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LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 TASKS - WEEK 3 Daily routine interview script Task 1. Let's prepare for an interview.

Prepare an interview about your daily routine. Write the script of questions and answers and send it for evaluation. Evidence Folder Task 1. Let's prepare for an interview. Preprate para hablar sobre tu rutina. Prepara un dialogo con preguntas y respuestas y envalo para evaluacin. Daily routine audio Task 2. Let's get to know each other. Work with a partner and record an interview about your daily routine. You are to use the script of the previous task. Evidence Folder Task 2. Let's get to know each other. Trabaja con un compaero y graba la entrevista que preparaste en la actividad anterior. My classmate's daily routine Task 3. My classmate's daily routine. Based on the previous interview, post a summary of your partner's daily routine on the forum. Evidence Folder Task 3. My classmate's daily routine. Con base en la entrevista de la actividad anterior, prepara un pequeo resumen sobre tu compaero y publcalo en el foro. Blackboard Collaborate Task 4. Talk about your family's daily routines. Participate in the weekly virtual session describing your family's daily routines. Evidence Folder Task 4. Talk about your family's daily routine. Participa en la sesin virtual semanal describiendo la rutina de tu familia. Actividadopcional Optional Activity Task 5. Let's challenge our grammatical and lexical knowledge. Assess your grammatical and lexical knowledge by means of this evaluation. ActividadOpcional Task 5. Let's challenge our grammatical and lexical knowledge. Evala tu conocimiento gramatical y lexical tomando el siguiente examen.

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