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Agreed expectations:

1. I will work for 20 minutes per night 2. I will use the inquiry cycle to guide my home learning.

3. I organize myself and my learning space. 4. I will be focused and show commitment to the home learning task.

Name: ________________

W1 Mon & Tues

What is the question or issue I am inquiring into?

My Schema: What I think I already know about this question or issue.

How can I check to find out if what I know is true or correct?

(Who can I ask? Where can I go to check? Where can I look? What can I read? What sources will I use?)

What do I need to find out?

What other questions do I have?

My Sources:

Wed & Thurs Finding Out

* * * * * Information Data and statistics Different perspectives Real-life examples New questions

Title Author Date Published CD ROM/Video /TV Title Publisher/ Producer Website Title Author/ Publisher Date Published Web Address Go Somewhere Where: When: Experiment Observe Explore

Interview/ Survey Who: When: News/Magazine Title Author + Publisher Date Published


Wed & Thurs: Finding Out

Information More Data and statistics * * * * * Different perspectives Real-life examples New questions

Title Author Date Published CD ROM/Video /TV Title Publisher/ Producer Website Title Author/ Publisher Date Published Web Address Go Somewhere Where: When: Experiment Observe Explore

Interview/ Survey Who: When:

News/Magazine Title Author + Publisher Date Published


W2 Monday to Thursday
Different Ways to Communicate
Use the box to choose an appropriate presentation format. Post your home learning on your personal blog.
* List * Story * Poem * Song * Recipe * Advertisement * Riddle * Jingle * What other text types can you think of? * Drawing * Diagram * Painting * Comic Strip * Collage * Pattern * Graph * Chart * Map * Photograph * Timeline * Graphic Organiser * What other visuals can you think of?

Articles, music and video links online. Works of art (your own or someone elses)
photographs, weblinks, brochures, magazines, etc

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