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Elena Sabol September 16, 2013 Dynamic Warm-Ups for Walking/Jogging 1.

Exercise Name: Jogging in Place Exercise Description: Stand in upright position Keep back and shoulders straight Begin jogging but remain in spot (feet should lift at least a half inch off ground) Bend elbows in a perpendicular position, keep close to side (i.e. runners stance) 2 minutes per 3-4 reps. Importance: Works on ankle motion, strengthening calve muscles and improving balance.

Photo: 2. Exercise Name: Windmills Exercise Description: Stand in an upright position Stretch arms out so they are parallel to the ground, Begin rotating arms in small circle Continue to increase in speed and circumference 10-15 sec, then switch direction. Repeat rotation 1-2 more times Importance: Works on flexing the shoulders range of motion so arms dont get stiff when running.


3. Exercise Name: Straight Leg Kicks Exercise Description: Start in upright position Stretch arms out so they are parallel to the ground Move foreword, alternate kicking left and right foot up, try to touch palm of hand Avoid slouching 4 times up and back width of room Importance: Improves hamstrings, hip flexion and core stability.

Photo: 4. Exercise Name: Butt Kicks Exercise Description: Start in upright position Jog forward, kicking legs back so foot brushes butt Maintain stance 4 Times back and forth width of room Importance: Works hamstrings and increases range of motion.

Photo: 5. Exercise Name: High Knees Exercise Description: Start in upright position Begin jogging, lifting knees higher

Hands should be able to tap top of knee 4 times back and forth width of room Importance: Improve running form and increase flexibility of leg muscles.

Photo: 6. Exercise Name: Inverted Hamstring Exercise Description: Start in upright position Start moving backwards while reaching hand down towards floor The leg opposite the hand touching the floor should lift up backwards Keep back and knee straight 4 times back and forth width of room Importance: Work on increasing power of hamstrings, glut as well as improving balance and core strength for running.

Photo: 7. Exercise Name: Inch Worm Exercise Description: Start in push up position Walk feet foreword towards hands, keeping both on ground Then walk hands out and repeat 2 times back and forth width of room Importance: Works hamstrings, shoulders and core flexibility.

Photo: 8. Exercise Name: High Skips Exercise Description: Start in upright position Begin skipping forewords, feet should lift at least 1-2 inches off ground Arms should maintain running stance 4 times back and forth width of room Importance: Improve cardiovascular fitness, allowing for a longer endurance when running.

Photo: 9. Exercise Name: Alternate Feet Glide Exercise Description: Start in upright position Turn perpendicular to former position Jog sideways, alternating left and right feet (like a waltz) Try to stay in a straight line 4 times back and forth width of room (rotate leading foot) Importance: Works on stretching ankles and calves as well as helping with balance.

Photo: 10. Exercise Name: Jumping Jacks Exercise Description: Start in upright position Jump in place, spreading arms and legs out (like making a snowman) 40-50 times Importance: Works entire body while elevating heart rate in preparation for jog


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