S.N o Roll No Case Study Objectives of Academic Activity Topic Evaluation Detail

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(The format to be used for Planning the academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc. to be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course)


Important: To be read before filling up the Plan format. a. Planning for academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc to be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course should be prepared separately as per the format at the start of the session. b. Industry oriented academic activity should be encouraged. If the academic activity is organization based, please specify the organization with respect to the assignment. Absolute theoretical academic assignments, which involve only copying from the books, should be discouraged. Evaluation of the assignments should also be specified in the assignment plans itself. c. All the students should be given a different topic of assignment, in all cases either the topic of assignment should be different or the organization on which the assignment is based should be different. School of Business Name of the faculty member Course No. MGN 630 Course Title INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROEDURES AND DOCUMNETATON Class Semester Section Batch 2012-14 Max. Marks 30 Date of Allotment: 29-Aug-2013 Date of Submission: 07-Nov.-2013

S.N o 1

Roll no

Case Study Darjeeling Tea: Global Infringement and WTO

Objectives of Academic Activity


Evaluation Detail

RQ1E55A01 RQ1E55A02 RQ1E55A14

To test the case analysis skills of the students.

RQ1E55A15 RQ1E55A16 RQ1E55A17

Emerging Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in South Asia

Group of students(3-5 in each group) will be assigned one comprehensive case each. They will be required to analyze the case and submit the presentation to the instructor by the given date. The group presentations will be held in the tutorials

Total out of 30 marks (05 marks for submission, 15 marks for presentation, 10 for handling queries)

RQ1E55A18 RQ1E55A19 RQ1E55A20

Homologation of Motor Vehicles in International Markets

RQ1E55A21 RQ1E55A22 RQ1E55A23

APEDAS International Mango Promotion Campaign

RQ1E55A24 RQ1E55A25 RQ1E55A26

Drug Pricing in International Markets

Remarks by HOD (Mandatory)

Sig. of Faculty member

Sig. of HOD with date Remarks by HOS (Mandatory) Sig. of HOS with date

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