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Emerging Issues in Educational Technology Mobile Academy Adrienne Santiago EDU356 Final Paper Lisa Sill, M.Ed.

Mobile Academy

Mobile Academy Look into the book bag of a secondary school age student and you can be sure to find some form of a mobile device. These devices range from the smart phone, iPod, iPad, Android tablets, E-readers, and the lasted electronic devices that will allow them to be mobile and connect to the outside world in a fraction of a second. This is the life of the 21st century learner. As educators, we need to embrace the technology these learners have come to know as an appendage of their bodies, become technology savvy ourselves, and use these mobile devices to reach the learning styles of these learners. As educators, we know if we want a student to learn and retain what they learned, we need to make sure the information they are receiving is meaningful and memorable (Jenson, 2000). As educators, we need to understand the use of technology to meet the deep-seated human need to be connected (Norris, C., & Soloway, E. (2011). We all are aware of how technology has changed our jobs as educators. We can travel now without carrying books, create documents stored in the clouds to be opened and used in any classroom we are teaching in. We can access the world; develop opinions and thoughts of our own using the internet, and share this information with our students. Technology has made it possible for us to be exposed to various topics of discussions going on outside our little towns, allowing us to form an opinion or use this information to help solve local problems. No longer are we restricted to the views of our local environment. We are often times faced with challenges when it comes to the learning styles of our students, as well as behavior issues create by the environment our students reside in. Across the world, educators are starting the discussions on whether the traditional definitions on schooling and learning need to change to provide students with a broader knowledge base that includes

Mobile Academy

skills in problem solving and critical thinking (Fleming, N. (2012). Often times students are afraid to become involved in class discussions. With peer pressure and the fear of being judged by other, students will shy away from sharing their thoughts openly in class. Using technology for open discussions, or engaging participation is a solution to this problems educators face daily. Our text gave a great example of this teaching concept using technology, an instructor could provide a hash tag for a class, and the students could tweet during lecture (Bloomberg, C. N. (2012). This is a great way for learners to express what they are thinking after being prompted with discussions questions from the teacher, allow for expression of thoughts and feelings in the classroom, without fear of being judged. The text also reminds us of the structure required to engage learners in this fashion. Another reminder of the training educators need to incorporate technology in the classroom. The uses of these techniques are endless as you can use it when working out math problems in class to reviewing for exams. We are meeting the learning styles of our 21st century learners, developing problem solving, and critical thinking skills as well. Teaching at the post-secondary level, we are often times saying to our students off the internet during lectures, put computer keyboards on top of your computers, and turn off all cell phones. Now, learning about how to use technology in the classroom to help student learn and retain information, we can develop a plan using the very technology we have been preventing from entering the classroom. The author of our text advocates for competency-base, not normative, performance (Bloomberg, C. N. (2012), when developing training with technology. Again, meeting the 21st century learner in the environment they live in every day. Incorporating competency-based training in post-secondary education prepares our students for todays global economic environment they will be working in. Learners need to be able to

Mobile Academy

demonstrate what they will be able to do when working in the world outside of the classroom setting. Plan to Incorporate 21st Century Skills and Technologies Within a Learning Environment Research the technology available What mobile devices are easily accessible to students How many students have access to the internet Do the school hours allow students to access the internet on campus and what times? Determine a budget for the following items: a. The addition of a tablets, iPads, or Android devices in the cost of tuition. b. The addition of e-readers in the cost of tuition. c. The cost of training instructors in mobile technology. d. The cost of software to support mobile devices in the classroom.

Cost Analysis So there does have to be recognition that the environment and resources need to be planned to succeed (Bloomberg, C. N. (2012)

Identify the learning objectives and the audience ((Bloomberg, C. N. (2012)

Develop the final assessment (Bloomberg, C. N. (2012)

Although one of the basic approaches in instructional design, this is still an important step in designing instruction using mobile technology that will meet the goals of the course or training program. Clear objectives need to be identified so that we can determent what the learner is expected to know at the end of the lesson. Knowing your audience is also very important. We want to incorporate technology that is age appropriate and at the appropriate technology skill level of the learner. To ensure learning has actually occurred using the mobile technology. As stated earlier, teachers will require training to ensure the mobile technology is used appropriately and students reach the learning goals.

Mobile Devices in the Classroom. Resources: Pilgrim, J., Bledsoe, C., & Reily, S. (2012) Mobile Device E-Readers Smart Phones Learning and educational task
Electronic Books, less expensive than hard copy and easily accessible from anywhere. Electronic books are also accessible on cell phones. Take notes-easy to review notes from anywhere on mobile devices. Record Lecture-helps auditory learners and student who have difficulties with writing good notes. Access the internet

Mobile Academy Google Accounts iPods Time-teach time zones Temperature-access on line weather forecast Text answers to instructor directed reviews Use Twitter as an educational tool

Calendars for teaching time management Blogging- develop open discussion, ask students to create alias names and either create a new blog or answer professionally to another blog. Promotes critical thinking skills. Create forms- students can access study tools, practice test, practice questions from anywhere on any mobile device. Create interactive responses promoting critical thinking and problem solving in an anonymous environment where students feel secure in expressing their views professionally under the guidance of the instructor. Create and collaborate on projects and assignments. Record lectures Take notes Listen to audio recording of literature, poetry, etc. Allows students to access information globally and quickly. Teaches students how to properly research information. Internet access to send assignments, asks questions, and share documents. Email assignments Download education programs from publishers (mathematic) Access documents Create and share documents Instant messaging to answer questions, create discussions. Free download of educational applications Calendar of events, test, assignment due dates. No more lost homework Organize documents Share file folders



Cloud Storage

This course has opened my eyes to the infinite use of technology in the classroom. At first, we learned about the challenges this country has faced in its attempts to incorporate Technology in the classroom. We looked at tools used in the classroom and how through technological developments and inventions, we took these tools to another level. Black chalkboards became white boards and now electronic device for delivering lecture materials.

Mobile Academy

Projectors are now computerized and can display multiple media all at the same time. I have learned not only how to use the technology mentioned above, but also how to find educational websites that offer teaching tools to help learners in the classroom. These website offer memberships and access to conferences where educators can network together towards the goal of improving education in our country and making us more competitive with other countries. We learned the importance of creating a technology checklist to evaluate the use of the specific technology in the classroom. To take advantage of mLearning capabilities, we have to understand learning if we wish to fully capitalize on the potential (Bloomberg, C. N. (2012). Using technology in the classroom still requires the basic principles of instructional design ensuring the learning actually occurs and students meet the goals and objects clearly defined at the beginning of the lesson. Through this course, we learned how to use social media in the classroom to meet the learning objectives of the lessons and engage our 21st century learners. We learned how to use Google Docs to create interactive forms and deliver lessons to our students that were interactive and engaging. We evaluated the use of games in learning and I for one actually changed my views a little on the use of games in the learning environment. Our text analysis the use of educational games calling them the best form of practice (Bloomberg, C. N. (2012), in the authors support of competency based education. We evaluated the use of on line educational resources for accuracy and content. Educational resources are critical to the use of technology in the classroom as these resources can be shared using the internet making the resources accessible to all educators around the country. We challenged the idea of virtual tours of museums and online resources available as

Mobile Academy

teaching tools. While I did not really enjoy the virtual tours, I was able to analyze yet another technology used in the classroom. Through this course, I have learned so much about the use of technology and how much I lack in skills and knowledge of technology in the classroom. While I did create an avatar for a journal assignment, I found using Google Docs was a challenge and one I want to overcome. I have started the process of incorporating more technology at my college using Google Docs. I have shared what I have learned and opened the discussion on campus asking where we can incorporate more technology in the classroom. I would like to continue learning about technology in the classroom and hope to begin the process by working my technology plan created above. I now understand our 21st century learners much better and how I need to meet their needs as an educator. We have failed in history to incorporate technology and I feel we can learn from those mistakes by supporting our educators with training in technology. Technology is a big part of our lives and today we cannot access devices, knowledge, and our basic needs without the use of technology. I hope by training todays educators we can continue to incorporate more technology in the classroom. Publishers of our textbook understand this growing need and have already begun the process by provided educators with online tools and resources supporting technology in education. I had the pleasure of visiting the ALEK facility last week in Irvine California and spent the day evaluating their on line math technology resources. In evaluating this technology and mathematic resource, I saw all the components of a wonderful on line tool for teaching math. The reporting tools for educators to evaluate the students learning were amazing. I hope to have more opportunities to assess these programs in hopes of incorporating more technology in the classroom.

Mobile Academy

Resource Bloomberg, C. N. (2012). Mobile academy: mLearning for higher education (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from the ebrary database. Fleming, N. (2012). Out-of-School Settings Create a Climate for New Skills. Education Week, 32(1), 12-13. Jensen, E. (2000). Brain-based learning (Rev. ed.). San Diego, CA: The Brain Store. Norris, C., & Soloway, E. (2011). Learning in the Age of Mobilism. District Administration, 47(8), 96. Pilgrim, J., Bledsoe, C., & Reily, S. (2012). New Technologies in the Classroom. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 78(4), 16-22.

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