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For IMAGES of paintings, sculptures, photographs, or other graphic media If all elements for the bibliographical citation aren't

available, cite what is.

GENERAL TEMPLATE FOR IMAGES IN PRINT: Author's or Artist's Last name, First name initial only. (Year [if available, otherwise n.d.]). Description or title of image [Image format]. In First name initial, Last name of author or editor, Book title (page range). Edition rather than first. Publishing place: Publisher, publishing year. Examples for an image from a book: Matisse, H. (1905). The green stripe [Oil painting]. In C. Strickland & J. Boswell, The annotated Mona Lisa: A crash course in art history from prehistoric to post-modern (p.134). Kansas City: Andrews and McMeel, 1992. Civilian population-Employment Status: 1970 to 2007. [Table]. In U.S. Department of Commerce, Statistical abstract of the United States: 2009 (p.3690. 128th ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008. Example for an image from a magazine: Yoder, D. (n.d.). Roman colosseum [Photograph]. In T. Mueller, Unearthing the colosseum's secrets. Smithsonian, 41 (9), 26-27. ___________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL TEMPLATE FOR DIGITAL IMAGES: Author's or originator's Last name, First name initial. (Year of creation [if available, otherwise n.d.]). Description or title of image [Image format]. Retrieved Month date, Year from URL. NOTE: If no author available, use the first few words of the image title. If no year available, write n.d. for no date. Example for a digital image: Turner, J.O. (1947). Portrait of Einstein. [Photograph]. Retrieved May 26, 2011 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

General template for an image from a library database: Artist's Last Name, Artist's First Name Initial. (Year). Title of work [Image format]. Retrieved from Database Name. Example for an image from a library database: Lindberg, Charles A. [Photograph] (n.d.). Retrieved from Britannica Concise Encyclopedia in Credo Reference. Chart, map or table from Internet: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Statistics Division. (2011). Organization chart [Chart]. Retrieved May 19, 2011 from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/osd.htm Central Intelligence Agency. (2011). Antarctic [Map]. Retrieved from The World Factbook website: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-worldfactbook/maps/refmap_antarctic.html

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