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Jaguar Language Yagix Takali The purpose of the Jaguar Language is to create a basic language, explaining basic human

and natural concepts, and attempt to interconnect them. Dasani in Takali Yagix i krat bassa takaLi, ilum bassa lumix in homix e li, e tar livac shu. I will do my best to instruct you in this art. Ix coi act kix meta ilum sha in ata ali. Ix i sha, omi u liva. I am creating a new language :D Ix i krat navi Ix Sha Shi Shu ShuaShuoOmi Kix Ksha Kshi Kshu Kshua Kshuo Her Him All Mine/my Yours Ours Theirs Hers His Me/I/self You We/us They /them mesh sha she shoo shoo-ah shoo-oh oh-mee keesh ksha kshee kshee kshoo-ah kshoo-oh

Komi Ata Ato Ati Atu

Everyone's/no-ones This That These Those

kom ah-tah ah-toh ah-tee ah-too

Bassa Meta Lata

Base, simple, beginning More, best, better, bigger Less, smaller, not so much

baza meh-tah lah-tah

Ali Dasani Homix Li Liix Lumix Sati SanaLiva Livaci

Time -

Art Purpose/reason/destiny Human/Person Life/Nature Chi/Energy/Mana Idea/concept/thought Death sah'n Love Relationship/friendship/ interconnection Feminine partner in a relationship.

ah-lee dah-sah-nee ho-mee lee leesh Loo-meesh sat






Masculine partner in a relationship. Spirit

lee-vac-oh meh-fee-ree


Act Dess

To do To desire/Want/Need dez


Ilum I U Coi(u) Idiri(u)

To explain, describe, reveal To be, being, is, am, are They are being Was/were Will be

ee-loo-mee ee oo co-ee ee-dee-ree

Kan Krat KrataLi LivacTak Tar

To learn To create Creation To connect/relate

kana krat kra-tah-lee lee-vac tak tar

To Speak/Talk/Communicate To try/attempt

KanaKanaLi Krata TakaLi -

Knowledge The art of learning Creation Language

ka-na ka-na-lee kra-tah ta-ka-lee

E O In Co Diri

And Or Of From/part of Towards

eh oh een comma dee-re

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