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Colgio Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Nome: _____________________________________________ 3 srie do Ens. Mdio 4 Bimestre Disciplina: Ingls Professora: Juliana Campo Grande, _______de ______________________de 2006.

Nota __________

:: Complete com as preposies [to, on, in, at, for, by, with, of] 1 Peter doesn't go ___ work ___ Fridays. 2 They arrived ___ Paris exactly ___ eight o'clock. 3 Aunt Lucy is coming to see us ___ 10 ___ Tuesday morning. 4 We're going to meet ___ our friends ___ the pub. 5 I'll wait ___ you ___ the bus stop. 6 What are you looking ___ ? - I just can't find my pen ___ my pocket. 7 Grandfather is leaving ___ London ___ tomorrow morning. 8 Dora bought her new dress ___ twenty pounds ___ the department store. 9 Im going _____ the cinema. 10 Can you see a yellow house ___ the left? The bank is ___ it. 11 Go straight down this road and take the third street ___ the right. 12 I live ___ New York, but I was born ___ Tucson, Arisona. 13 When she came into the room, she put her bag ___ table. 14 My brother went ___ the seaside ___ car. 15 My brother went ___ Newcastle ___ his car. 16 There isn't a bus ___ the village - we've got to go ___ foot. 17 Cut the cheese into three pieces ___ a knife. 18 A lot ___ planes fly over the ocean these days. 19 Get ___ the bus ___ the church and get off at the fourth stop.

20 The boss has been waiting ___ you ___ a long time. 21 Im talking _______ you. 22 The inspector was talking ___ a young man ___ the counter. 23 An old lady ___ a large hat has just gone through the door. 24 A young man ___ a brown jacket has entered the house. 25 The woman ___ the dog was walking down High Street. 26 The teacher was sitting ___ his desk in front of the class. 27 Im _____ home. 28 Mother made a chocolate cake ___ Tommy's birthday. 29 Im going out _____ my friends. 30 Please give this letter ___ Mr Whiskers. 31 The postman came ___ good news ___ Uncle George. 32 When will you send the letter ___ the railway company? 33 Nobody ___ the family has heard about the accident. 34 The bus was standing ___ the bridge ___ its doors open. 35 Lots ___ people travel ___ air nowadays. 36 All the children were sitting ___ the large kitchen table. 37 I like travelling ___ boat ___ summer. 38 The bird flew ___ a high tree and started to circle around it. 39 Don't speak ___ the director ___ your hands ___ your pockets. 40 Mr Jenkins will phone ___ you again ___ the afternoon.

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