Ag Sponges - 1st Animals

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Anticipation Guide for Chapter 6: SPONGES-PHYLUM PORIFERA

(pp. 110-121)

Before reading: In the space to the left of each statement, place a check mark () if you agree or think the statement is true. Place a 0 if the statement is false. ___1. Sponges belong to the phylum Porifera meaning skin bearing. ___2. Sponges are easy to distinguish from other invertebrates because of how they look. ___3. All sponges have organs, each of which serves a different function. ___4. Sponges have tiny legs that help them to move. ___5. Most sponges live in the sea and they have been on the Earth for at least a half a billion years. ___6. The asconoid canal sponges are the simplest type of sponges. ___7. Most sponges are of the syconoid canal type. ___8. Sponges reproduce sexually. ___9. Sponge species are identified by their skeleton of spicules. ___10. The most complex sponge consists of flagellated chambers and is called the leuconoid canal type. ___11. Sponges can regenerate damaged body parts. ___12. Glass sponges are found in freshwater environments. ___13. Sponges eat mollusks, brachiopods and corals. ___14. Some crabs use sponges as camouflage.

During or after reading: Add new check marks or cross through those about which you have changed your mind. Keep in mind that this is not like the traditional worksheet. You may have to put on your thinking caps and read between the lines. Use the space under each statement to note the page where you found

information to support your thinking. You should change the statements by crossing out the incorrect information and replacing it with correct information.

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