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Antara berikut yang manakah menunjukkan pengelasan haowan yang betul berdasarkan cara pembiakan? Which of the following shows the correct grouping of animals based on their reproduction?

Bertelur Lays eggs Ikan paus Whale Tupai Squirrel Ikan Fish Ayam Chicken

Melahirkan anak Giving birth Lembu Cow Harimau Tiger Kucing Cat Burung hantu Owl


Rajah di di bawah menunjukkan peringat kitaran hidup seekor katak. Figure below shows the stages in the life cycle of a frog.

Y Urutan yang manakah betul Which is the correct sequence? A B C D X, Y, Z, V, W X, V, Y, Z, W X, Y, W, Z, V X, W, V, Y, Z


Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kitaran hidup seekor rama-rama. Figure below shows the life cycle of a butterfly.

Semasa melalui peringkat kitaran hidup, rama-rama mengalami perubahan....... During the different stages of the life cycle, the butterfly undergoes changes in.......... A saiz size B bentuk form

warna colour

panjang length


Antara berikut, anak haiwan yang manakah menyerupai induknya? Which of the following young animals look like their parents. I Anak ayam Chick II Anak kucing Kitten III Berudu Tadpole IV Ulat beluncas Catepillar

I dan II sahaja I and II only

II dan III sahaja II and III only

I, III dan IV sahaja I, III and IV only

II, III dan IV sahaja II, III and IV only


Rajah di bawah menunjukkan tiga haiwan.

Figure below shows three animals.

Haiwan-haiwan itu serupa dari segi....... The animals are similar in........ A cara pergerakan the way they move B cara pernafasan the way they breathe C cara pembiakan The way they reproduce D jenis makanan yang dimakan Type of food they eat


Ular Snakes II- Kucing Cats III- Burung Birds IV- Katak Frogs 6. Antara haiwan di atas, yang membiak dengan cara bertelur?
Which of the abobe animals reproduce by laying eggs? A B C I dan III sahaja I and III only I dan IV sahaja I and IV only II dan IV sahaja

II and IV only I, III dan IV sahaja I, III and IV only

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