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Date: September 2,2Ot2

Time allowed:3 hours

lnstructions to Candidates

Before answering the question paper, please read the instructions given below:


Answer four questions only. Each question will carry 25 marks. Answer at least one question from Section 1.
Answer for each question MUST be written on a separate answer book as each will be marked by a different examiner.

2. 3.

Write the lndex Number and relevant Question Number on top of each answer book.


(1) Clause 5 of the IESL Code of Ethics states that "Engineers shall apply their skills and knowledge in the interest of their employer or client for whom they shall act, in professional matters, as faithful agents or trustees, so far as they do not conflict with the other requirements listed here and the general public interest". This requirement is to ensure that engineers shall act in the best interest of their employer or client as long as it does not conflict with the public interest.
Out of the eight ways in which Clause 5 is to be observed, describe four, and provide an example in each case to demonstrate how the Code of Ethics may be violated and what steps must be taken to avoid such violations.

(21 Recognition as a Chartered Engineer is open to any engineer who can demonstrate competence to perform professional work to the necessary standards. Engineers become competent through a mixture of education and professional development.
List the five Core Competences expected of a Chartered Engineer and describe which aspects of an Engineer's development are covered by these Competences.

Section ll

(3) Prepare a proposal to the Board of Directors/Management to implement a sustainable strategy to improve the efficiency of resource use of your organization.

(4) Discuss the role that the engineer can play in "changing life styles" of the Sri Lankan
society in marching towards a green economy.

(5) Discuss the risk involved in contracting with respect to both the Employer and the Contractor, and methods available for minimising/mitigating the risk through Conditions
of Contract.

(6) Discuss the possible reasons for cost overruns in major Civil Engineering contracts and propose measures to minimise/avoid cost overruns, with special emphasis on minimising disputes on valuation of variations and additional work with reference to any
standard Conditions of Contract.

(7) Engineers are trained to innovate, but unfortunately, many have not learned the skills necessary to influence others and to develop ideas that increase profits. Many managers are trained to do this, but they cannot get into the minds of every engineer to harvest all of their ideas.
Engineers, then, need to know how to articulate their thoughts so that others will be inspired to build on them. They need to learn how to drive projects and ideas to create innovations that customers will value. "While not every engineer will be the next

Thomas Edison, every engineer can aspire to accomplish great things that customers will value." Engineers who do not have these goals need to ask
themselves, "why not"?

Formulate and discuss at least five reasons professionals need leadership skills.

to describe why

engineers and technical

(8) Sri Lanka is endowed

with rich and sustainable water resources emanating from the central highlands. The national average rainfall is about 1,900 mm, almost two and a half times the world annual mean of 750 mm. We are water rich I

The national tragedy is that we have already created the administrative structure to implement the National Water Policy, but there is no political will as yet to make them functional. The discussion on the National Water Resources Policy must be open ended, but the framework document should be used as the baseline for public

Prepare a draft policy framework on National Water Policy with special reference to ground water. Your answer should contain introduction to national water resources, background facts regarding the water resources and their use in Sri Lanka to be taken into account, and a vision, the need, scope and objectives.

(s) "Sri Lanka's future prosperity depends exclusively on services sector." Critically discuss this statement.

the development of a vibrant

(10)Using a hypothetical example or drawing from your professional experience, discuss the factors a manufacturing or service organisation should examine before adopting a new technology or a technique.

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