Study Guide For CH 1 3 4 Exam

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Name ____________________________ Look through the notes in your notebook, labs, vocabulary terms and worksheets for examples

and answers to the following questions/concepts:

Explain Darwins five theories of evolution and provide evidence to support the theories.

Demonstrate how each of the following concepts contributes to Darwins evolutionary theory: index fossils, geographic distributions of closely related animals, homology, and animal classification.

Confirm the role of uniformitarianism, punctuated equilibrium and adaptive radiation in understanding evolutionary theory and give examples of each.

Clarify the differences and similarities between macroevolution and microevolution.

Validate the five levels of organization in organismal complexity and explain how each successive level is more complex than the

preceding one (protoplasmic, cellular, cell-tissue, tissue-organ and organ system).

Describe the distinguishing characteristics between the types of animal symmetry and provide examples of the major types of symmetry: radial, biradial and bilateral and give animal examples of each. How would you divide your body into frontal, sagittal and transverse planes?

Characterize the three major body plans including the acoelomate bilateria, pseudocoelomate bilateria and eucoelomate bilateria including cephalization and metamerism.

Differentiate between the two divisions of bilateral metazoans in the animal kingdom, the Protostomia and Deuterostomia.

Distinguish between the seven principal categories (ranks of taxa) in Carolus Linnaeuss system of classification, the three domains of Woese, Kandler and Wheelis and the five kingdoms of Whittaker.

Understand the difference between a cladogram and a phylogenetic tree.

Catalog the six major invertebrate phyla in Kingdom Animalia and list representative examples of each phyla.

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