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Quick Reference Card

Keyboard shortcuts

Pick Flyout

Touch-up Flyout
5 C 7

Object Pick Tool

Mask Transform Tool

Red-Eye Removal Tool Clone Tool

Touch-up Brush Tool

Mask Flyout

Rectangle Mask Tool

Shape Flyout
J K A 4 W B

Ellipse Mask Tool


Rectangle Tool Ellipse Tool Polygon Tool Line Tool Path Tool

Freehand Mask Tool


Lasso Mask Tool


Magnetic Mask Tool


Magic Wand Mask Tool


Brush Mask Tool

Fill Flyout

Crop Tool


Fill Tool Interactive Fill Tool

Zoom Flyout

Zoom Tool Pan Tool

Eyedropper Tool

Eraser Tool

Text Tool

Keyboard shortcuts
Brush Flyout
Paint Tool Effect Tool Image Sprayer Tool Undo Brush Tool Replace Color Brush Tool

Interactive/Transparency Flyout
S 1 2 3
Interactive Drop Shadow Tool Interactive Object Transparency Tool Color Transparency Tool Object Transparency Brush Tool

Image Slicing Tool

! You can apply a straight brush stroke using any brush based tool by holding down Ctrl after you begin to drag in the image window. While

still holding down Ctrl, you can press Shift to switch between horizontal and vertical brush strokes.
! When defining editable areas, you can use Ctrl and Shift to constrain the shape of the area you add or subtract after you begin to drag. For

example, if youre using the Ellipse Mask tool, holding down Ctrl constrains the shape to a circle, and holding down Ctrl + Shift makes the circle expand from the center.
! You can select a fill color by right-clicking a color on the color palette. ! You can fit text to a path by clicking the Text tool, moving the pointer over a path, and clicking where you want the text to begin. As you

move the pointer over the path, the pointer changes. This change indicates that you can now click and type.
! You can change the order of objects using shortcut keys. Move an object to the top of the stack by pressing Shift + PgUp; move it to the

bottom of the stack, but above the background, by pressing Shift + PgDn; move it up one step in the stacking order by pressing Ctrl + PgUp; and move it down one step by pressing Ctrl + PgDn.
! You can switch to the last tool used by pressing the Spacebar.

Contain drop-down menus with commands grouped by category

Property Bar
Contains commands that change according to the active tool

Standard toolbar
Contains shortcuts to some menus and basic commands

Docker Toolbox
Contains tools for editing, creating and viewing images. The toolbox also contains the color control area, which lets you select colors and fills Provides access to additional commands and image information. The Object docker is displayed by default

Color palette
Contains color swatches

Image window
The area in which the image displays

Status Bar Navigator

Lets you view a thumbnail of the entire image so you can focus the image window on a specific area. The Navigator is only available if areas of the image exceed the image window Displays image information, system information and tips

Keyboard shortcuts
Menus and menu commands

New New from Clipboard Open Save Acquire Image } Select source Acquire Image } Acquire Import } Import Export Export for Office Print Exit Undo Redo Repeat last command Cut Copy Copy visible Paste } Paste as new object Paste } Into selection Paste } New from Clipboard Fill Full screen preview Rulers Grid Snap to } Grid Snap to } Guidelines Zoom in Zoom out Fit in window Adjust } Tone curve Adjust } Brightness/Contrast/Intensity Adjust } Color balance Adjust } Hue/Saturation/Lightness Repeat } Last effect Create } Mask from object(s) Select all Invert Remove Paint on mask Marquee visible

Ctrl + N Shift + Ctrl + N Ctrl + O Ctrl + S Ctrl + Shift + Q Ctrl + Q Ctrl + I Ctrl + E Ctrl + P Alt + F4 Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Shift + Z Ctrl + L Ctrl + X Ctrl + C Ctrl + Shift + C Ctrl + V Ctrl + Shift + V Shift + Ctrl + N Ctrl + Backspace F9 Ctrl + Shift + R Ctrl + Shift + E Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Shift + Y F2 F3 F4 Ctrl + T Ctrl + B Ctrl + Shift + B Ctrl + Shift + U Ctrl + F Ctrl + M Ctrl + A Ctrl + Shift + I Ctrl + R Ctrl + K Ctrl + H


Create } Object: Copy selection Create } Object: Cut selection Duplicate Arrange } Align and distribute Arrange } Group Arrange } Ungroup Arrange } Order } To front Arrange } Order } To back Arrange } Order } Forward one Arrange } Order } Back one Combine } Combine objects together Combine } Combine objects with background Combine } Combine all objects with background Feather Marquee visible Move frame Customization Visual Basic } Visual Basic Editor

Ctrl + Up Arrow Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Ctrl + D Ctrl + Shift + A Ctrl + G Ctrl + U Shift + Page Up Shift + Page Down Ctrl + Page Up Ctrl + Page Down Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow Ctrl + Down Arrow Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow Ctrl + Shift + F Ctrl + Shift + H Ctrl + Shift + G Ctrl + J Alt + F11 Shift + F5 Shift + F4 Ctrl + F5 Ctrl + F7 Ctrl + F9 Alt + F10 Ctrl + F1 Alt + F1 Ctrl + F3 Alt + F9 Ctrl + F10 Ctrl + F8 Ctrl + F2 Ctrl + F11 Ctrl + F12 Backspace F1


Movie Tools



Effects Mask

Windows Cascade Tile horizontally Color palettes } Color palette browser Dockers } Objects Dockers } Channels Dockers } Path Dockers } Info Dockers } Image slicing Dockers } Recorder Dockers } Undo Dockers } Artistic Media Dockers } Brush settings Dockers } Color Dockers } Movie Dockers } Scrapbook } Browse Maximize work area Help Help topics

Copyright 2002-2004 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies. JB#3069-41 PHOTOPAINT 11/03

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