sigh. 8 Younodyourhed

4 Howfar 12 l hwlng 2 howdiffiuIt3 howxpensiv 5 Howpopular

ke Qp Workbook answer

3 l 2 3 4 5


to be invo|vd in a fight vry vaIubI warbegn timspnt trying |ong to agre on something h|pd to hng history in som Wy

17 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 ually, that's hrdto say Looking bk, I think Wel|, Ietmethink bout thtfora moment Well, letmesee. youthetruth ote|| question. Tht a good po i nt ' h t . 5n i nt r es t i ng

Nouns adventurer heroism soure band ngotitions

surrnderd wondr strve surviv injurd

Adjtives forgotten ourageous remote insignifint neg|td

18 1b 2 3d 4a Studnts'own ansWrs

ltmsfor saIe (ondition/ quaIifition r e s o n bI ondition qulifid 2 Spnish |essons fuIly 3 Ioths unworn / / nw wedding dress 20 Students' ownanswers 21 l 29 3a 4d 5b Students'own nswrs 6e 7f 1 hi | d bi k e Pri 115.00 20.00 perhour 100 Contat dtaiIs le p h on 0 2 0 _ ] : . 4568 ftr 6 p' ll|Vlri LopZ .0771 7649B5|\,4rsJkson on 01502705534-

5 5 7 I

1 strve 2 wondr surrender 1 forgotten 2 ouragous3 remot 4 insignifint5 ngItd 1 dventurr 2 soure 3 heroism 4 bnd 1 onnetion 2 starvtion 3 survivI 4 invo|vment 5 ngotitions 6 in,juris 7 sett|mnt

(UsA), 9 Lotion: North mria on thshores of Lk|\ihigan foundd: (-l9th When mid-ightn hundreds ntury) Popultion: 3 million tmous inhbitnts: Wa|t Disny' Oprh Winfr, RyKro _7"in Wintr |imate: avrg temprtur summer, Niknm: heWindy it rhittur: fmous for itsskysrprs FtUres: pop|, osmopoIitan, vibrnt ity withintersting buiIdings, popu|r uIturl ttrtions, lndmrks nddivrs neighbourhoods

Unit 8
1 b limbing up rok f without rops rolIerblding down mountin d jumping outof a plane witha surfbord tthd to yourfet 21d 4le 2b 3a 4a,d 4 5d 5 6a 6 31Fa|s 2 r ue 3 F | s 4 r u 5 T r u 6 F |s

10 'l brfuI notto 2 remmbr 3 remembr / don'tforget 4 Wth out 5 mkesure 6 tkar

11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B tmouspople havbnintrviwd by |\4tt. heshw hasben n||d. phon mobiIe hasbn left on thetabl. I hvebengiven onrt tiket by myfrind. I wstoldto Wth theshow. ttW sinv i te d to o n e rt b y a p o p str. Thetlevis i w on s fi xb dy th V r p i rman . |\y favourit Dhsbnstoln sto|n. / Ws

z b 3f

5]d 2f a 4 5 6b 6 l k p 2 do 3 p| y 4 t k eup 5 m k es 6 t o t k 7 d o 8 jum pi ng 9 l i m bi ng 1 0 ho l di ng 1 1 m k i ng ,|2 m d ,l3 rhed 71ot 2from Sfor 4off 5to 8 1 Bfor 2 woyrslatr 3 alrd 4 |ater 5 Thefirstthing '.. 6 Whn 7 During hisIifetime 9l 2d 3f 4a 5b 6 1 0 1 di f f er nt l y2 a s i l y 3 v i r t ua l | 4 nt i r l y 5 s e r iou s|y 6 approximt|y

12 1 wasdisovered 2 Wsn'tintrodud Wsrato 4 weron|yonstruted5 wrthrown 6 hvebenpaintd 7 arespoken 8 wasfirstorgnised 9 hsbenrbuilt ,10 hsdeveIoped 13 1w ereseen 2 w e re r p o rt d 3 h v a|I b n tu rn di nt o 4 retken 5 isdeve|opd 6 isonstrutd 7 isovrd 8 a rere td9 i s p o u r d 10 i s |e ft - l 1 i sd ri n d 1 2 i s m d ,l rfittd 'l4 aroftndontd 15 arsomtimes onfusd 14 l 2 3 4 5 6 15 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 hed eor ti n g w I fi l n i s h b bi dy n xtw e k . uhof thltwsdestroyd bythefire. W assheta k e to nth th e tr b y S i mo n ? Whowsthempire stte building dsigned by? hatpinting hsbn stoln thr tim5. youbfinishd WiIl bysevnJhirty? whnwstIvision invntd? How|ng did it tk to dvlop? Ws Whn thefirstprogrmm brodst? Whoinvntd theInternt? Whn wasthid dv|opd? What didthinvntors wnt to do? Whn WsthWorld Wide Wb lunhed? 3 b y 4o f 5b y 6W i th 7W i th sb y 9 by

11 l 2e 3a 4b 5d

pictures Comparing
12 students' ownnswrs

1 3 a who / t h t b who whi h/ t ha t d whr e wh ih /t h f who g whos 1 4 l t h t / whi h 2 who 3 whi h 4 who 5 whi h 6 wh o 7 whih 8 tht/ who/ whom 9 whih / tht 10 whih 1 5 1 T her unnr who wo nt hgo I d | s po k et o t h p r e ssb e for m d th -... Thrunnr whospoke to thepress bfore there wonthego|d ::'. .. : 2 he1.ournIist emined thedngerous ornrwhr thy|is: fI|n off/ f|I off hisbik. 3 htnnis rqut whih WiIIims used to win / thatVnus Wimbledon wssoldtution.

16 ly 2ot 10 of


workbook answer ky



4 Thwomn whos sonIimbed vrst wasintrviewd bythereportr. verest. intrviwd thewomn whose sonlimbed / hreporter 5 Mysistr, whwspromotd |st month, a newpairof skis. bought / lr4y sister, who bought a nwpirsof skis, wspromoted |st month. perfrm mtrs 6 Gymnasts handstnds on ringswhih / ththng2.7 bove thefloor. 7 The.jve|in isa throwing evnt, whih is bsed on theski|| of throwing sper in hunting. 8 |\4ihae| has brothr whoisyoungr 5humhr thanhim. gam 9 | rently wentbak to thestdium where I plyd myfirst of professional footbal l. 10 hampionship mths rp|yed on urts that/ whih hv sqush plsti w||s. 1 6 Purp os:1, , 6, 7, 9 Rsu|t: 2,4,5,8, 10 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |\4rkwnttoswitzr|nd soththeouId snowbor. htriners looked sowful thtI tookthmbk to thshop. Zoesved hermoney sothtshouId buya motorbike. PuI Iookd sodiffrnt thtI hard|y rognisd him hfilmwasso bring that5u|ft r|y. jump. |\4ri vryhard trained sothatsh ouId dothprhut gtfit. Luk hasjoind hgts/n a gymsotht lt'ssowindy mth might thtthetennis benIld. |'mbuying trksuitsothtl nsttjogging. p u tm o ato n | t'ssoo|in d here th t |'mg o i n g to u mp . vryond r d Zo to d o bth un g j |\4 tahr mto tkup bsktbIl. sports enourgd go sky.surfing. MiIlins of viwrs wathd |\,4ik Frost yout|lAmyto mtmeat thf? ould (orrt) y bst frind |wys mkes meteII hrmy serets. youarry PIs |t me h|p thos bgs. (rret) PUI invitd meto go rollerblading in thprk. |\4 brother taUght mto p|y footb|l.



Potry oIIetion a radIng vrs t o publ i s h Pop musi |ris a n a l bum to rlas vrs a on D n0 sing|

5 6

,l 1

wiII r|s2 o|ltion3 onrt 4 lyris 5 bnd 6

Iitrtur2 plywrights pots 4 works 5 bsts||rs 6 ontmporary 7 serious 8 novls 1 to kp off 2 haskeptbak 3 kpton 4 kepup 5 rekping herin





9 1 hk 2 a pa i ni nt hne k 3 no s y 4 behi nds om on 'sb k 5 |earn it bhrt


10 1 b 2 d 4 e 5

pitures Comparing
11 studnts' ow answrs

12 2 wou|d s wouldn,t b 4 wern't 5 wuid be/were 6 wou|d find 7 knew B wou|dn,t sign 9 Wern't / Wsn,t 10 didn't rgnis11 ould 12 ou|d 1 were/was 14 1 5 w uI d t hi nk 13 ,t riwishs shhd diffrnt lif. 2 |f I wre you,I wouIdn't wath so muh teIvision. |f.John Went to theprty, hewouId njoy it. 4 I wishl hd tikt forthpoponert. popstr. 5 |f l uId sing, l wou|d b fmous goto FIorida 6 Timwishes houId on holidy. 14 1 |tl ouId hoos nyjob,l'dba popstr. 2 lf thy dn,t arriv soon, thy,|| miss thfi|m. 3 lf hwasn,t bdtmpered, hewould friends. have mor goswimming. 4 If it rins tomorro l Won't 5 Ifouwsh thdishs, |'|| drythm. 6 Lif wouId if I wer rihndfmous. besy youwon,t 7 |f oUskiarfuIly, f|| over. 15 studnts, ownnswrs 16 l 3 4 6 p|y ouId theguitr 2 didn't Iive in theity wou|d ome outmor often l wrn't driving hm 5 didn,t hav to red it wou|d mindhisownbusinss7 hdmoremoney

1 9 1 be us2 d u to th fa t n o th e rr as io sn th t 4 dut o 5 onsquently 20 l 2a vents 3 4b 5 PIes ourt grund |eisure entr pith p|ying fi|d ri n k sposnrr stdium RsuIts dft drw t r i um ph vrfiory


P op|

ompetitionompetitor gam ontstnt math opponnt r rivI tournmenttem / temmmbr

22 studen'own nswers 23 , , 4, 6, B, 9, 11 24 studnts' ownnswers

prfer 4 prfr 17 l wou|d ... rthr 2 prfer wu|d .. . 5 wo ul d r t hr . .t.h n 6 pr f r s . t o 7 pr ef r . .to 1 8 l t el | i ng 1 9 l t | | 2 t | | s 3 s y , t | k i ng4 s a y 5 s pea k 6 t t k 2 s y 3 t | l 4 t a | k s 5 s pe k s 6 s a

Unit 9
1 ,lb 2 .t 3 1 2 3 4 5 za zc d d 4e 4c hav things in ommon, besimiIar pla fromthsme oming mmorls forsomn have strongfling of fftion end reltionship

20 l ht,s goodid. 2 Rthr thn 3 Surelyif 4 would 5 u|d 6 Butwuldn't it b btter if 21 l 2 3 4 yourather Whih would youprfr Whih would Whih do youthink wou|d be bst Doyouhav nyprfrn

22 a b d l, Frnh nvrsation |ub tahing xpriene nehour a wek btwen 7-9 p.m on a wekday ontat Fion on 845421

key @B workbook answer

23 Studnts, ownnswrs TheT|ntd N4r Riply; 24 a thtit|: ]\4att Damon, Gwnth P|trow ndJud Lw, tor5: inghl| dirtor: nthony fsinting ndhiIIing; fvourab|y b st|ish' ompars to Hithok's films g tw h at storof a oUng mnw h ow i || d o n y th i n g to h eW nt s gtting wiIiIik thviIIain withit d notevron w 25 Studnts' ownanswrs

15 l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

months. l,v bn working here forthre job? Isit a fuI|time job. (No) it'sjust summer youdo bforyou Whtdid started thjob? I usd to b studnt, yuerned Hav lotof mon? mls. No,I hvn't butI getfr Dooulikfastfood? N o ,I do n' t .

Unit t0
11d 2e 3b 4a 5 intothrtrs 2 shgos Ofvo|noes ndw|ks over |v flows. 3 l mtrs 2 tn, Vsuvius3 globlwrming, me|ting ieaps 4 50mtrs 5 1,000" 6 lndonesi,ntrti 41 z b 3b 4d 5d 2 struggle3 srmbl4 frozn 5 1 rofssion in time 5 nountr 6 unprditab| 7 hazrdous B unonrnd 9 pikapth 10 hsitt11 xhanging 12 r|tivsfty

16 1 htourist infrmtion offier reommendd thtwevisit th modrn tgal|ry. going suggstd t th bah. 2 Btri Ami5 reommendd thnwnove| by artin to us. 3 Dvid joins thtnnis lub. 4 ng|a suggstd thtKte / joind finishtheexer|ses 5 Thether suggestd thatthestudnts t hom. 6 DidStephn suggest tking tito hishouse? reommnded hlth 7 hedotor eting dit. mting thinm. 8 | suggsted outside 1 7 whn Iheindirtobjr(her) omsbefor e thedi rtobj t(a book),'l . thwordto,butwhn hrfo||ows book,ou nd to d. do notneed prpsition| phras. 18 1 gavthther 2 askd mfrind 3 boughtZoe photos 4 suggestd n idet 5 showed my ho|idy to

6 1 preutions 2 ha|th immunisations 4 ho|r 5 firstaid kit 6 inst rp||nt 7 mrgny mdi| kit 8 steril 9 void ,l0 sunstrok 11 skin nr 7 l 2 3 4 5 6 h |th r q u i r m n ts hkth yound whatimmunisatins skthdotor first id kit mdi| kit an mrgny tWatr vold rfuI in thsun bvry

19 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2o l 2 3 4 5 I thinkit'sdreadful youmen, l seeWht but Do y o uW nt it'sinrdibI l an't |'mafrid gre. ha t ,wh s t l t hi nk Persona||y, l flthtit,s ssntil hnd buton theothr I f i ndi t youmeanbut | nse wht probb|y You're right I'mfrid I disagre bsoIut|y ht,s fin

8 1 imptint2 irresponsib| 3 intiv, unprditab| 4 impossib|e 5 iIlgibIe 6 disorganised 9 1 studid 2 intrstd 3 workd 4 toapply 5 wsoffrd forwrd 6 Wrot 7 |ooked to 1 0 ltted in 2turn d d o w n 3g i v u p 4tk o n 5g t o n

1 1 le z.d 3 4 5b

21 sles assistnts: enthusiasti, effiient, smt apprne, omputrIitert, in sls xprin 6a ptient' prob|.. Rptionist: r|ibIe, onfident' deI withustomr tlephon tak nquiris journaIi5t: Assistant intrstd in journaIism, exlIent nglish, b prssur, flxibl, workunder worklonghours rptionist; in de|ing withustomers' 22 ot| shehasxperine prob|ems withomp|ints {ro* ndtlephon enquiries; shhsdIt in IoI hot| during thshoo| ho|idys ustomrs; shworked 23 ltor 2t 3in 4on 5in 1'l in 12 ln 13 in 14 Io 24 Studnts'wn nswrs 6 i nl a I 7 of 8in 9 a t -] N.

1 2 lt z d 4b 5 plannd 1 3 z shhdnvr it as rer 3 what sheenjoyd most about thejob. planning pnds 4 shWas to photogrph in hin. p| 5 what thmost remot shhadben to ws. 6 shhdbeen to ntrti thprvious r. 7 i[hhdhdndngrous xprins B onin fri shhdbn in hr,jeep 9 wht shehddone. 10 thre hdbn nohne of sap photogrphrs. 11 what shwould dvi offer to young wildIif 12 thy takunnessry shouIdn't risks ,13 it piture. tk ouId somtims dys to gtthright -t phon. 14 slIy wantd to knoW Whr shouId buya mobiI 2 3 4 5 6 7 hteher toldusnotto tIk during thexm. St|| admittd thtshhdusd my mobil. Sh ddd thtshhdon|y snt tXt mssge. promisd ngi thatshwould h|p mwithm prjt. Shreommnded thtth strt work on it. Robxp|ained thathwsIt bus hisalarm Iok wsbrken.


workbook ky nswr

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