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East Linn Christian Academy

Spanish I Course Syllabus 2013-2014

It is a pleasure to have you in class! I am confident you will find this class helpful as a begin your journey to becoming bilingual!

Instructor Contact Information

Heather Peckfelder Email address: Cell phone: (541) 401-0451 School phone: (541) 451-1076

Course description: It is the goal of the Spanish program to bring the student to the point at which they can speak, understand, read and write Spanish in most everyday contexts. Spanish I introduces simple greetings, basic vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. From there, students will learn about gender/number agreement, articles, pronouns, verbs and adverbs. Students will get a taste of the Spanish verb system by focusing on the present tense and its many nuances. Near future, present progressive and preterit tenses will be covered as well. (Grade 9 required) 1 credit Course objectives: To be able to carry on a simple conversation with a native speaker To memorize bible verses in Spanish to share with someone To become aware of the ways that language can be used to share the gospel To learn more about Hispanic culture To be able to read and write simple present and past tense paragraphs Course Text and Supplies: Students will need to own and bring to class a Spanish-English dictionary, flashcards, their textbook, lined paper, and a pencil. Students will not be permitted to go back to their lockers because it wastes valuable learning time. Text: Spanish 1 for Christian Schools, Bob Jones University Course expectations: I have high expectations for you in this class. I understand how difficult it can be to get out of your comfort zone and speak in a language other than your primary language. The more you listen, speak, read, and write in Spanish, the more you will succeed. Therefore, most of the class discussions will be conducted in Spanish and I expect you to participate in daily opportunities to use Spanish. Other expectations are: weekly memory verses (versiculos), daily attendance; note-taking, homework assignments, and quizzes/tests. Grading Policy: All assignments must be completed on time and ready at the beginning of class on the due date. Unexcused late homework assignments will receive a 50% penalty (per the school handbook). If you are struggling on an assignment, the best thing to do is talk to the teacher. Grades can be viewed on the schools Sycamore system and will be updated weekly.

Participation Homework/Projects Memory verses/Vocabulary Quizzes Final Exams

10% (attendance, attitude, speaking in groups) 40% (activities from the book and other assignments) 20% (flashcards, bible quizzes, etc) 15% (grammar, translation, listening) 15% (at the end of each semester)

Tardy Policy: Class begins when the bell rings. The class does not end until the teacher dismisses you and everyone is in their seats. Attendance Policy: You are responsible for making up any work due to absences in a timely manner. Students will have one day plus the number of days absent to make up late assignments. Tests/Quizzes can be made up afterschool. Classroom Rules: **Please see handbook for school rules and discipline policy. I will enforce these rules in my classroom.** 1. Demonstrate respect for yourself, your classmates, school facilities, and teachers at all times. 2. No food, gum, candy or drinks in classroom unless approved by the teacher. 3. Go to the bathroom and your locker before class class time is for learning! 4. No electronic devices visible or audible for any reason unless the teacher has instructed. 5. Plagiarism (using someone elses work without giving them credit) will not be tolerated. Statement of commitment: I have read this course syllabus and I understand the expectations and requirements for this course. Parent/Host Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

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