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Muhammad Afham bin Bidin Sains 1 Argumentative Essay Should examination be replace with other forms of assessment.

The day of today,every school colleges,universities and instituation, assess their student by mean of end of year writen examination. The examination is do not challenge the true abilities of student but only make student very stressfull to prepare in examination but only make student very stressfull to prepare in examination but the assessment is the true can challenge the abilities and what was the student learn before this and show what the student catch up when their are study. So, should or not the examination be replaced with other forms of assessment. Today the scenario af the difference examination and assessment is always in question mark(?) to choice the most usefull. Someone think the exam is testing memory more than creativity and understanding but if you have a good memory also you can get away with doing very little work throughout the cause and still get the very good grades whereas if you have. but if you do not have good memory and slow to catch up but have the abilities and creativity you maybe get the same grades also. Beside, the cousework is a much more genuine assessment of a candidat because it take into account research, understanding of the issue and ability to express oneself, not just abilities to answer question in every limited period but do the assessment have enough time to finish the work at the time and challenge their abilities and what their are study before this, and when do the assessment maybe can get something new and knowledge. Thereare the advantage (pros) for the assessment is student will test their self to do work with their efforts and find something new. It is more to the practicles,creativity and real understanding, if you have the good research may be you can get very good grades. Beside that, the cousework is a much more genuine assessment of a candidate because it takes into account research and understanding of the issue and ability to express oneself, not just ability to answer a question in a very limited period of time. Assessment also can do in the group its reasonable to reduce the pressure for the student. Maybe the task will need some

money to spend but when do in the group can sharing the money to buy something to finish their work. If student have the problem the group can meet with the lecture or teacher to get some input or respondent to take the high mark from their teachers. After that, the disadvantages (cons) of the assessment is cousework can involve a lot of pressure especially with the meeting of deadlines. School should and do about the relaxation and stress management for both exams and cousework. Beside that may be in the group have the person were do not we like and it will effect the commitment when do the discusion. Some student also do not take serius about the assessment because it is so easy and do the assessment at last minute. In conclusion, the assessment can enable the student to show their potential in themselves rather than in examinations.and the assessment also can give the experience for student to do something. But in examination is only depending on reading book or remembering the fact in the book and do not from their self. So, we look in the both side the most have reason and usefull to choice for the student.

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