Spelling Choice Board Tri 1

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5th Grade Spelling Choice Board

(Trimester 1)
Each week students are responsible for completing the following spelling tasks.
MONDAY: Write all words NEATLY 3x each & choose 5 words you dont know & write definitions for those words TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY: You choose (pick & highlight 1 activity to complete per day...activity must be
labeled at the top of the paper) THURSDAY: Have an adult give you a spelling pre-test, correct it, and study the words you missed for Fridays test! FRIDAY: Have spelling packet organized, stapled to this cover sheet, & ready to turn in as soon as you enter the classroom

Silly Sentences
Write 10 silly sentences for at least 10 spelling words. Underline the spelling words that you use in each sentence.
Example: Will rats infect the eggs?

Spelling Poems
Choose at least 5 of the words from list & create a Cinquain poem for each word. Underline spelling words.
Example: Train (1 word) Swiftly flies (2 words) Over the bridge (3 words) It roars; I gasp (4 words) Wow! (1 Word)

Spelling Pyramids
Make spelling pyramids. Your words will look similar to this:

Color Coded Spelling

Write your words in this color code: ae in red fj in blue ko in green pt in purple uz in orange

Caption Spelling
Cut out a picture from a newspaper or magazine and use at least 10 spelling words to write a story about the picture. Glue the picture to your story.

One Long Spelling Word

Write the entire list of spelling words end to end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for each different word.

Spelling Font
Type your list of words on the computer. Use a different font for each word.

Dictionary Spelling
Look up the part of speech of each spelling word. Label and group the words as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb

Spelling Letter
Write a letter to a friend or relative, in proper letter format, using at least 10 of the spelling words. Underline each word when you use it in the letter.

My Check-Off List

I checked and followed all the spelling directions above that I am I followed and completed each spelling choice activity. My spelling homework is neatly written and reflects my work

Mr. McLarens Box

responsible to do each day.

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________________________________________________________ Student First & Last Name #

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