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Overview of Library Lessons Kindergarten Term 4 2013

Outcomes By the end of the term, students should be able to: 15. know the difference between fiction and Non Fiction resources 16. recognise the 3 sections of the library (Junior Fiction, Fiction, Non Fiction) Concepts The above outcomes will be achieved through activities focusing on the following concepts and linking with the classroom topic Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 Wk 10 Wk 11 Book Parts Assessment & Shelving Revision (Outcomes3,5,6,7,11) Fiction Books - J and F (Outcomes 15&16) Non Fiction Books NF (Outcomes 15&16) Fiction Vs Non Fiction Assessment (Outcomes 15) J, F & NF sections Revision Christmas Activity Christmas Craft Stocktake Copa Idol End of Year Activities

Assessment Student assessment is continual through the term and is based on observations, workbooks and portfolio based tasks.

Term 4, 2013 Plan Kindergarten

Wk Lesson 1 Book Parts Assessment and Shelving Revision (Outcomes 3,5,6,7,11) Procedure Read book Revise with students: The 6 parts of a book & information on the front cover Identify the connection between the author and spine label. The use of shelf markers Complete assessment sheet on book parts and make note of students ability Read book Discuss with students What fiction means What sort of books fiction books are (stories, made up, drawings) Introduce the two fiction sections of the library Revise the link between the Author and the spine label Complete worksheet Work with any students needing assistance with book parts based on last weeks assessment Read book Discuss with students What non fiction means What a non fiction book is (information, true, photos) Introduce the non fiction section of the library Revise the link between the author and the spine label Complete worksheet Resources Assessment sheet Shelf marker

Fiction Books (J & F) (Outcomes 15 & 16)

Booklets Shelf marker

3 Non Fiction books (NF) (Outcomes 15 & 16)

Shelf markers Booklets

Term 4, 2013 Plan Kindergarten

Wk Lesson 4 Fiction Vs Non Fiction Assessment (Outcomes 15) Procedure Read book Revise: the previous books that have been read this term what a fiction book is (story, drawings) what a non fiction book is (information, photos) Complete worksheet together Read book Revise the 3 sections of the library Identify the location of each section Identify the differences between each section Complete worksheet Revision and catch up If all complete, Christmas Activity Read Morris the Reinbear Wild, M Revise any work Complete Christmas activity Read Morris the Reinbear Wild, M Revise any work Complete Christmas activity Casual teacher to take class Supervise students Rotation of activities, computers, Christmas colouring and Christmas video. Library clean up, Resources Shelf markers Booklets

J, F & NF (Outcome 16)

Shelf markers Booklets NF and F books

6 7

Revision LAST BORROWING Christmas Activities

Christmas craft activity sheet Christmas craft activity sheet

Christmas Activities

9 10 11

Stocktake Copa Idol End of Year Activities

Name: ____________________ Class: _______

Revision Do you remember the parts of a book? 1) Draw flowers on the front cover 2) Trace over the pages 3) Colour the spine red 4) Colour the back cover yellow 5) Colour the barcode orange 6) Colour the spine label blue 7) Colour the title purple

Fiction books are made up stories. The stories can make us laugh, they can make us scared, or they can even make us cry. We meet lots of new and exciting characters and we go on amazing journeys! We read them for fun. Using your shelf marker, find a Junior Fiction book and draw its front cover. You can write the title too.


Fill in the gaps with the words in the star.

made up

Fiction books are _______________________ stories. Non Fiction books tell us _______________________ information.

Tell me what the sentences are by circling the letters. (F = Fiction and NF = Non Fiction)

Apples grow on trees.


Somebodys been eating my porridge! said Mummy Bear.


The very hungry caterpillar ate 1 apple.


Exercising will help keep you healthy.


Spot ate the birthday cake is mum had made.


Only eat a little bit of chocolate and lollies.



Non Fiction books tell us true information. We read them so we can learn lots of new things about people, places and things in our world. Its great to learn new things by reading a Non Fiction book. Using your shelf marker, find a Non Fiction book and draw its front cover. You can write the title too.

Complete the sentences by drawing a line to the 2 correct ends of each section of the library.
have lots of pictures. Junior Fiction books do not have many words. have true information.

Junior Fiction books are ___________________ for me to read.

have lots of words. Fiction books have lots of pictures. have very few pictures.

Fiction books are ___________________ for me to read.

have true information. Non Fiction books have photos to show true things. are made up stories.

Non Fiction books tell me about ___________________ information.


NAME _____________________
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trace the pages. Colour the spine yellow. Draw a pattern on the back cover. You are the author on the spine label. Colour the barcode blue. Draw a picture on the front cover.

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