Response Paper Rubric

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Response Paper Rubric

Excellent (3) Good (2) Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated, described, and clarified so that understanding is not seriously impeded by omissions. Fair (1)

Name :

Poor (0)


Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and described comprehensively, delivering relevant information necessary for understanding.

Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated but description leaves some terms undefined, ambiguities unexplored, and/or backgrounds unknown.

Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated without clarification or description.


Applies at least one key concept from class resources and two new sources. Specific position is imaginative, taking into account the complexities of an issue. Others' points of view are synthesized within position.

Applies at least one key concept from class resources and one new source. Specific position takes into account the complexities of an issue. Others' points of view are acknowledged within position. Clear writing with maximum of one grammar or spelling error. Sources are referenced 1 from class and 1 from personal research.

Implies key concepts, but doesn't make clear link to class or new sources resources.

Does not apply class concepts or new sources.


Specific position acknowledges different sides of an issue.

Specific position is stated, but is simplistic and obvious.

Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, and Sentence Structure

Clear writing with no grammar or spelling errors.

Maximum of two grammar or spelling errors. Mechanics get in the way of clarity. Only source from class is referenced.

More than two spelling or grammar errors. Difficult to read. No references to sources made.


Sources are clearly referenced: 1 from class and 2 from personal research.

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