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Name Santos, Sharon Dela Cruz, Cristina Gonzales, Allan Velasco, Ronald Conception, Helen

Quiz 1 78 89 92 81 90

Quiz 2 89 80 90 95 86

Quiz 3 89 96 94 82 93

Prelim Exam 86 84 97 92 89

Quiz 4 88 98 88 84 86

1. Insert 2 rows before row 1 2. Supply the Titles and center from Column A-J University of Santo Tomas Lecture Grade 3. Insert a column before column G, then type "Prelim Grade" 4. Compute for the prelim grade. FORMULA:((Q1+Q2+Q3) /3) * 50%) + (Prelim Exam * 50%) 5. Insert another column before Lecture Grade then type "Final Grade" 6. Compute for the final grade. FORMULA ((Q4+Q5+Q6) /3) * 50%) + (Final Exam * 50%) 7. Compute for the lecture grade. Formula (Prelim Grade * 50%) + (Final Grade * 50%) 8. Format with 2 decimal places for prelim grade, final grade and lecture grade 9. Sort data according to student name in ascending order. 10. Apply colored Border lines from A1 to M8 11. Add shading color 13. Adjust the row height to 20 14. Format the column width using Autofit selection from A3 to M8 15. Apply font color and background color 16. Change the name of the worksheet to "Computation" 17. Delete worksheet 2 and 3 18. Save your workbook with filename "Sample-grades"

Quiz 5 87 89 92 97 84

Quiz 6 92 91 84 83 90

lecture Grade

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