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Restaurant Management System


Customer Waiter Salesperson Employee Manager Sales Menu Reservation

Business Rules
Given: Point of Sale System 1. Menu It provides the salesperson ID and name who are assigned, customer ID, table number, quantity of every items buy by the customers, items description and its price and total price. 2. Table The table must be defined its availability. The table should be unoccupied.

Given: Inventory System 1. Waiter 3. Sales Includes the total sales of each salesperson by date. a. Date of duty b. Menu c. Salesperson ID Details about the waiter/waitress. Manage to receive the orders of the customers by tables.

2. Salesperson The one who receive the order from the waiter.

d. Customers should be regular customers.

4. Customer There are 2 types of customer: a. Regular customers are the walk-in customers who are buying meals to dine-in. b. Standby customers are the customers who are reserving menus.

Given: Reservation System 1. Customers Customers are classified if regular customer or a standby customer (the one who is reserving table and menus). Standby customers have detailed information thus regular customer may have a null details except the customers ID. 2. Reservation Has the customer ID, what date she/he wants to reserve, and what menu he/she wants to reserve. Approve or disapprove by the manager.

3. Employee The one who is managing the reservation of customers.

Given: Back Office Application (Information System) 1. Waiter/Waitress Detailed information about the waiter/waitress. Schedule of on duties and leave of absence.

2. Salesperson Detailed information about the salesperson. Schedule of on duties and leave of absence.

3. Customers (Standby) Detailed information about customers Schedule of approved reservation.

4. Employee Detailed information about the employee. The one who approve and disapprove the request reservation of the standby customers.

5. Manager Detailed information about the manager. Defines whose employee and staff he/she holding at a time.

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