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Drugstudy Mupirocin ointment GENERIC NAME Mupirocin ointment CLASSIFICATI ON Topical ointment INDICATION > Impetigo caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes > Infected dermatoses CONTRAINDICATION > Skin lesions infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa > Hypersensitivity to any of the drugs constituents ADVERSE EFFECTS > burning, stinging, erythema, dryness and itching > Allergic reaction (hives, swelling, rashes, etc) NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES > Instruct patient on the correct application of the drug > Advise patient to apply the medication exactly as directed for the full course of therapy > Avoid contact with eyes > Patient should consult health care professional if symptoms have not improved in 3-5 days

Calcium pantothenate (Moriamin Forte) GENERIC NAME Calcium pantothenate (Moriamin Forte) CLASSIFICATIO N Multivitamins and minerals INDICATION >Malnutrition, protein and vitamin deficiencies > Anemia > Restoration and maintenance of body resistance > Pregnancy and lactation CONTRAINDICATIO N > Malabsorption syndrome ADVERSE EFFECTS > Hypervitaminosi s NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES > Inform client that he/she may take the drug with food if GI upset occurs > Inform client that the drug may color the urine yellow and that this is normal

> Adjuvant in the therapy of peptic ulcer and TB

Paracetamol GENERIC NAME Paracetamol (500mg q 4 for T > 37.6C) CLASSIFICATIO N > Analgesic > Antipyretic CONTRAINDICATIO NS > Allergy to acetaminophen > Use cautiously in patients with impaired hepatic function, chronic alcoholism, pregnancy and lactation ADVERSE EFFECTS > Myocardial damage > Hepatic toxicity and failure >Acute renal failure, renal tubular necrosis NURSING RESPONSIBILITI ES > Teach client to not exceed recommended dose; do not take for more than 10 days unless directed by physician > Instruct client to avoid the use of other over-thecounter or prescription preparations containing acetaminophen as serious overdose may occur > Instruct client to report rash, unusual bleeding or bruising, yellowing of skin

INDICATIONS Temporary reduction of fever, temporary relief of minor aches or pains caused by common cold or influenza, headache, sore throat, toothache, backache, menstrual cramps, minor arthritis pain, and muscle aches

or eyes, changes in voiding patterns

Warfarin GENERIC NAME Warfarin CLASSIFICATIO N Anticoagulant CONTRAINDICATIO NS > Patients with coagulation disorders > Pregnancy and lactation ADVERSE EFFECTS > Bleeding complications ranging from local ecchymoses to major hemorrhage > Hepatotoxicity > Blood dyscrasias > Necrosis > Vasculitis > Local thrombosis NURSING RESPONSIBILITI ES > Assess hematocrit, platelet count, urine/stool culture for occult blood, AST, ALT, regardless of route administration > Assess peripheral pulses; skin for bruises, and petechiae > Instruct client to take the drug with food or after

INDICATIONS > Prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis, arterial fibrillation with embolism, pulmonary embolism, adjunct therapy in prophylaxis of systemic embolism after MI

meals if GI upset occurs > Instruct client to take the drug as it is prescribed > Instruct client to avoid drinking alcohol and salicylates > Inform client that urine may become redorange in color > Instruct client to notify physician if bleeding, bruising, redbrown urine, or black stools occur > Educate client on the use of electric razor and soft toothbrush to prevent bleeding Amlodipine GENERIC NAME Amlodipine CLASSIFICATIO N > Calcium channel blocker > Antihypertensive CONTRAINDICATIO NS > Hypersensitivity to the drug or its components > Impaired hepatic or ADVERSE EFFECTS > Dizziness, lightheadedness , headache, fatigue, lethargy NURSING RESPONSIBILITI ES > Monitor BP with postural changes. Report postural hypotension

INDICATIONS > Angina pectoris due to coronary artery spasm

> Antianginal

> Chronic stable angina, alone or in combination with other agents > Essential hypertension, alone or in combination with other antihypertensive

renal function > Heart-block > Lactation

> Peripheral edema > Flushing > Nausea

> Take after meals or with food if GI upset occurs > Instruct client to report significant swelling of face or extremities > Instruct client to have support when walking and standing due to possible dizziness > Instruct client to report shortness of breath, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, nausea, or constipation to physician

Insulin Isophane

GENERIC NAME Insulin Isophane


INDICATIONS Diabetes Mellitus

CONTRAINDICATIO NS > Hypersensitivity to pork and its products > History of smoking or lung disease

ADVERSE EFFECTS > Rash, anaphylaxis > Hypoglycemia > Angioedema

NURSING RESPONSIBILITI ES > Teach client how to administer insulin properly > Instruct client to rotate sites to prevent lypodystrophy > Educate client to follow insulin schedule and avoid missing doses > Instruct client to roll vial between hands and avoid vigorous shaking

Ampicillin + Sulbactam (Unasyn) GENERIC NAME Ampicillin + Sulbactam (Unasyn) CLASSIFICATIO N Antibiotic CONTRAINDICATIO NS > Hypersensitivity to penicillin > Infectious mononucleosis ADVERSE EFFECTS > Pain at Inj site, thrombophlebiti s, diarrhoea, itching, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, candidiasis, NURSING RESPONSIBILITI ES > Instruct pt. to immediately report signs and symptom ms of hypersensitivity reactio n, such as

INDICATIONS >Community or hospital acquired pneumonia > Endocarditis > Surgical prophylaxis

fatigue, malaise, headache, chest pain, glossitis, abdominal distention, dysuria, urinary retention, oedema, erythema, epistaxis, mucosal bleeding

rash, fever, or chills. Tell pt. to report signs and sympto ms of infectio n or other proble ms at injectio n site.

Atorvastatin Nursing Responsibiliti es

Name of Drug




Side Effects


Antihyperlipide mia

For patients at increased CV risk to the presence of HTN and dyslipidemia. Secondary prevention of the combined risk of death, non-fatal MI, cardiac arrest and re-hospitalization for angina pectoris.

Active liver disease (cholestasis, hepatic encephalopathy, hepa titis, and jaundice) Unexplained persistent elevation of serum transaminases exceeding 3 times the upper limit of normal Pregnancy Lactation Use cautiously with impaired endocrine function.

Flushing Fatigue Headache Edema Dizziness Abdominal Pain Nausea Palpitations Somnolence Insomnia GI disorders Liver failure Myalgia Asthenia

Take drug once a day, at about the same time each day, preferably in the evening; may be taken with food. Do not drink grapefruit juice while taking this drug. Institute appropriate dietary changes. Arrange to have periodic blood tests while taking this drug. You may experience these side effects: Nausea (eat frequent small meals); headache, muscle and joint aches and pains (may lessen over

time). Report muscle pain, weakness, tenderness; malaise; fever; changes in color of urine or stool; swelling.

Lactulose Name of Drug LACTULOS E Dosage: 30cc at hs hold if BM less than or equal to 2x OD Nursing Responsibilit ies Effects are seen in 24-48 hours Do not self medicate with another laxative because of slow onset Notify doctor if diarrhea persists for more than 24 hrs, could be a sign of overdose, and need for medication adjustment Diarrhea may indicate the dose is too




Side Effects

Antidiarrheal Osmotic laxative

Treatment of constipation or hepatic encephalopathy (confusion, altered LOC and coma as a result of liver failure)

Low galactose diet Intestinal obstruction

Abdominal discomfort associated with flatulence or cramps Prolonged use or large doses may result in diarrhea with excessive loss in water and electrolytes

high. Evaluate therapeutic response: decreased constipation or blood ammonia level. Assess amount, colour and consistency of stool.

Ipatropium + Salbutamol (Combivent) Name of Drug IPATROPIUM + SALBUTAMOL (COMBIVENT) Dosage: 1 neb q8 Classificati on Antiasthmat ic Bronchodila tor Indications Management of reversible bronchospasm associated with obstructive airway diseases in patients who require more than a single bronchodilator. COPD Contraindications Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy or tachyarrhythmia. History of sensitivity to soya lecithin or related food products (soybeans, peanuts, etc.) Side Effects Fine tremor of skeletal muscle Palpitations Headache Blurred vision Dizziness Nervousnes s Dryness of mouth Throat irritation Urinary Nursing Responsibilities Check the heart rate before and after the treatment. Special precautions to patients with: -insufficiently controlled diabetes mellitus, -recent MI, severe organic heart or vascular disorders -hyperthyroidism pheochromocytom a -risk of narrow angle glaucoma -prostatic hypertrophy or bladder-neck obstruction -cystic fibrosis


-pregnancy -lactation

Sucralfate Name of Drug Classificatio n Indications Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

SUCRALFATE Dosage: 1gm/tab TID

Antacids Antireflux agents Antiulcerants

Short-term treatment (up to 8 weeks) of active duodenal ulcer. While healing with sucralfate may occur during the first week or two, treatment should be continued for 4 to 8 weeks unless healing has been demonstrated by x-ray or endoscopic examination. Maintenance therapy for duodenal ulcer patients at reduced dosage after healing of acute ulcers

Hypersensitivty to drug/classification/co mponent. Dysphagia GI obstruction Caution in patients with renal failure, chronic

Signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat Constipatio n Diarrhea Nausea Diziness Dry mouth GI disturbance s Rash Pruritus

Monitor patient for constipation. Administer other medications 2 hours before sucralfate.

Headache Vertigo Back pain

Losartan Name of Drug LOSARTA N POTASSIU M Dosage: 50mg/tab in AM Mechanism of Action Angiotensin II receptor (type AT1) antagonist acts as a potent vasoconstrictor and primary vasoactive hormone of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system. Contraindicatio ns Hypersensitivity to Losartan, Pregnancy [category C (first trimester), category D (second and third trimesters)], Lactation Myalgia Back or leg pain Nasal congestion Cough Upper respiratory Nursing Responsibilitie s Monitor BP prior to a scheduled dose. Monitor drug effectiveness, especially when used as monotherapy. Inadequate response may be improved by splitting the daily dose into twice-daily dose. Lab tests: Monitor CBC, electrolytes, liver & kidney function with long-term therapy.



Side Effects

Cardiovascular agent; Angiotensin II receptor antagonist; Antihyperten sive

Hypertensi on

Dizziness Insomnia Headache Diarrhea Dyspepsia Muscle cramps

infection Sinusitis

NAC (Fluimucil) Name of Drug Classificat ion Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindicati ons Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

NAC (FLUIMICIL) Dosage: 600mg/tab 1 tab in half glass


Exerts mucolytic action through its free sulfhydryl group which opens up the disulfide bonds in the m ucoproteins thu s lowering muc ous viscosity. T he exact mechanism of action in acetaminophen toxicity is unknown. It is thought to act by providing substrate for conjugation with the toxic metabolite

Treatment of respiratory affections characterized by thick and viscous hypersecretions Acute bronchitis, chroni c bronchitis and its exacerbations Pulmonary emphysema, mucoviscidosis and bronchieactasis.

MAO inhibitor therapy within 14 days initiati ng therapy Severe hypertension Severe coronary artery disease Hypersensitivi ty to pseudoed ephrine,acrivas tine or any component Renal impairment

Bronchospa sm Angioedema Rashes Pruritus Nausea and vomiting Fever Syncope Sweating Arthralgia Blurred vision Disturbances of liver function

Due to the high doses required, the patient should be watched for an over dosage of this medication, signs may include nausea and vomiting. Also watch for increased blood pressure and hypoxia. Monitor effectiveness of therapy and advent of adverse/allergic effects. Instruct patient in appropriate use and adverse effects to report.

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